Example sentences of "[conj] [vb pp] if [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The purpose of this study is to determine whether accounting practices need to be adjusted or developed if they are to be of use to firms operating in the highly changeful high technology sectors .
2 The value of the lecture is doubled or trebled if you have read — even in a desultory fashion , without making notes — the essential features of the forthcoming discussion .
3 ‘ By the way , you wo n't be surprised or disturbed if you find some of our people patrolling the riverside path or inspecting that slip , will you ?
4 But you can be asked to leave , or sued if you cause damage .
5 But the discharge may be refused or postponed if he has been guilty of certain offences or misconduct in connection with the bankruptcy , or if his assets are insufficient for the payment of 50p in the £ , unless this is shown not to be due to the debtor 's fault .
6 Yet in Britain , ‘ race ’ can not be under stood if it is falsely divorced from other political processes or grasped if it is reduced to the effect of these other relations .
7 These are rather like undated gilts in that they are perpetual instruments , but interest can be waived or reduced if it would cause the issuer to breach capital adequacy requirements .
8 How , indeed , were mental states to be measured , and how was a mental state to be judged to be lessened or heightened if it could not be measured , even crudely ?
9 Also timing on the outbound leg must be increased or decreased if there is a head or tailwind component by one second for each knot .
10 Several times he witnessed strokes which would have killed or maimed if they had been allowed to connect with flesh and bone .
11 It says that in every case authoritative directives can be overridden or disregarded if they deviate much from the reasons which they are meant to reflect .
12 In the case of working class women , Anna Martin , a suffragist , observed that mothers were being ‘ ordered by the law to perform the impossible and punished if they fail ’ .
13 When I talk about implementation of the Maastricht treaty I mean that one of the things that must be done is to set up the arrangements agreed at Maastricht by which member states can be taken to the European Court and punished if they do not carry out obligations that they have assumed .
14 On Saturday 7 March 1719 ( English style ) the Spanish invasion force , consisting of 5000 men , plus some horses and with food and water for a month , sailed from Cadiz in 25 transports , escorted by only five weakly armed warships which would have been outnumbered and out-gunned if they had encountered either of the British squadrons .
15 I for one will be happy to be stopped and searched if it is going to help protect us from terrorist bombs .
16 The endorsee-buyer 's message was also tested and accepted if it contained the portion of the original seller 's test key .
17 ‘ I would have probably lost every point , swinged and missed if I did n't have them . ’
18 The ripstop nylon has to be cut and sewn if we are going to reach our goal and have a kite to fly .
19 You should have shown your readers that there is n't a Prince Charming , so they wo n't feel disappointed and cheated if their prince turns into a frog , like mine did .
20 You are invited to our Diamond House to see a little of the art of the diamond cutter , have your own ring valued and cleaned if you wish and maybe even purchase a ring or stone at very attractive discounts on UK prices .
21 My elders in the newsroom kept a paternal eye on me , and approved if they saw me working on my Pitman 's .
22 Note that a volume can only be copied from the hard copy directory and transcribed if it is in the VOLCLOSING state .
23 Are racial double standards ( viz. , good/bad natives ) and double binds ( damned if you are different and damned if you are like the master race ) a function of this contradictory or dual relation to the Other ?
24 Damned if you say yes and damned if you say no . ’
25 She is damned if she does and damned if she does n't .
26 The EC Commissioner , Sir Leon Brittan , warned that the UK would be damaged and isolated if it failed to participate in the treaty .
27 Clean-up contracts will be more stringently managed and terminated if they fail to produce results .
28 The walls and ceilings were all painted the same insipid magnolia and there was rush matting on the floor which trapped bits of food and stuff and hurt if you walked on it with bare feet .
29 Ebenezer Arkwright had no paint in stock , and doubted if there would be any to be found in Clyst St George , either .
30 As you become more familiar with the subject , after repeated reviews , data can be found and appreciated if you have made the pages of your textbooks as individual and readily recognisable as the pages of your notes .
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