Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 At least it was in a courtroom , where in Perry Mason or LA Law the witnesses cracked and the truth came out ; at least it might sort out whether the central figure was hero or villain , and point to how far up the culpability went .
2 His enemies are not the fearsome ape Donkey Kong or King Bowser the dragon — though they can be as deadly .
3 In international firms like Heidrick and Struggles , Spencer Stuart or Egon Zehnder the partners of the firm have equity in the enterprise : that is , they own a proportion of the shares .
4 But , with respect to Jamming or Melody Maker the most influential readers ' poll is undoubtedly in NME .
6 So neither he , nor even that nice Mr Smith could , under the present system , give more to hospitals or Mr O'Malley the builder .
7 Mr Williamson or Mr Potter the penultimate word .
8 By Svalbard or Greenland standards the bergs are small , but they are nice enough in their setting , the stranded ones , sculpted by wind , sun , and rain , are brilliant blue on their shadowed sides .
9 Does this mean that in the B. & Q. judgment the court abandoned the criterion of proportionality and thus went back on its earlier case law ?
10 Does this : A Create silhouette effects ; B Allow additional light through the lens ; C Activate the fill-in flash mode ; or D Lock the exposure settings while recomposing the picture ?
11 Catering facilities were provided in two original Great Western coaches , where Margaret Radway the Catering Manager , assisted other volunteers in preparing and serving of excellent luncheons .
12 An ardent Anglophile , Tritsis used frequently to astonish British journalists with the breadth of his knowledge about Westminster , asking them if they thought Enoch Powell or Tony Benn the more radical figure .
13 But from late that Friday night the scene suddenly shifted .
14 From the chapel they 've taken the thing that we 're sorriest about , which is the cockfighting chair that Alexander Pope the poet used the two summers that he spent working here in what 's now called Pope 's Tower , translating the fifth volume of Homer 's Iliad .
15 That building in the corner housed the old portable steam-engine that Mr Webster the miller later bought : he used to grind the corn there when there was no wind .
16 Saw that Joe verses the Volcano last night and I thought it was absolutely fucking shit mind you was , huh
17 Word went round in the seventh century that St James the Apostle had visited Spain , and in the early ninth century a bishop of Padron discovered what he took to be his body .
18 It is in these brief intimate scenes that Ashton exploits the difference between youth fulling in love and experience demanding it , because Natalia is used to getting her own way .
19 All the commentators said they had no chance , except Bob Hawke the Prime Minister , who of course lived in Canberra and had to say that , and me , former tipster for The Sydney Morning Herald and occasional commentator and writer on the game .
20 CONCERN is growing in the art world over the news that Charles Saatchi the advertising agency millionaire has sold between 10 and 12 per cent of his art collection in the past six months .
21 ‘ I am thinking , ’ Sven Hjerson said , ‘ that Lady Woodleigh the new , is meaning someone else , not you , Miss Buckley . ’
22 James had said that John Stewart the pedlar had seemed frantic that night — more so than the emergency warranted ?
23 Capes in The Flower of the New World ( 1899 ) and F.P. Keyes The Lily and the Rose ( 1962 ) have sentimentalized her .
24 Alton lost only one of their pool matches , beating Peter Symonds 2–0 , Farnborough 2–1 and Totton 2–0 , with first year student Matt Cook scoring five of the goals and Ben Southall the other .
25 In addition to Stephen , Wilberforce represented Clapham and the Anglican evangelical veterans ; William Smith registered Unitarian liberalism and William Allen the Friends as components of the movement .
26 You could almost see Colin and Mister C developing the same kind of double act as Flavor Flav and Chuck D. The prof and the prat .
27 Colin is the first to acknowledge that he really needs Mister C. It might sound a little ridiculous , but you could almost see them developing the same kind of double act as Flavor Flav and Chuck D. The prof and the prat .
28 I did n't say his manipulation of the accounts were n't serious — they are — but I 'm prepared to let them go if Garry toes the line . ’
29 Through a selection of combos including Carlsbro , Ampeg , Vantage , Vox and Dean Markley the A2 came up with the goods easily .
30 After the initial failure to sell Austin Rover and Leyland Vehicles the government continued to negotiate for the sale of Leyland Bus , which was to have been sold to the Laird Group , the second largest UK bus manufacturer .
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