Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] with the " in BNC.

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1 Soviet influence , moreover , was overwhelmingly concentrated among the poorest and least important countries in terms of population and GNP , whose support was often more of a liability than an asset ; the world 's major military and industrial powers , by contrast , were all allied or aligned with the United States .
2 This is to be distinguished from bribing , where the treat is offered up-front or mixed with the meal as a lure to entice the dog to eat .
3 Where this occurred , the user was immediately , depending on his point of view , either forced into or presented with the opportunity of detoxing .
4 And he that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you , every male throughout your generations , he that is born in thy house , or bought with the money of any foreigner , that is not of thy seed …
5 The sinking heart experienced by today 's independent traveller at the sight of a coach disgorging tourists to teeter round the ancient temples of Egypt on white high heels , or garlanded with the entire contents of a photographic shop , ready to snap everything in sight , is not new .
6 While the Doctor stalked about the room , or fiddled with the door , or argued with the guards , the three others had sat on the floor and exchanged their stories .
7 Kristin is blessed or cursed with the voice of a body congested with tears , tom inside .
8 Multiple regression analysis showed no increase in the correlation when the villous height/crypt depth ratio and intraepithelial lymphocyte count together where compared with the cellobiose/ mannitol % ( multiple r=0.50 ) .
9 On the other hand there is the danger of negative attitudes developing about the segregated units after initial enthusiasm , or if they are not properly planned or provided with the resources to provide a truly specialist service .
10 Remember not to freeze fillings containing hard-boiled eggs , mayonnaise , fruits or salads which can be added later , or served with the sandwiches as an accompaniment .
11 In the higher orders , the spina is lost or consolidated with the furca .
12 In a recent book ‘ Privatisation and Regulation ’ , edited by John Kay , Colin Mayer and David Thompson ( currently or associated with the Institute of Fiscal Studies ) , privatisation was identified as having one of three forms : denationalisation , deregulation and franchising .
13 The Welsh losses were but light , but for the archers of Welsh blood in our forces , who are all dead or deserted with the enemy . ’
14 The selected object is surrounded by a rectangle , which forms the background but does not necessarily have a border , and these tiles can then be arranged as required , used as fills or combined with the clipping function .
15 We 've underlining them , italicizing them , whatever this is what is called character formats and these are eliminated or removed with the alt space bar .
16 This family is characterised by the disk being ill-defined or constricted with the arms appearing to continue to the centre of the disk in some genera ; the disk may be covered with skin or a dense coating of granules ; the long and narrow radial shields ; the reduced papillae on the jaw with only the apical papillae well developed and the oral papillae small , like enlarged granules ; the genital slits situated vertically on the sides of the disk ; the arms long and covered with skin or granules .
17 By 1962 the boom period of Canberra usage was over in the UK as the bomber squadrons disbanded or re-equipped with the trio of V-bombers .
18 To the two thirds of the Road money to be levied & paid with the Cess in terms of the new Act of Parliament £24 ; 13:4 .
19 Trading guilds and companies manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage or allied with the Crown to do so .
20 Most assets acquired from connected persons , or sold or leased back or acquired with the sole or main purpose of claiming the new allowance , will also be ineligible .
21 Tangy and crisp with a fruity flavour we quite liked this one , although we were less than impressed with the look of the bottle .
22 ( c ) Position conflicts : the position you take in one piece of litigation may be at odds with the position you want to take in a subsequent action ( for example , in advancing the cause of a plaintiff you may adopt a position that puts you in difficulty with some defence clients who are less than impressed with the vigour with which you espouse the plaintiff 's cause ) .
23 MY party of visitors to the new Museum of Liverpool Life were less than impressed with the Brookside exhibit .
24 It accelerated more than anticipated with the result that the capsule landed in the Atlantic over a hundred miles away from the target area .
25 PROGRESS in setting up a new retreat centre in Falkland in Fife which was initiated by Church of Scotland deaconess Lynda Wright has been much swifter than anticipated with the result that it will welcome its first guests from the beginning of April .
26 As a result , an institutional compromise was found whereby the Governmental Accounting Standards Board was established , which , although associated with the FASB , is nevertheless separate .
27 These rules were subsequently amended by the CMI , which although affiliated with the ILA acted as an independent entity .
28 By contrast with the Liberal understanding , the kingdom as Blumhardt preached it was not gradually evolving through history , nor identified with the moral progress of human civilisation , but would come ‘ from beyond ’ .
29 Any attempt , for example , to engineer a rate of unemployment except that associated with the natural rate of output will be thwarted .
30 There is much sharper rejection than obtained with the other filters described in this section and , very significantly , there is total rejection when While the basic circuit of figure 8.10(a) is only really suitable for rejection at a fixed frequency , variants exist which are amenable to tuning .
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