Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [vb pp] some " in BNC.

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1 In 23 patients ( group A ) biliary tract calculi were present either at the time of diagnosis ( 14 patients ) ( Fig 1 ) or subsequently developed some time after the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis had been made ( nine patients ) .
2 The only widespread bond that clearly separated some of them from Russians was their Catholicism , but it also separated them from fellow Belorussians .
3 Furthermore , those species that accidentally forged some connecting suspension for the front legs independent of the skull would be among the first to walk , otherwise the head would have to turn constantly from side to side as it did so .
4 ‘ And that actually created some problems for me , because guitarists would call me from the States or Britain and say , ‘ I want the sound that George Lynch gets on ‘ Lock And Key ’ .
5 Appointed in 1987 , Webster ensured that the CIA kept a relatively low profile and thereby achieved some success in rehabilitating the tarnished image of the agency in the aftermath of the Iran-contra scandal .
6 If we had n't , we 'd have tossed you back and perhaps saved some other unfortunate ! ’
7 Men and women of great authority had walked in it , and perhaps left some ghost of themselves to calm him in extremis .
8 It was never received , and only returned some considerable time after the children went home .
9 He said Hall again approved the designs and only suggested some slight alterations to the elevations , whereas Hall later said that he found them ‘ objectionable and would never be accepted ’ .
10 I was woken from this stupor by the roar of an engine , and naturally thought some bloodthirsty Jerry had come to finish me off .
11 In 1710 the marquis de Torcy , the reforming last foreign minister of Louis XIV , managed to secure that six should be paid annual pensions of 1,000 livres while they were unemployed between missions , and thus given some financial security ; but this was a gesture with limited effect .
12 In Basque law the farm could be left to any child — even a daughter — while co-heirs were bought out : this encouraged emigration of younger sons ( the rich returned ‘ Indian ’ was a feature of Basque life ) and thus mitigated some of the evils of rural over-population .
13 But her little brother took to the instrument himself at the age of four , and soon learnt some of Nannerl 's pieces .
14 This policy was eventually modified and finally reversed some eight years later .
15 The SSR will have re-stated the problem and possibly suggested some temporary avoiding action .
16 The SSR will have re-stated the problem and possibly suggested some temporary avoiding action .
17 The SSR will have re-stated the problem and possibly suggested some temporary avoiding action .
18 A LUFTWAFFE JUNKERS Ju 88 , shot down on August 13 , 1942 has been unearthed in a sugar beet field and still included some remains of the crew .
19 so we do n't have too much muck so , and like put some fertiliser on the other bits .
20 He met IMF officials and also secured some official US aid in the form of grants for agricultural development , educational grants and food supplies .
21 Mrs Baldwin recorded what then happened ( and also provided some insight into their life at Aix ) :
22 He called in the veteran politician Ba Pe ( his former rival ) and also approached some Thakins .
23 She knelt on the cold stone floor and carefully placed some coals on the dying embers in the grate .
24 Jones led the furious protest and clearly lost some control during the match .
25 She immediately recognized Angel 's brothers and even overheard some of their conversation .
26 Her family she could stand , and even regarded some of them as having qualities superior to her own , arrogant as she knew she was .
27 Although their dress was not equipped to deal with soaking weather and although they may have been expected to turn back at the sight of such greyness , they continued and even displayed some sense of enjoyment at the discomfort each was experiencing .
28 But Basil encouraged and even found some tiny portion of my painting which could be developed though he agreed that I might copy more easily than imagine and he gave me a mounted butterfly to draw .
29 I offered my thanks to Oliver , and even suggested some debt restructuring by way of gratitude , but he just shrugged it off .
30 Some museums have prudently kept a collection of mistaken purchases , and even bought some forgeries deliberately .
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