Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 There are few publicly quoted companies where the majority of voting shares are not held by families or institutions closely linked with existing management .
2 Asked to describe their strategies for coping with stress , teachers were concerned ‘ to focus upon situations or activities well removed from the work place ’ .
3 And while the Führer and his army could claim the glory for military successes , the increased — and often voluntary — efforts of members of Party affiliates to cope with the social problems of individuals or groups particularly affected by the war tended to bring contact with disgruntled ‘ people 's comrades ’ but few plaudits and little prestige .
4 Your only course of action this April seems to be to avoid any further confrontations and concentrate on professional interests or projects specially designed to exploit your creative abilities , as very shortly after the full Moon in Libra on the 10th there should be a beneficial alteration in your work .
5 The referendum or plebiscite is a device viewed with suspicion in some quarters , largely because they have often been used to ratify or endorse decisions already taken or policies already embarked on , as was the case with Britain 's entry into the EEC , or because they have been staged , and the issue presented , in such a way as to produce the outcome wanted by the government which initiates them .
6 On this model the local authority would be left with a limited number of central staff concerned to monitor and regulate service delivery organized by private concerns — for example , in street cleaning and refuse disposal — or undertaken by autonomous voluntary agencies — such as housing associations or schools directly managed by elected governors .
7 To this extent movements or parties specifically committed to a ‘ nationalist ’ programme , mostly separatist , are likely to be the expression of sectional or minority interest , or to be politically fluctuating and unstable .
8 Remember that the attacker can not use the hands or limbs thus employed to strike you .
9 After this but before the rogue was traced , the rogue took the car along to a market in Warren Street ( where dealers commonly sold cars ) and he sold it to an innocent purchaser .
10 UK SHARE prices fell sharply yesterday afternoon , taking their cue from Wall Street , where stocks also slumped heavily as US investors took fright at President Clinton 's threatened tax increases and spending cuts .
11 The main example was the French Code of 1791 , where legislators consciously attempted to put his ideas into practice .
12 It is also held that freedom of expression is applicable not only to information or ideas favourably received but also to those that ‘ offend , shock or disturb either the State or any sector of the population ’ .
13 In the late landscapes of Cézanne the sky is often treated in much the same way — as a complicated system of small , thickly painted facets or planes inextricably fused , and having a quality of weight and material existence .
14 Where fishermen once set out to sea , now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores . ’
15 Where fishermen once set out to sea , now travellers stop to soak up the sun which bakes the sandy shores .
16 The delicate textural changes commonly encountered in studies of dissolution fabrics emphasize the importance of effective impregnation of the sediment prior to thin section making ; this is not only essential to identify plucked grains , or grains partially plucked from their matrix as opposed to secondary porosity , but is also necessary for reflected light petrography of grain and cement margins when investigating corrosion fabrics .
17 Next we look at how our proposals compared with other projects or studies already carried out .
18 However , we shall not be responsible for death , injury , loss , damage or delay of any kind whatsoever to any property or persons howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly from the use in any manner whatsoever of information including advertisements printed in this magazine .
19 Other British Overseas Trade Board facilities include ; an assessment by the overseas post of the market potential of a product in a specified market — an ‘ Export Market Enquiry ’ ; the Export Representative Service , through which a company can obtain a short-list of potential agents or distributors specifically tailored to its requirements ; and the Export Intelligence Service which provides ( to subscribers ) information on current market opportunities for particular products on a world-wide basis .
20 With commercial considerations about patenting strongly in mind , they pursued unfamiliar compounds , not related to the barbiturates or other sedatives or tranquillizers then known .
21 This glaciation has given the Outer Hebrides a complex relief of rock knobs , and small , peat- or water-filled hollows , and intersecting linear grooves or valleys often occupied by lochs and lochans .
22 I cut out the index after noting any particular patterns or items specifically meant for my Knitmaster machine or any others of interest .
23 But as opposed to the exhibition of the Societe Normande de Peinture Moderne of the previous year , the majority of the artists showing at the Section d'Or were Cubists or painters directly influenced by the movement , and the effect made must have been concentrated .
24 The Commission , as it deems necessary … shall adopt … regulations to require specific policies or procedures reasonably designed to prevent misuse in violation of this title … of material non-public information .
25 Similar gestures of sympathy were being made in Cork and Galway , where newspapers also opened support funds for the bombing victims .
26 Instead , trials could be heard by a panel of judges or juries especially selected for their ability to understand the complexities of cases against corporations .
27 Between 1370 and 1500 there is only one case of a father and son both being aldermen , William Reynwell ( 1397–1403 ) and his son John ( 1416–45 ) ( 104 , pp.363–4 ) , although there are cases when brothers or cousins both held office .
28 Each job has a close relationship between the performance of the task and the immediate reward of money ( conversely , they avoid salaries in preference for commission payments or fees directly related to their performance ) .
29 In many pregnant women , this shows up in the form of food aversions — a strong dislike for dishes or drinks previously enjoyed .
30 The case , coinciding with the treatment of the subject of serial killings in a number of recent films , came to light when a man told Milwaukee police on July 22 that he had been threatened by Dahmer but then escaped from his apartment , where police later found numerous dismembered bodies .
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