Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] is need " in BNC.

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1 Yet what they seem satisfied with is that they initiate contact with the lawyer , and not the other way round , as and when they think he or she is needed .
2 Get a quote from the vet for night visits in case he or she is needed at foaling .
3 Now it is standing at a huge sum , growing rapidly , and it is still not going where it is needed ’ .
4 Only Liberalism is free to use State action where it is needed , to refrain where that is better .
5 That , says McKinsey , is because they spend money where it is needed rather than on grand castles in the air .
6 Internally , money is spent only where it is needed .
7 This level increases depending on our activity and the demand for a surge of blood to be sent where it is needed , for instance to the muscles during exercise or to our brain when under pressure mentally .
8 We must do the work , and we must do it where it is needed .
9 Medicine ‘ They are there to escort food and medicines where it is needed . ’
10 Figure 1 attempts to summarize the above arguments and I hope that this will serve to facilitate comprehension where it is needed .
11 Offering the right kind of help where it is needed requires a comprehensive assessment scheme .
12 Recently , broadcasters have raised the idea of creating a Union of Protestant Radios to promote an exchange of programmes and resources , and to provide legal help where it is needed .
13 Dennis Chow , one of the directors , said : ‘ We shall be visiting takeaways over the next six months and giving help where it is needed . ’
14 Thus , DNA-dependent phosphorylation of Spl might be an effective mechanism for generating an active transcription factor only when and where it is needed .
15 We ought to offer management training where it is needed .
16 We believe that she is a very fine ship and that she is needed by the Royal Navy and the Foreign Office .
17 Manager 's Signature : the signature of the New OED Project Director to indicate that he is aware of the change and has agreed that it is needed .
18 In many cases he will try to over-compensate by rushing around doing things for others as if to prove to himself that he is needed .
19 If by any chance you do find your da , tell him that he is needed at home .
20 Jon Stratton has suggested that he is needed for ideological reasons too ( 1983 ) : in Stratton 's view , the ‘ romantic ’ image of the creative artist is no false veneer nor confined to ‘ mass culture ’ , but part of a larger tradition , within which the dialectic of ‘ romanticism ’ and commodification is basic to capitalist culture as such ; thus it implicates the ‘ individualism ’ of , say , Beethoven as well as that of pop stars and composers .
21 That is , just as cognitive synthesis is required to make sense of the input from the visual cortex , so it is needed to comprehend the intense emotions being offered to the cortex by overstimulated midbrain limbic structures .
22 Unless the glider is going to be launched without delay , it should be turned out of wind and held with the into-wind wing down until it is needed .
23 In addition , they decide the quantity of the initial pressing of their artists ' recordings ( for a new artist 's first single this would be around 5,000 ) ; they liaise with the manufacturing plant to ensure further stock is available if it is needed ; and they avoid producing stock which would probably never be sold .
24 I am not against physical punishment if it is needed , but only if it is called for .
25 About one year ago I had a clear-out and consigned it to the bin so I can not help with the actual item but I still have copy of the magazine if it is needed .
26 You may get help with the cost of NHS treatment if it is needed because of the disability for which you get a War Pension .
27 Mr Bronislaw Geremek , the leader of Solidarity 's parliamentary group , counters that ‘ Thatcherist policy is not a danger for Poland because it is unrealisable with our handicaps , but it is needed to budge the deadweight of the planned economy . ’
28 It is important to obtain enough of this nutrient because it is needed to facilitate the absorption of calcium in the diet .
29 A great deal of documentary primary material is now quickly published because it is needed for reference .
30 Because of the nature of the furnishings in a dining room ( a large , flat surface , empty walls ) and because it is needed to serve its purpose only at regular , specified times during the day ( meal times ) , it is an ideal room to serve as a collector 's library .
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