Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [adv] on " in BNC.

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1 The major loss was through transfer out as fifteen people were relocated or moved abroad on promotion or on changing to a new firm .
2 Each house has a sophisticated meter attached to its TV set , which records exactly what is being played ( or played back on video ) .
3 Tears jumped into Evelyn 's eyes and she started to hurry in the direction of the girls ' barracks , ignoring the missiles which caught her on the back and arms or dropped uselessly on either side .
4 He was not to be summoned at short notice or dropped in on , but was to be treated as one would a man whose time was as valuable as one 's own .
5 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
6 Sub-contracting works fine most of the time but if you want something done urgently and the typesetter is broken or tied up on a job for its owner then guess who 's work is going to have to wait .
7 Bulkier things like sofas can be delivered or whisked away on a rented roof-rack .
8 Usually dancers are leered at or looked down on whenever they mention their job , so why are Tiller Girls different ?
9 They continued to feed , or stared out on the Zoo not looking in the direction of Minch at all ; while Creggan was so busy staring at Minch in delight and pleasure that he did not notice behind him , in the next-door cage , Slorne stare for the moment at Minch and then swing round and silently resume her vigil at the back top of her cage , looking at the trees and sky .
10 A body did n't change if it had been blasted with an automatic weapon in a robbery on Lenox Square or gunned down on a sidewalk in Athens .
11 Individual difficulties would be singled out for special treatment : ‘ When a passage went wrong during practice , she did n't mentally beat herself with a stick and get angry , merely went over it again , maybe more slowly or homed in on the particular difficulty that had tripped her up and worked on that . ’
12 Becoming a member and shareholder on an issue by a private company ( or a closely-held public company whose shares are not listed or dealt in on the U.S.M. ) is subject to the same legal requirements of agreement plus entry on the register but in practice both will be achieved with less formality and , in the case of private companies , without the issue of allotment letters .
13 SI 1992 No 274 provides a complementary exemption , permitting companies which have ‘ relevant securities ’ traded or dealt in on the markets indicated above to issue investment advertisements provided that , in broad terms , they do not overtly advertise the company 's securities as investments or seek to advertise any other investments or investment services .
14 The skewness has a positive or negative value when more fine or more coarse materials are present than in a normal distribution , seen as tails to the right or left respectively on frequency distribution plots .
15 The court may order the whole or part of any pleading to be amended or struck out on the ground that ( a ) it discloses no reasonable cause of action or defence , or ( b ) it is scandalous , frivolous or vexatious , or ( c ) it may prejudice , embarrass or delay the fair trial , or ( d ) it is otherwise an abuse of the process of the court .
16 Young lovers strolled quietly beneath the trees , or sat together on the few wooden benches , daring to snatch the odd , discreet kiss or embrace .
17 Ian says we both ought to leave and either take up work as a married couple in another practice with a view of eventual partnership or set up on our own somewhere , a good long way from here , of course .
18 All goods supplied by the Seller shall be in accordance with ( i ) the current edition of the relevant Product Description Leaflet as published from time to time by the Seller ( copies of which are available from the Seller upon request ) and ( ii ) those further specifications or descriptions ( if any ) expressly listed or set out on the face of the Order .
19 This is good news for the banks that lent hugely on property as prices soared in the late 1980s , only to see their profits diminished by massive reserves and write-offs as prices then plunged .
20 The leaden feeling that weighed heavily on me as Jean-Claude rode into Paris did not lift when we fetched up at the house in the rue Victorie .
21 I did n't discover the first snail or the first nettle that sprouted up on this planet .
22 He also knew the face — the firm jaw , the wide mouth that sagged slightly on one side as though supporting an invisible cigarette , the pert nose , the dark blue eyes : the constituent parts of beauty .
23 But in 1838 it was Malthus 's theodicy of ancient empires , not his political economy of the modern state that bore decisively on Darwin 's biogeography and ecology ( Bowler , 1976 ) .
24 But Rohmer had to know the answer to the questions that had fascinated and intrigued him for so long ; the questions that bore down on him with ever-increasing force during the drug-induced hallucinatory periods that were now so frequent in his life .
25 I can indeed mean the thought that occurred there , rather than mean the thought that occurred nowhere on an occasion when my location was Venice .
26 Primarily it was designed to be an animal fountain for the herds of beasts that sauntered around on market day .
27 A light voice that dropped rhythmically on the syllables .
28 Erm members may also remember that er for the schemes that came forward on Franklyns were a result of a er , an advertisement being placed three of the schemes put forward erm , were for sale of equity share , one was put forward which came er , to the last meeting in this committee which was a rented scheme erm , but was for people for members took a view the erm the Environment Trust scheme er would prove a better option er , in Harlow .
29 learning , I I 'm quite sure which course that came up on , yes .
30 I mean his little friend that came around on Sunday , Mat
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