Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [conj] [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 Where Federman and Sukenick replace finished story with the process of narrating so that it becomes difficult to say what their novels are ‘ about ’ , Rudolph Wurlitzer pursues a rather different task in his fiction .
2 Where Federman and Sukenick have stressed the specifically linguistic dimensions to such disruption , Robbins once again casts himself in the role of entertainer , trickster and comic commentator .
3 part of Lincoln 's Inn , west London , where Kenge and Carboy have their offices .
4 Staff at the Radcliffe Infirmary where Senad and Dino were treated are very pleased both men are well on the way to recovery .
5 A recent phenomenon in art is the husband and wife team : think of Helen and Newton Harrison or Hilla and Bernd Becher .
6 One needed considerable capital and a long-term view to risk a completely planned town , and preferably also the certainty that the demand was there and could not fail — as in New Sarum in the thirteenth century or Middlesbrough and Barrow in the nineteenth .
7 The king held a council at Nottingham from 14 to 19 October 1330 , and on 19 October the king and a small band of followers made their way by a subterranean passage into Nottingham Castle , where Mortimer and Isabella were lodged .
8 A universal rotary club , or army barracks , or Dartmoor prison , or Ku Klux Klan , or Catholic priesthood or boardroom or Eton or Glasgow gang !
9 Or William and Mary and say er can you do , they 're gon na go to an expert like him .
10 Or Lisa and Tamla , two ‘ fat momma beauticians ’ who will ‘ strip down nude and shave a white man 's cock and balls with shaving cream … and then chow down on powdered donuts ’ .
11 Then they went into the kitchen , where Patrick and Mary made the acquaintance of their latest grandchild , and spent an enjoyable half-hour drinking coffee , all talking at once .
12 It 's iniquitous , ’ he said on a shaky breath , ‘ that because of them , I ca n't even tell my own parents — let alone Naylor or Will or Hugo — about my love for her .
13 So every century we were in he 'd say ‘ We must drop in and say howdy to Michelangelo or Raphael or Donatello or Leonardo , ’ and he 'd get his picture painted . ’
14 Hardly any families were found in the Borders or Dumfries and Galloway .
16 It is inconceivable that we could advise our clients in the manner in which Council has advised this institute , A ‘ brown-field ’ site out of London , in say Leeds or Sheffield or York , could attract development grants , rates deferrals and provide jobs and would be better placed for the majority of the membership .
17 Or Allan and Deeside then , yes !
18 Some referred to him as the Furie ; some as Zach or Zacho or Mr Zee ; others called him Gentle , which was the name she knew him by , of course ; still others John the Divine .
19 While several building societies , including Nationwide Anglia , Bradford & Bingley and Cheltenham & Gloucester , have stopped issuing travellers cheques , and others such as Leeds Permanent have switched to a mail order service , most banks and many building societies do keep travellers cheques on site , though many will want a couple of days notice .
20 And granddad does n't li want people to see him sort of you know when he has to get up and walk about and go to the loo with the door open and I mean it 's not so bad for us because we 're all related but it 's awful for You know I mean I ca n't imagine Jody or Jessica or Alison or anybody liking it very much .
21 The attempted sale has not impressed residents , the Open Spaces Society , Hampshire County Council or Basingstoke and Deane District Council .
22 Television 's most famous bear and star of the longest running children 's show in the world SOOTY , with his pals SWEEP & SOO and Ringmaster MATTHEW CORBETT , invite you to roll-up for the Circus and get ready to laugh and be amazed .
23 Well he was just a slaughterman then he always used to try and have Frank , another one of our butcher boys , or David or Frank to help him .
24 For further reading on computer arithmetic see Richards ( 1955 ) , Flores ( 1963 ) , Knuth ( 1969 ) , or Stein and Munro ( 1971 ) .
25 Commercial organisations like the Co-operative Retail Society , the Co-operative Wholesale Society , Marks & Spencer and Iceland have expressed their horror that the Government should so abdicate their responsibility as to say , ’ We shall do nothing if you break the law , ’ and weakly add the unconvincing refrain , as the Home Office Minister did , ’ But we 'd rather like it if you did n't . ’
26 Known as a high-quality supplier of food to major food retailers like Marks & Spencer and Sainsbury , Northern surprised the stock market in November 1991 by announcing a £326 million deal to buy Express Dairies from Grand Metropolitan .
27 Marks & Spencer and Waitrose both have champagnes which you could usefully treat in the same way if you have to cool dark hole to bung them in .
28 After the formal presentations , many of the delegates stayed to view demonstrations of expert systems applications by British Nuclear Fuels , British Coal , Ernst & Young , Glasgow Southern General Hospital , Image Automation , Lucas Engineering & Systems , Marks & Spencer and Rolls Royce & Associates .
29 I released a long , tense breath , flicked the stub of my cigarette into the lake , and turned to look back where Edward and Laura squatted before the smoking kiln , for all the world the alchemist and his mystic sister , except that the roles were powerfully reversed , and — I realized suddenly — they were arguing under their breath .
30 The desire or need for a fresh start arose either because , as in the United States , some neighbouring communities wished to unite together under a new government ; or because , as in Austria or Hungary or Czechoslovakia after 1918 , communities had been released from an Empire as the result of a war and were now free to govern themselves ; or because , as in France in 1789 or the U.S.S.R. in 1917 , a revolution had made a break with the past and a new form of government on new principles was desired ; or because , as in Germany after 1918 or in France in 1875 or in 1946 , defeat in war had broken the continuity of government and a fresh start was needed after the war .
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