Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [v-ing] they " in BNC.

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1 Obviously in practice the lenders must look for better returns than this ( for example by working their collectors harder or perhaps paying them less ) , which of course only serves to emphasise that their rates of charge are far from profiteering .
2 She loved sitting up with the children until long past bedtime , playing silly games or just holding them in her arms and carrying on a conversation at their absurd level .
3 Hero was to explain the despair of the young to the baffled but interested , which he did by spitting at journalists or just punching them .
4 People might consider destroying their credit cards or just leaving them at home . ’
5 Allegations were subsequently made against Ibrahim Böhme , the SPD leader , who denied ever working for the Stasi or knowingly passing them information .
6 It was a natural response to the advent of nuclear weapons to concentrate on means of limiting or even abolishing them ; and this response has led to a long series of arms control and disarmament negotiations at Geneva and elsewhere .
7 The BBC is seen by Mrs Whitehouse as not only reflecting the changes that were occurring in that period , but also as actively encouraging or even precipitating them .
8 As a palaeographer he enjoyed reproducing ancient scripts using implements of his own devising , just as an archaeologist he sought a deeper insight into ornaments by drawing them or even carving them with his own hands .
9 This discovery has now been extended to the present-day analysis of human cancers by scientists world-wide and holds real promise for understanding the mechanisms that cause malignancy and treating them or even preventing them .
10 Price fixing ( Geis 1967 ; Smith 1961 ) and illegal monopoly pricing ( Klass 1975 ) both mean that customers pay more than they would under competitive conditions ; bribing corrupt officials ( Braithwaite 1979b ; Jacoby , Nehemlis , and Ells 1977 ) may mean reducing competitors ' profit margins or even driving them into bankruptcy ; illegal mergers and take-overs and other shady financial manoeuvres may result in many shareholders being defrauded ( Hopkins 1980b ) ; misleading advertising as well as trimming production costs may result in customers buying goods whose quality fails totally to match manufacturers ' glossy claims , thus leaving a swindled consumer population ( Moffit 1976 ) ; corporate tax evasion and avoidance may mean more average taxes paid by individual members of the public ( Vanick 1977 ) .
11 The dealers then resorted to extraordinary preventive measures , such as keeping sellers indefinitely " on hold " until they rang off , or simply cutting them off immediately .
12 At present , YTP courses are training people for jobs that are n't there or else training them in customer contact skills .
13 But it dealt only with wordings addressed to trustees , requesting them or otherwise encouraging them to pass property on to beneficiaries .
14 Rollin is also severe on the sophistry of the late medieval Catholic Church in sanctioning the trial and often excommunication of countless creatures ( and the then , if feasible , hanging , flaying , burying alive , burning , or otherwise executing them ) whilst denying that they were free agents .
15 He makes the reasonable point that the upholders of traditional positions might achieve a new plausibility if they could be seen actually arguing for them , rather than merely asserting them .
16 I I th would prefer to look at the vacant dwellings as a single entity rather than necessarily splitting them down between the the the various types .
17 It is beginning to be recognised that proficiency in more than one language often carries with it the need to be what one might term ‘ crosslingual ’ , that is , able to generate connections across languages rather than only using them independently of each other .
18 And and I I would think I 'm just thinking of freebies that just giving them something , and yet if they 've actually watched something being made and then
19 There may be a handful of key employees brought in by that company to the location to establish the plant erm and to erm recruit and run the work force but my experience of these inquiries and prospective inquiries is that generally speaking they are looking to recruit labour locally and so this is not a housing generator type of development .
20 you know one popping in and looking after , I find that easier than just putting them down to sleep
21 Given this passivity , can advertising step beyond its obvious role and move on to discussing ideas , rather than just reinforcing them ?
22 It may be that Catherine is giving her clay balls identities rather than deliberately ordering them .
23 In the first category are those often described as ‘ Western ’ , although strictly speaking they are Near Eastern religions .
24 But the reality is of course that those , that my investigators and Chris 's will be doing work that strictly speaking they should n't be , and I think that 's
25 Exhilarating stuff , but a lot of the excitement comes , I suspect , from the sense of sitting alongside someone who understands such ideas rather than really grasping them yourself .
26 Try observing these outer images rather than simply seeing them .
27 This would reinforce their belief in the need to help the latter group of newspapers rather than simply leaving them to market forces .
28 The kittens are certainly influenced by what their mother does , but there is no evidence that her action is directed at one specific behaviour , rather than simply providing them with an opportunity to behave generally with the victim .
29 They recoil away as if the intruder were unpleasant to them — something more than simply shading them from sunlight .
30 Skins on the segment and the pith both contain substances called bioflavonoids which enhance the effect of vitamin C , so it 's better to make use of the whole fruits rather than simply pressing them for your breakfast juice .
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