Example sentences of "[conj] [det] [noun] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 No one looked anywhere but at them , not at the advertisements or each other or the tube map , but at the man and the bear .
2 The absence of exact replication with most brooch types strongly suggests that each , or each pair or trio , was manufactured as required , thereby introducing a high degree of innovation .
3 When goods are carried in different vehicles or are of a different kind or are divided into different lots , the sender of the carrier is entitled to require a separate consignment note for each vehicle or each kind or lot of goods .
4 Unlike Persia or Anatolia , where each region or village is associated with a specific method of weaving and repertoire of designs , rug-making in China was never based around exclusive localized styles ; and although antique rugs may be classified as " Paotao " or " Ning-Hsia " , for example , this is usually a definition of their quality and style , rather than a statement of where they were made .
5 We are familiar with this in words like gnome , or Wednesday ; but we are n't always conscious that Saint Paul 's in normal speech sounds like Sn Paulz or that bread and butter sounds like bread n butta .
6 in a trot but er I might just have this and none of them would win , I 've only , I would only praise them guessed up or that way or
7 because the editor picks it up and say ‘ I can use that because I can see an angle , I could use it in this way or that way or ,
8 While it may be true to say that the one predominates in Christianity and the other in such Eastern religions as Buddhism and Hinduism , it would be a mistake to assume that Christianity is devoid of the principle of identity or that Buddhism and Hinduism are devoid of the principle of participation .
9 The pressure of this or that requirement or directive , together with the environment in which one happens to be , for example working under an agnostic headteacher , or a staunch Christian one , or with an enthusiastic multi-faith team , etc. , governs what happens .
10 A day 's golf with the president of this company or that company when the fellow who makes up the four and plays with the president of the corporation just happens to be last year 's Masters Champion .
11 Therefore , it is urgent that the Minister 's Department and the Government honour what they agreed , or that money and many other benefits will be lost to the United Kingdom .
12 Well , our usages do strongly suggest that this or that thought or feeling completed a set of thoughts and feelings , and the decision or choice resulted .
13 Some stand quite close to him but are unhappy about this or that emphasis or point of detail , or about tendencies which they see running through his work ; others differ from him so radically on the nature and basis of theology itself that they in effect reject his approach wholesale .
14 I think , for instance , that it is vain and quite pointless to try to enumerate all the elements that come together in our preference for this or that artist or poet .
15 There will then be all sorts of rumours buzzing through servants ' halls up and down the country to the effect that he has been approached by this or that personage or that several of the highest houses are competing for his services with wildly high wages .
16 On Sydney suburban grounds we looked at teams clash , Wests and Souths , St George and Balmain , Norths and Detective Sergeant Bumper Farrell 's Newtown Bluebags , and decided that this or that lock or halfback would cut a swathe on heavy northern grounds in England .
17 In the application of next to calendrical names of days , an ambiguity arises : next Thursday can refer either to the Thursday of the week that succeeds the week that includes CT , or that Thursday that first follows CT .
18 In such a place , staff would be appointed not to this or that department or faculty , but simply to the institution .
19 In the letter quoted above Wordsworth reiterated that he never said that God is Nature , or that Nature and God are the same ; what he ( and Hopkins ) stressed was ‘ the indwelling spirit ’ .
20 Third parties have no legal basis for a claim that a treaty merely affects them in some way , or that non-performance or reduced performance has frustrated their own expectations ; nor can they interfere with the rights of other States to enter into such treaties .
21 Private MPs rise and ask for time for this or that motion or debate which they particularly want , but normally the only concessions the Leader of the House will make is through ‘ the usual channels ’ , that is in private discussions with the opposition Chief Whip .
22 They know that it is not as important as good health , a contented mind , or that gift that the poet Ruth Pitter said was the one she would choose , above all others , to bestow upon a child at birth — ‘ love in old age ’ .
23 Is it any wonder that crime , homelessness and deprivation rises , or that health and education standards fall ?
24 Between 1725 and 1762 , scores of once-powerful imperial favourites , courtiers , viziers , royal lovers , politicians , patricians and plotters fell foul of this or that faction or clique in St Petersburg and found themselves temporarily or permanently imprisoned or exiled beyond the Urals , still alive but incapable of joining in the political intrigues of the capital .
25 Or that moment that all warriors know , the hush that seems to silence the wind itself , as the day of battle dawns .
26 I do n't mind the sort of the use of language that gives this or that impression if that 's what contemporary politics demands , I 'm as guilty of that as er the next man .
27 It 's like a recipe — you leave out this or that ingredient and it kind of tastes the same , but not exactly .
28 Metallurgists knew that this or that ingredient or heat treatment would strengthen or weaken an alloy but this knowledge was empirical and the effects were not susceptible to an obvious rational explanation .
29 In places , the shadows seemed oppressively dark , sinister hiding-places where some demon or evil sprite might lurk .
30 It may also give a misleading impression : for example , the work of German Expressionist painters under the banner of the name Die Brücke , Kirchner , Nolde and Pechstein was affected by their practice as print-makers , where some motifs and treatment originated .
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