Example sentences of "[conj] [noun prp] may [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Derby start 2-1 down to Cambridge and Villa defend the same score at Wolves , where Taylor may have to trust in another piece of sports sagacity .
2 If the exclusion is for a fixed period which would bring the aggregate exclusion in any term to more than five days or would involve the pupil missing a public examination , the governors or LEA may order the reinstatement of the pupil and the head teacher would be bound to comply with the direction .
3 It comes at a time of growing fear that Saatchi & Saatchi may become the subject of a takeover bid as a result of recent business problems .
4 Since the session normally ends in July , a Bill which is not on its way by May or June may stand little chance of passing into law .
5 At the end of the day , debates over whether we are taking Ecstasy or Ketamine may prove to be missing the point .
6 Any one of two or more partners carrying on business in England or Wales may sue and be sued in the name of the firm in which he was a partner when the cause of action arose ( Ord 5 , r 9(1) ) .
7 The government 's motive in attacking enclosures was not simply disinterested concern for justice for the poor , although Wolsey may have been anxious about their welfare .
8 Its practical object is to gain access to certain documents disclosed by the Police Complaints Authority ( ‘ P.C.A. ’ ) by order of this court for use in a criminal appeal , so that C.N.L. may use them in the libel action .
9 The architectural parallels between Canterbury and Chichester suggest that William may have been the master architect at Chichester during the rebuilding of 1187–99 .
10 Here , with my seal-profile friend Fairfax , in the sight of the Mountain of God , I see that Victoria may have had a point .
11 There are already several institutions of which we can be proud , and I understand that Cardiff may have a centre for the performing arts in the form of a new opera house .
12 Our sportsdesk can detect from the far end of a crease someone who has gone through life under the impression that Bodyline may refer to a one-piece undergarment .
13 And it is believed that Hirst may decide to seek advice over his future in the coming week .
14 The worry is that Improv may cannibalise sales of Lotus 's existing program .
15 Across the range , it is likely that NCM may cost more on both export and domestic credit insurance , but the quality of cover , particularly in certain key trades , could be the deciding factor whilst Trade Indemnity labour under ‘ aggregation ’ problems .
16 Patrick Barlow paces about his flat , where parchment coloured silk curtains shut out the view of the congregational chapel , waiting in on the chance that Frankie may turn up .
17 From this evidence , he calculates that Rauschenberg may have produced as many as 300 works of art during this five-year period , of which one-half may have survived .
18 As you will see I included your name and address so Wyre may reply directly to you .
19 However , there is some reason for thinking that Freud may have had something else in mind , namely , the symbols which occur in dream life , some of which are widespread among different cultures and epochs .
20 He suggested that Hungary may act as a support centre for Data General 's entire Eastern European operations , while a local manufacturing site could help the company secure more of the large projects currently being financed under the European Community 's PHARE scheme — European-based suppliers are favoured under PHARE criteria .
21 The important point for the purposes of the argument being developed here is that although Freud may have been mistaken in his biology , the notion of the death instincts retains a usefulness which is missed by critics who reject the notion on the basis of ethological and biological evidence .
22 Strong conservation of the glycoprotein-binding region suggests that DRP may bind to the sarcolemma in dystrophic muscle through the glycoprotein complex in a similar manner to dystrophin .
23 Individuals can not enter into treaties , although States may enter into them on their behalf .
24 Inside sources claim that Cobain is devastated by the revelations , and the possibility that Nirvana may cancel their appearance at Reading Festival is very real , given that the band were prepared to scrap their jubilant homecoming show at just a few days ' notice .
25 ‘ I also gather , ’ continued the Dean , glancing this time at Wheeler , ‘ that Gray may have known that rather odd set-up on the wherry where your man Caretaker lives . ’
26 When it is recognised that England may have lost about one-third of her population in these critical years , the lull in military activity becomes understandable .
27 He knows that , although Maastricht may mark a watershed in the process of integration , it does not mark the end of the process .
28 It represents a way of life , it seems , that has only really become possible in the nineteenth century , although Kepler may have approximated it .
29 Although the role of magnetic field structures both as channels for energy supply and for containing hot plasma has long been recognised , it seems that Yohkoh may allow a detailed understanding of some processes involved .
30 It is also expected that IBM may want to shed up to a further 30,000 people from its 300,000-strong pay roll , with undisguised lay-offs clearly on the agenda .
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