Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] call for " in BNC.

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1 This sexism was traced in the stereotyping of women ( the madonna/whore dichotomy of classic Hollywood is a well-known example ) , and critics implicitly or explicitly called for an authentic women 's cinema which would portray real women as they really are .
2 Put together , they could be said to constitute more than the ‘ perhaps one or two opportunities ’ the discussion set out to find , but an outline strategy for reclaiming a grossly under-used source of much-needed brain-power in the boardroom : a strategy that now calls for sharpening and refining .
3 He also devoted a good deal of his investigations to the extraordinary satin bower-bird , a native of the area and so called for its remarkable habit of building and decorating a sort of stage-set , in which it would perform ritual mating dances .
4 The melodic line must stand out with the greatest power and clarity in our arrangement , and obviously calls for a great sweep of strings .
5 ‘ We have escaped change and also calls for change . ’
6 It wants the Government to mount a publicity campaign to highlight the problem and also called for an an independent body to be set up , funded by profits from the electronic games industry , to monitor the content of computer games .
7 AI has called for an independent inquiry into the killings and repeatedly called for a curb on the use of firearms by the security forces .
8 Or how about your every day football manager , suspect to the whims of ambitious chairmen and demands of football fans who hail you one minute and then call for your head if the glint of silverware is not on the horizon .
9 The Supreme Council , returning from its Easter recess on April 17 , passed on April 18 a resolution reaffirming the March 11 independence declaration and again calling for negotiations , but offering to refrain from passing any new laws until after May 1 to allow for preliminary consultations .
10 This meeting strongly condemns the regulations of the Food Controller , which favour the rich who are not in danger of being without food , make it possible for the wealthy to provide unscrupulous profiteers to defraud the nation by government sanction i.e. the fixing of prices for potatoes and other edibles , and therefore calls for Lord Devonport 's removal from office .
11 By contrast , his account of the epistemological status of Marxism is intimately connected with this , since the holistic relation between practices and individuals is intended to destroy the idea of the individual as the locus of knowledge , and therefore calls for major epistemological reforms .
12 Without hard evidence , he remained sceptical of the Interfor Report 's findings , but nevertheless called for a genuine public inquiry .
13 The Committee not only recommended statutory provision making all surrogacy agreements illegal and therefore unenforceable in the courts , but also called for the introduction of legislation rendering it a criminal act for any person to assist in the establishment of a surrogate pregnancy .
14 Gorbachev 's speech on his election as party leader laid proper emphasis on domestic priorities , but also called for better relations with the ‘ great socialist community ’ , particularly China , and for the continuation of ‘ peaceful , mutually advantageous cooperation ’ with the capitalist world , leading if possible to an agreement that would provide for the complete elimination of nuclear arms and with them the threat of nuclear war .
15 He spoke of high levels of crime , and of violence perpetrated by the security forces against peaceful demonstrations , but also called for an end to " mindless violence " between township factions .
16 This advocated accelerating the introduction of a new , more centralized federal constitution and the provision of federal powers to overturn laws and constitutional changes adopted unilaterally by the republics , but also called for consultations between federal and republican leaders " jointly to seek out and harmonize possible proposals and solutions for future mutual relations in Yugoslavia " .
17 Mr Kawawa repeated more than once his view that the Arusha Declaration not only permitted the takeover of capitalist concerns but actually called for ‘ the masses ’ to have control of the information media .
18 The government of Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar in India maintained the previous low-profile response , with an expression of " deep sadness " on Jan. 17 coupled with calls for Iraq to begin an immediate withdrawal ; only the Communist Party ( Marxist ) took a firm line in denouncing " unjustified " US aggression , while still calling for Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait .
19 It can be interpreted more narrowly as merely calling for an incidental adjustment in the form of an annotation of the present birth register .
20 OPPORTUNITY TO REPLY It is the general duty of newspapers to allow a fair opportunity for reply when reasonably called for .
21 Reform of the exchange rate mechanism following September 's currency crisis , as originally called for by UK Prime Minister John Major , was left off the agenda and finance ministers stayed away in order not to upset the markets .
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