Example sentences of "[conj] [vb past] [prep] it " in BNC.

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1 Or asked for it .
2 Cos nobody 's been sent any notices for it or notified about it .
3 mind you it might be a hard thing to give away or sold in it ?
4 His solid , highly watchable production , like Mr Hoffman 's performance , leaves one thinking about this endlessly debated play without for a second being challenged or moved by it .
5 Are you taking that line because you 're in favour or opposed to it ?
6 But that is only a reason for saying that the value is not really there in the world if we presuppose a scientistic view of reality for which it is of itself necessarily ‘ motivationally inert ’ and cognizable in a manner which has nothing essentially to do with being attracted or repelled by it .
7 Similarly the value of something is intrinsically bound up with the way in which someone who recognizes it is drawn to it , or repelled by it if the value is negative , but is not merely a disposition to attract or repel , for we can not be thus attracted or repelled except by recognizing ( or at least seeming to recognize ) a value
8 Or remarked on it in your presence ? ’
9 So , it worked ideal , and that 's when I first found this place or heard about it well I heard .
10 Sometimes Gabriel 's ghost was so physical , so vivid , that Lee would almost cry out to Larry to warn him as he moved through it between the kitchen and the living-room or walked over it as Gabriel lay on the carpet in front of the television .
11 Being aware of the nature of addictive disease and cross-addiction and its consequences and not frightened or shocked by it .
12 Or conceived of it anyway . ’
13 Or went to it during construction .
14 I think I must have watched it or listened to it or something like that .
15 They never came and bawled him or nattered for it .
16 This is a subject to which I shall return , but for the moment I prefer to confine myself to the typical picture and to show where my own circumstances coincided with it or diverged from it .
17 He surprised the nation with the announcement , made in a radio and television broadcast on Saturday night , that his government has refused registration to any of the 13 political associations that applied for it .
18 As he followed the path that led towards it between bare-branched shrubs and sturdy evergreens , he fancied for a moment that he would come upon Morpurgo and find him a replica of himself , some doppelgänger of Dysart 's devising planted here in England whilst he had been banished to Rhodes .
19 The office that led off it was larger , with two desks positioned so that they faced each other .
20 Muted sounds , and , once , a cry of pain , came from behind the closed doors that led off it on either side .
21 As he left the house Huy glanced around the square , and along the streets that led from it ; but there was no movement at any of the few windows which looked on to the street , and the handful of people about were all familiar to him .
22 It also offered concealment and protection for any creature that lived within it .
23 It was this Hope that interfered with it all .
24 Well they used to cut a bit of that H-bone on with the topside , that weighed with it .
25 And inwardly in his mind and in his thoughts , he will survey all the present creation and the worlds that have passed or are still standing ; the years of the world with all the happenings that occurred in it , and the men with their wealth and their power ; the revelations of the [ spiritual ] benefits which were bestowed on the Fathers , and the retributory judgements that took place generation after generation [ or ‘ birth after birth' ] , together with all the various vicissitudes which the affairs of the creation undergo .
26 Bair provides informative accounts of de Beauvoir 's war-time activities , of the existentialist ‘ circle ’ and the shifts that occurred within it , as well as a fill discussion of de Beauvoir 's involvement with the women 's movement in her later life .
27 Alexandra stood between them and looked down the lane , sunk between high fields , and saw the church tower rising among leafless trees and the blue slate roofs that clustered round it .
28 After the Marchioness river boat sank in the Thames in 1989 it was revealed that the ship that crashed into it — the Bowbelle — had been involved in three previous river accidents .
29 It is necessary the body should move that way whither the greater force carries it which is the consent of the majority or else it is impossible it should act or continue one body , one community which the consent of every individual that united into it agreed that it should and so everyone is bound by that consent to be concluded by the majority .
30 The Goblin King , Grom the Paunch of Misty Mountain , infamous old Goblin Warlord and Lord of the Crags , was suddenly and unexpectedly struck by what could have been a big rock were it not for the sploshy red stuff that exploded from it , showering the goblin horde .
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