Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] would [verb] " in BNC.

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1 McAllister or Strach would feed it out to Sharp ( who was absolutely brill — see below ) who would either wait for the overlap from Dorigo or take on Breacker ( skinning him most of the time ) .
2 The purchase of an interest in either Jaguar or Saab would extend another trend by the two Detroit carmakers which has seen both buy a number of small motor engineering firms in Europe in recent years to acquire technology .
3 Rocastle did do well , but was n't quite as dynamic as Strach — he 'd do some very pretty stuff every now and then , but occasionally hold back a bit where Strach would have gone headlong into attack .
4 But from April onwards it was obvious that either Huddersfield or Cardiff would win the Championship .
5 Dana would laugh and say she had been teasing , and they would talk about the big show for charity where Dana would model the wedding gown Claudia had designed .
6 My hunch that Sainsbury and Marks & Spencer would emerge on top proved to be bang on target .
7 ‘ It 's just that I do n't think Hugo or Georgina would do the job as well as you do .
8 I think flowers in her hair would be wrong , but a small posy of Christmas roses from Pulbrook & Gould would look pretty . ’
9 Mother Francis would have loved that old cottage to be Eve 's home ; she could see in her mind 's eye a kind of life where Eve would bring her student friends home from university to stay there for weekends , and they would call at the convent and have tea in the parlour .
10 Noodle or Blueboobs would have flown at the kid to avenge Crackpot .
11 Organised in regular gangs or teams on the model of seasonal harvesters , led by an elected captain who negotiated terms and shared out the proceeds of the contract , poor peasants from Italy , Croatia or Ireland would criss-cross continents or even oceans to provide labour for the builders of towns , factories or railways .
12 Or Jagger would come over from the next hotel and we 'd have late night ‘ looning ’ sessions , and then Angie and I would go off again with Zowie .
13 Sometimes they sat together and worked , or Jeanne would play the violin whilst Modigliani painted .
14 purists may have an essential moral objection that this approach is false — what Ruskin or Morris would have called a lie .
15 Or Maurice would go out and help Louis on the farm .
16 Brooking , Devonshire or Dickens would have rendered useless Leeds 's tedious offside trap by the simple expedient of running through from deep with the ball .
17 The hope that the BBC or ITV would move into this job as they would for Commonwealth or Olympic Games was never realistic but it has taken Sheffield a long time to come to terms with the fact .
18 The first stop was RAF Turnhouse , where Carrington would dine with Hamilton , he hoped , or at least have a good wash and sandwiches before their briefing session and the antics of the night began .
19 Did Carnelian hope that Jaq or Meh'Lindi would rush , or fire , impetuously — only for their laser beams or needles to pass through the phantom without effect , till they hit some bystander or the Governor 's tabernacle ?
20 So next morning the thousand mosstroopers divided into three sections , two hundred to go with the Regent as decoys , two hundred to hide near Sunlaws ford and the remainder , six hundred , with a score or two of Heiton 's own men , to head for the Kale Water valley where Heiton would place them in position from which they could ambush the pursuit once Murray 's fleeing party was past .
21 The school or LEA would have to show that , for example , a requirement which affected one group more than another and which therefore resulted in indirect discrimination , was justifiable irrespective of a person 's race .
22 To do so at risk to you or Norman would give me no happiness , dearest .
23 Working in such a school in the mid-1950s , part of my task as a very inexperienced junior teacher was to explain almost daily to parents that Peter or John or Mary would learn their tables , and learn to compute , despite the fact that they were using apparatus rather than sum books and were active rather than passive .
24 Perhaps Jane or Lucinda would know .
25 The Great Chain of Being has here become a matter of moral variety rather than biological species variety , but it is quite plain where Locke would have wanted to place himself .
26 In regga a producer frequently utilises the same backing track for several different vocals , but only Steely & Clevie would dare let them all play at once on a dub , allowing several different melodies to fight it out for dominance of a different rhythm .
27 Using the simple principle that the bigger the crowd the better the revenue , either Hong Kong or Japan would have been better suited to host the event .
28 At the meeting , it was decided that County , the underwriters Dillon Read and Phillips & Drew would take some of the remaining shares and then sell them slowly over the next few weeks , a move which had been discussed with County 's lawyers beforehand .
29 If any other clubs in Devon or Cornwall would like Pam to organise a visit or workshop round this time , please contact her as soon as possible .
30 Perhaps Cantona & Wallace would have worked , but Cantona was n't tough enough to be the front man , as scum found out in Turkey ( ha , ha ) , I 'm sure if Hughes had played instead they would still be in the EC .
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