Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [conj] i " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There 's a specific legal arrangement where Roma and I ca n't outvote Enya on any decision , ’ says Nicky .
2 , , dream occasionally in n it strange ? , help is one goldfish is male or female , how 's one know whether to call it James or Jessica or I have n't the faintest idea how you sex a fish .
3 They telephoned me at the St. Ermin 's Hotel , where Mollie and I were staying while our house in Smith Square was under repair , to pledge their support .
4 I said , you know , after school , they do n't want just after school or Saturday cos I , cos it 's full-time .
5 If Paul or Erlend or I were to die at Siward 's hand , you would feet as he does .
6 possibly Wednesday , well I told her I were going up Thursday or Friday so I might nip up this aft
7 Well it 'd probably be the June or July before I went in for this exam , which they did n't hold very frequently and er then I had to pass this exam and that I could leave school in the August , Bank Holiday .
8 I could not see the female but , as I was raised to their shoulders , I caught a glimpse of my happy home , that cave where Elsbeth and I had been so content .
9 I dare not go to again but there is a Tie Rack where Werewolf and I are on a promise with the girls serving there .
10 It is usually held in October or November and I thought that holding it today perhaps heralded better news or that we were on the brink of a breakthrough or a decision .
11 I could actually give you the exact figures er or or Mr but I wo n't give them at at the moment of the top of my head .
12 Might I congratulate you on the birth of Henry , or Harry as I notice he is to be called from the announcement in the papers .
13 I did n't have the heart to tell him or Nicola that I was worried that Jo 's ‘ phone would be tapped .
14 Yes I hardly imagined they were going diving off Scarborough or Bridlington and I thought , oh no !
15 And for another thing , why is he in this silly wee box of a bedroom when there 's a perfectly good bedroom on the other side , and even the back one where Noreen and I were ? ’
16 ‘ I would like to operate in County Durham or Newcastle if I can find a suitable site . ’
17 Luckily my mother was out of the room at the time , or Dawn and I might have been sent to our room for giving her precious cat a heart attack .
18 On the way to the camp we passed a boulder where Tony and I competed for rock climbing idiot of the evening .
19 And we 'll take with us whether it 'll be yourself and me , or Tony and me or
20 The fact that Ian and I arrived first gives us priority , and it was extremely foolish of you to set up in opposition .
21 He also agreed to tell the Stapletons that Holmes and I had gone to London , but that we would return to Devonshire soon .
22 I got a higher figure than Jim because I was I ca n't believe , believe this either th th the officer that , that , that , done this say to the , the , that 's the figures that have produced then they 're completely wrong and I can tell
23 Her girlfriend , Josephine , does not take to the water , so Kelly and I go in alone with Simone , treading in unison till the chill is mellowed , and swim to the deep end where we cling to the buoy and discuss other people .
24 I did think that Madeleine and I
25 Well I , I , I think that Jim and I cou could discuss the state of which
26 One thing that 's helping me through it , aside from my chats with Irene , is that Tod and I are feeling so damn good these days : physically .
27 The wife and child that Tod and I will one day have .
28 " You could say I grew up in service — and so it seemed almost natural that Sarah and I should go into service . "
29 ‘ I should explain that Matt and I were not lovers in the accepted sense ; we were friends — good friends , we 'd known each other from childhood so we had a lot in common .
30 Speaking in a dry tone , he said , ‘ To be honest , Doreen , I doubt that this is an appropriate time for you to visit my stepmother — so Lucy and I shall go alone . ’
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