Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 We are sorry to be negative but , quite simply , we just do n't trust you , or rather we do n't think that you yet trust yourself to know exactly what 4oz ( 115g ) of lean meat , 6oz ( 170g ) of fish , 2oz ( 55g ) of carrots , or 4oz ( 115g ) peas really look like .
2 ‘ The reason for this is just that in these matters custom makes us reason and judge so quickly , or rather we recall the judgments previously made about similar things ; and thus we fail to distinguish the difference between these operations and a simple sense perception ’ .
3 Well , rightly or wrongly we 've come to arrangements with the Liberals , not because we like the Liberals , not because we wanted to , but we , we were fed up with be being in opposition to tell you the truth .
4 Or perhaps we 've strayed into a black hole , ’ Philip Swallow continues , evidently enchanted with his flight of astronomical fancy .
5 conjures up images and I just object to the fact that people impose on us , degrenality , I mean I , I think lesbian 's and gay men have got a right to their life style as we have and I do n't think we should be actually imposing and I think that 's what a lot of society and what people come out with does er more or less we do n't agree with that and its wrong and its objectional
6 Now then er regular listeners will know that over the last couple of years or so we 've done some special listener trips for you er and we 've gone down to London .
7 But over the last year or so we 've developed a solid state equivalent , which has no moving parts at all .
8 A lot of us go to Exhibitions and come home with real bargains ( or so we tell our husbands ! ) .
9 Over the past decade or so we have also seen changes in our lifestyle with dogs .
10 We believe that this common factor is so important that during the past year or so we have experimented in ways of bringing the participants together to discuss their ideas and to foster the creation of a spirit of community .
11 ‘ In the last ten years or so we have developed a number of ancillary services , which have grown out of our core business .
12 Or so we think . ’
13 You 're staying in Portsmouth , spending a lot of cash , or generally we do .
14 Their exploits have been greatly exaggerated by Burmese writers , but I do n't think British writers have adequately recognised the courage demanded to revolt , or possibly we have been jealous for the unswerving loyalty through defeat as well as victory of Karens , Kachins and Chins .
15 If we do n't know where you are for twelve months or more we have to assume you have abandoned your child .
16 Er either sooner or later we 've just got to keep going as I say .
17 This is the kind of thing that we really ought to be addressing because this actually addresses the safety of people in this county , not only the safety of people , this addresses the safety of property as well and there 's no disagreement about the fact that this enormous development that 's happened over the last few years in an area where you 've got a regular traffic snarl-ups mean that you have got a potential disaster there on your hands and we 're jolly lucky we have n't any more serious incidents than we 've had already and so I can see no reason why these two mo these two amendments should n't both happily be accepted though I 'm very cynical about the number of times we 've spent the airport money already and sooner or later we 've obviously got to actually seriously address that but the important thing is that we do all take it seriously and it seems that we all do now take it seriously .
18 And so in the course of time , we come to speak of these rights as equitable rights ( because they have their origin in the protection of Equity or the Court of Chancery ) or equally we refer to them as " beneficial rights " because they tell you not who has the legal title ( the legal estate ) but who is entitled to enjoyment or the benefit of the land .
19 ‘ Either we have caught a sickness which is native to this world and we have no immunity against it , or maybe we have brought something with us , and because the air and the temperature are different here , it grows and alters .
20 Except I think just to emphasize one or two minor issues but the savings from last year , that was the underspendings from ninety two ninety three were , as you recall last year er used to support this year 's budget er those savings underspending are no longer available and therefore have been taken out of the consideration The staff costs for T S G schemes that are mentioned at the bottom of page five erm , the programme this year which is actually listed over the page at table two does erm indicate that erm we are now contemplating link road and bypass next year and staff available are needed to complete that work or fortunately we 've been able to secure a start on which enables some of the staff to be transferred to work on that scheme .
21 Once or twice we put these qualities to good use .
22 Or else we go in the afternoon and truss your pvc .
23 ‘ He 's got to make a mistake , ’ Culley said , ‘ or else we get lucky . ’
24 So she 's got her knuckles grazed , you 've cleansed it , put it into a drop of water , ra or else we 've used the Mediwipes or the end of the bandage okay , now we just cover it , okay , so it goes over , can you just straighten out your hand for me , it goes over the wound , okay and you can take this one that she can hold it for you just up there , right , now the rest of this just winds round , the only thing you really need to do is to just make sure that you leave the thumb out , cover up the bottom right and then come up towards the wrist , cover up the top of the pad , come back down again , leave the thumb out all the time , got the idea ?
25 However , most of us either no longer want to believe in the Ruskinian and Poundian relation between craftsmanlike performance and civic health , or else we tell ourselves ( perhaps with Pound 's fate before us as a cautionary tale ) that we can no longer afford to believe it .
26 Or else we assume that the aeons during which the improbable state lasts , and the distance from here to Sirius , are minute if compared with the age and size of the whole universe .
27 Marie keeps cornflakes and stuff in the room , and if there 's any milk we have that , or else we have some toast and jam .
28 Either chemists , pharmacists and medical practitioners should be totally amoral and provide patients with any drug they want — including fatal poisons — to use as they wish , or else we have got to be prepared to take the moral stands our consciences and beliefs press on us .
29 From the point of view of social and economic policy I believe we face a choice : either we accept the present trends which will lead inevitably to a decline in individual freedom and responsibility and the restriction of opportunities for our children and grandchildren or else we face the seemingly impossible task of dismantling the corporate state .
30 Or again we ask , had the signal been tampered with ?
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