Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [be] to " in BNC.

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1 My main opposition in the final was Phil Brown from Birmingham , already an established international and the man who over the next decade or so was to be a team-mate of mine and to be the British anchorman in some very fine 4 × 400 metres relay performances .
2 Everything is to be produced automatically , without workers or managements , or else is to be made by hand by those who need it .
3 For purposes of this subsection ‘ land ’ does not include incorporeal hereditaments ; ‘ tenancy ’ means a tenancy for years or any less period and includes an agreement for such a tenancy , but a person who after the end of a tenancy remains in possession as statutory tenant or otherwise is to be treated as having possession under the tenancy , and ‘ let ’ shall be construed accordingly . …
4 It is usually offered as a justification for the rewards that sometimes are to be found .
5 Erm beyond two thousand and six , I would have thought the strategic guidance would be in locations other than peripheral expansion around the Greater York area , which I would have suggested would would more than likely be to new settlements .
6 A pay bed was , of course , a bed which could be purchased within an NHS hospital and normally was to be found in the so-called private wards of these hospitals .
7 Michelle moved on and soon was to be seen around Los Angeles with Nicholson , who had been a friend for years .
8 Those lacking this knowledge tended not to succeed in the first graduation step and usually were to be seen a year or so later in either group D or E.
9 She was a bit troublesome and still is to some teachers .
10 So again , it 's our thanks to you and here 's to a great 1992 for all of us .
11 And here 's to my wife who looks more stunning tonight than ever before . ’
12 Thank you for reading this one supporter 's plea And here 's to an outcome which suits both you and me .
13 Enjoy your Christmas heartily , and here 's to a truly tremendous 1992 .
14 And here 's to Sister Lila , in her fancy-schmancy time-share flat , ’ proclaims Molly , holding up her glass .
15 Thanks to Scottish Amicable and here 's to the next competition .
16 When Newcastle won the Fairs Cup there was a song that began ‘ Some call us Newcastle United , most call us the kings of the land , and here 's to Bobby Moncur , the Fairs Cup in his hand …
17 Thank , CCPR — and here 's to the next 50 years !
18 And here 's to you Paul Robinson .
19 Both this and here are to be interpreted as ‘ proximate ’ with respect to the speaker . ’
20 Their outstanding abilities lay elsewhere and ie is to their fine engineering achievements in vaulting such constructions as the Basilica of Constantine and the Baths of Diocletian , or in the building of amphi-theatres such as the Colosseum , or in layouts like the Palace of Diocletian in Split or the Villa of Hadrian at Tivoli that we can appreciate their genius for architectural effect and scale in planning .
21 Similarly , roundhouse kicks to the face may land with a slightly heavier impact because they are inherently more difficult to control and yet are to be encouraged .
22 Publication was stimulated by the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth-century revival of interest in folk customs , and accounts from many places throughout the British Isles and beyond are to be found in published collections , often by county .
23 The Bible is treated primarily as a human product ; the world is explored by human investigation , and only what can be established rationally and scientifically is to be believed ; religion itself must be validated by reference to human experience , human values and human reason .
24 The grounds were that the work which the appellant offered to carry out when he presented himself to Mr. Burt and Mr. Hughes as a qualified accountant ( and the remuneration that he gained the opportunity to earn as a result ) were services to be provided by him as a self-employed fee-earning accountant , and therefore were to be provided neither under a contract of employment nor by virtue of his holding of an office within the meaning of section 16(2) ( c ) of the Theft Act 1968 .
25 If integration at school age and afterwards is to be a real possibility a family with a handicapped child needs to be involved in the community , making friends and developing natural support systems from the beginning .
26 In the short term the Yenan Koreans were important in the development of the north Korean state but subsequently were to be liquidated by Kim Il Sung .
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