Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Shadwell searched my face for comment , a flinch or little sneer perhaps .
2 Throughout the months preceding the launching I had paid numerous visits to Brooke Marine yard , either calling there in Venturous with the training crews , or latterly driving down from my home in Felixstowe , conveniently situated a mere forty miles up the coast .
3 For weaving and punch lace you can in theory have either the left or right light on , though most patterns have been designed with one or more in mind as indicated by the pattern sheets or books concerned .
4 Where , by contrast , the relationship between subject and type of work is more pluralistic , that possibility does not exist ; or rather does not exist in theory .
5 … let us see what the statement of claim alleges , or rather does not allege .
6 That point was elaborated upon by the then Secretary of State for Scotland , the right hon. and learned Member for Edinburgh , Pentlands ( Mr. Rifkind ) who now runs — or rather does not run — our railway system .
7 Only recently I suffered a modest attack of it myself when recounting what I had eaten , or rather had n't eaten , that day .
8 One more piece of information you should possess before the tale unfolds is that Michael was encased in two leg callipers as a result of polio — contracted when one year old — and walked , or rather surges about with the aid of two crutches .
9 Or rather singing about .
10 The main London to Exeter ‘ road ’ was said to have been a quarter of a mile wide by the end of the winter where it crossed — or rather plunged through — the sticky morass of the chalk on Salisbury Plain .
11 The right hon. Gentleman glares , or rather stares impassively , at me .
12 It is not at all clear , however , whether the addition of the marginal note in the one , and its incorporation in the other , was prompted by new , and supposedly better , information or rather arose simply through a temporary confusion between father and son ( occasioned , perhaps , by something like the confusing apposition of " Mevlana Shams al-Din Fenari-oglu " in the Turan entry corresponding to 840 ) which was then , possibly , perpetuated through inadvertence .
13 The Greeks did not react — or rather did not go beyond the surface of Roman life — until they found themselves faced with a first-class power which had defeated the Greek armies of Pyrrhus on the open field .
14 Two men were dancing , or rather standing around and twitching a little as the two boys danced around them , brilliantly , Harry noted .
15 With just 10 minutes to go though , United lost , or rather threw away their win , when Sam Goodacre scored a soft second goal for Scuthorpe to make it 2-all .
16 She must have been watching because she smiled , or rather tried not to smile too obviously — she tried to conceal her pleasure in witnessing the beginning of her triumph by pressing her lips together , but the smile came out anyway .
17 It gets parcelled out among the society he moves in , or rather flits in and out of , while himself belonging elsewhere , which means nowhere .
18 Suspicion and hostility towards the law in working-class London at the turn of the century drew on much deeper funds of popular feeling than can be usefully or relevantly summed up as the work of ‘ Hooligan ’ gangs or ‘ Hooliganism ’ .
19 The final tally was 41 , with 12 reported for possible prosecution , six cautioned , and 23 others either talked to or extremely worn out after a long chase .
20 The final tally was 41 , with 12 reported for possible prosecution , six cautioned , and 23 others either talked to or extremely worn out after a long chase .
21 Danish schools whose heads do not see themselves as curriculum leaders are not necessarily sunk in apathy or mechanically carrying out the dictates of a central programme .
22 His macabre The Paradise Motel ( Bloomsbury , £12.95 ) is even worse , or better depending how much you enjoy nightmares .
23 Would she scream insults , or perhaps cling on to him for grim death and beg for another chance ?
24 It might be that the individual does not see the value of climbing a mountain ; or perhaps does not have the confidence to set about the task .
25 One of the oddities of the situation since her ‘ descent ’ was that most of her clothes had remained in the cupboards upstairs , she had felt unable to go and fetch them , and evidently the other two had felt too embarrassed to carry them down , or perhaps had simply not noticed the problem .
26 How convenient women were , Rupert thought , accepting her offer , the way they were always ‘ just going ’ to make coffee or tea or perhaps had just roasted a joint in the oven or made a cheese soufflé .
27 So when we actually got out there , we go out to work in some capacity or another , either to carry out a survey of the logistics or perhaps to sort out and look at the way in which one can set up an immunisation programme in a refugee camp .
28 Consider for a moment the bustle of the scene a hundred years ago , with horse-drawn barges and occasional steam tugs nearing the end of their journeys or perhaps setting out on the return trip towards the sea .
29 Here you can sit in an arch-lined square , shop for the region 's wonderful food and wine , wander the Saturday market , or perhaps walk up to the medieval hilltop castle and village of Montefioralle where the views stretch forever .
30 After dinner we would gossip , play cards or perhaps walk along the Dee , idly picking up a piece of driftwood here and there along the way .
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