Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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31 Considerable emphasis was placed on the idea of separate ‘ cultures ’ ( or more properly sub-cultures ) of poverty as a way of explaining the persistence of deprivation in societies which in principle were egalitarian and which certainly had seen massive increases in total welfare .
32 For a century or more both Parliament and the courts have been careful not to act so as to cause conflict between them .
33 Tullock ( 1971 ) , like Disraeli , notes that the top and bottom of the income distribution may have interests in common and that it is the middle ( or median ) individual , or more loosely groups , who wield the power .
34 In 1976 Britain , or more strictly England and Wales , introduced legislation which sought to control the worst excesses of the press and the courts in relation to rape .
35 Meanwhile — and here is a term that is proving to be particularly confusing — we have had a veritable flurry of activity in the area , or more precisely areas , designated as ‘ information management ’ .
36 Glue ear , or more precisely otitis media with effusion , is the major cause of hearing problems in children .
37 Meanwhile the Goths drove the Britons from Bourges , but the comes ( count or more precisely companion ) Paul , who led a force of Romans and Franks , attacked the Goths and took their booty .
38 First , age , or more precisely proximity to the state-pension age , had an important bearing on early retirement .
39 A PAC is a group representing some interest such as labour or more specifically abortion or gun control .
40 The HSE 's propensity ( or more realistically reluctance ) to prosecute , except as a last resort or where there is no alternative , is well-known and is touched on by Phil James in ‘ Reforming British Health and Safety Law : a framework for discussion ’ ( 1992 ) 21 Industrial Law Journal 83–105 , together with the related area of penalties .
41 There had for a long time been publicly expressed unease in the United Kingdom about the unsatisfactory training of people treating the diseases of animals , whether they were farriers in the sense of being shoeing-smiths acting as horse-doctors , or were medical practitioners — physicians , or more especially surgeons — who had , partly or completely , left human medicine for the less crowded and potentially more lucrative ( if less socially acceptable ) field of animal medicine .
42 The same problem exists with touchstones , or more accurately basanite or lydite , which is a flinty jasper or finely crystalline quartzite , black or dark grey in colour , used to test gold-silver alloys for their gold content .
43 The anarchist , or more accurately anarcho-syndicalist , CNT ( National Confederation of Labour ) had been founded in 1910–11 ; its main bastions were Catalonia , where socialist strength in the working class was virtually non-existent ; Andalusia , where anarchism drew vigour from a long tradition of rural insurrectionism and millenarianism ; Zaragoza ; and parts of Asturias , Valencia and Galicia .
44 By talking about Renaissance texts , or more accurately texts produced during a period defined by current readers as the Renaissance , we are attempting to provide a type of structure ( how language operated in a defined period ) which deconstruction , in some purist sense , would argue is to miss the point of how language acts as a supplement .
45 But the constitution 's separation of powers , or more accurately functions , must be observed if judicial independence is not to be put at risk .
46 Having taken better care of it than Besty , or more accurately Besty 's hangers on , he invested some of it in a Sydney sports shop a few months ago , which he 'll run when he retires .
47 All the time I worked for him , he seemed to be calling me Hancock , Harris or Hopkins — Hockin , or more often Bruce , on the days he was less vague and preoccupied .
48 But from time to time there have been cases where ministers , or more often officials , decide that listing is undesirable for what are , frankly , purely political grounds .
49 Yes , I will be honest , Rachel Santerre , or more correctly Rachel Mortimer , chilled my soul to the marrow . )
50 Other tears flow more from the solar plexus — my tear fountain — they are my Strauss tears , or more recently Berlioz 's Nuits d' Ete , certain pieces by Chopin , Elgar Cello concerto , Brahms violin concerto , the slow movement in Schubert 's string quartet , some of Bach 's choral music … the list goes on .
51 HORSE racing may be the sport of kings , or more recently sheiks , but it is also a business — and it is remarkably unprofitable .
52 9pm or later on Sunday 31%
53 Monday , Tuesday , Wednesday , Thursday and not sure about Friday evening and er she said then she 'll have trouble getting the money over that 's out of them , why the redundancy because been there over two year , so I presume redundancy or holidays or both so Sue said to her well if they were so good to you in the past , but that ai n't the point is it ?
54 Where exactly it began rather depends on whether or not you decide to categorise certain books as police procedurals or as perhaps crime novels .
55 He wanted what I wanted and it was n't love or commitment or really even friendship ( although he called it that ) .
56 ‘ Either now or tomorrow when Sir Henry Bowyer will arrive with armed men from Taunton . ’
57 Now , ready to leave for her afternoon and evening 's fun she thought it unlikely that she would meet anyone she knew in Fleet Street , or even up West with Rose , and anyway it was a chance which she was prepared to take , for she intended her little excursion to be the basis of yet another article .
58 Identifying areas which cry out for improvement or even simply areas of muddle and misunderstanding , is by no means negative — rather a spur to action .
59 Thus it is one thing to adopt a radically subjectivist posture towards law reform and another thing entirely to purport merely to be describing the law as it is and then to conclude that it is wholly or even primarily subjectivist .
60 The activities reserved for persons protected by the Act of 1988 were not exclusively or even predominantly fishing activities .
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