Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] had no " in BNC.

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1 The factors selected were mean OBS score at time of first assessment , whether the sufferer was singly or doubly incontinent at least once daily , whether he or she engaged in persistent wandering away from home , whether he or she lived alone , and whether he or she had no closely involved informal carer .
2 If he or she had no children , the Intestacy Rules dictate which relatives will be entitled to inherit .
3 Perhaps we had , or we had no idea what they had to offer .
4 The harassing of those caught out by need where they had no settlement was the dark side of the eighteenth-century Poor Law with its associated evasive strategies such as hiring for less than a year , pulling down cottages on the wastes , apprenticing pauper children beyond the bounds and hustling unwilling couples into marriage to avoid the maintenance of a bastard .
5 The villagers then , seeing they had no defence anywhere , rushed indoors and put up what pathetic barriers they could .
6 Probably much of his success as a teacher sprang from this , for the young greatly enjoyed his moments of iconoclasm , even when it was carried on to the cricket field where he had no knowledge of and certainly no respect for the laws of the game , as a current Member of Parliament may remember .
7 The question of who is an " occupant " is discussed in Paterson v. City of Glasgow District Licensing Board , 1982 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 37 , where a new manager who applied for a permanent transfer of an off sale licence was held not to be an " occupant " where he had no interest in the premises other than as an employee .
8 Kingdom on Rhodes , where he had no reason to be , where he had no cause to fear he would be recognized , far less remembered .
9 Although I had no idea then what species of bird it was , the picture was firmly fixed in my mind ; years later I instantly recognised it in my first ornithological guide , P. A. D. Hollom 's The Popular Handbook of British Birds .
10 One woman described how she experienced an aggressive pattern : ‘ I found it very difficult to cope with women over me , especially if I thought that they were n't being fair — although I had no problems when dealing with men .
11 ‘ Yes it is , ’ I said , although I had no idea what the old woman would say .
12 It was this last that gave him pause , for , he was to say , ‘ Although I had no knowledge of it — that place where the Twelve Judges sit — I believed that I had long since dreamed it , and I knew it for a place of great finality and immense power .
13 I pocketed it , although I had no idea of how it worked .
14 ‘ I 'd always wanted a farm , although I had no experience of it at all . ’
15 He seemed so pleased with himself that I could n't help saying that I should mind them very much myself but that I had no objection to his wearing them — a view which I believed surprised him .
16 I think it 's hard to be honest with yourself about certain things and I wanted to think that I had no part in the grandiosity of MainMan and a lot of the bad things about MainMan .
17 My friend , a widow , was on the point of saying if he could n't attend , neither could she , when it occurred to me that I had no engagements for the weekend in question .
18 And once she was sure I would n't — because I did make it clear , you know , that I had no intention of doing more than agreeing to the legal business — she felt safe again . ’
19 And I said — for I was permitted to answer — that I had no desire for marriage , but wished to live unwed and happy with my dear brother and no other .
20 And it was not helping the poor that kept me going , but the thought of having to admit that I had no stomach .
21 ‘ The truth — that I had no idea what had happened to her sister .
22 I prefaced my response to this question with the comment that I had no knowledge of the relationship of support for these two projects .
23 Once I could have seen them off by asserting that I had no interest in such things , preferring to live from one day to the next , unfettered by possessions and responsibilities .
24 I mentioned to Kirk that I had no intention of asking him about that part of the tour .
25 The implications were that I had no physical characteristics of my own , but that in the same way as I ‘ had ’ my father 's nose , or my grandmother 's eyes , I somehow inhabited a body which was not mine but a replica of my mother 's , and over which , therefore , I had no control .
26 It would seem that I had no choice in either matter , but whereas the former flattered me as well as frightened me , the latter insulted and enraged me .
27 I know that I had no intention of stopping the procedure , whatever anyone said or did to influence me .
28 I was bleeding from a laceration on my scalp and was so drunk that I had no recollection of what had happened ; a Sergeant quizzed me closely and seeing that I was incapable of speech , took me downstairs and put me into an ambulance .
29 In those circumstances I considered [ at 1.30 a.m. ] that I had no option but to grant the interlocutory relief that was sought by way of a declaration that in the circumstances which were then prevailing , it would not be unlawful for the hospital to administer a blood transfusion to [ Miss T. ] despite the absence of her consent because that appeared manifestly to be in her best interests .
30 Explained that I had no power to do this without your authority but would be glad to know Tolbukhin 's views and that if they coincided with mine I would ask you officially .
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