Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 When he does specify precise quantities or times he is often wrong .
2 By depriving these children of the chance to learn languages or humanities we are depriving them of all those resources that the ruling elites of the country find so important .
3 When you push the chair down kerbs or ramps it is safest to go down backwards , as the patient might fall out of the chair if he is facing forwards as the chair tilts downwards .
4 Could I make a constructive suggestion in this context of board salaries or remunerations or compensation packages or bonuses I 'm saying that in a slightly tongue in cheek way because I believe that the majority of shareholders do n't understand the differences between these concepts , as you gentlemen evidently do .
5 If you have any built-in cupboards or closets you are home and dry — literally — as far as storage is concerned ; if you have not , and there is really no room at all for any sort of full-length closet , have a hat stand or , failing this , a row of hooks to take not only your own family 's coats , but those of visitors .
6 Was it rats or dogs she was going to shoot ?
7 What you may have to take into consideration is the well-being of companies or individuals you are dependent on for your future .
8 In dilute solutions of strong bases or acids , the quantities are comparable , but for weak bases or acids they are not .
9 ARGUMENTATIVE If so , what are the main conflicting positions or theories you are evaluating ?
10 Or , or endowments I was thinking of , rather than a
11 send in two copies of your idea with any forms or leaflets you are introducing or changing .
12 If your guarantor has no money or assets you are going to be no better off .
13 At Christmas they always played ‘ You came down from the stars ’ and at Easter they usually played a Pastorale , and what with the roar of the traffic and the crowds of chattering shoppers or tourists it was practically impossible to distinguish the tune except in short bursts .
14 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
15 If it was n't food or drugs it was romance .
16 TIP Get several estimates , or recommendations from friends or consult Which ? magazine before deciding whether any goods or services you 're offered are in fact good value .
17 If travelling long distances and anticipating specific facilities or services it is strongly recommended to telephone beforehand .
18 Remember again to allow the main to twist off , and in puffs or gusts it is better to control the boat by playing the mainsheet rather than the traveller .
19 ‘ What the counsellor does is to concentrate on how the client feels about the incidents or facts he is reporting rather than on the facts themselves , and then to respond to what appears to be the most significant part of each complex sequence …
20 Although ( according to attitudinism ) ethical statements express attitudes rather than beliefs they are in many ways quite comparable to factual statements which express beliefs .
21 It 's better this than wasting a load of money that carpets we 're gon na bin anyway
22 its More than pots I 'm stirring
23 Lavas become scarcer amongst rocks of more acid compositions and rhyolites are much less abundant than andesites They are highly viscous , never flowing far from their source , and usually merely ooze up from the vent like toothpaste to pile up into short , thick flows and domes .
24 If , as the Guardian said , ‘ the campaign barely touched on the issues that will engulf us ’ , this is because we , the people , have been treated like small children , and protected against upsetting debate ; like those news bulletins that warn that scenes we are about to witness may prove disturbing .
25 Although women are more likely to survive to old age than men they are more likely than men to experience chronic ill health .
26 Their bars and wire mesh were painted black and though some were smaller than others they were all designed the same .
27 However , if there is one occupation in life that is more pointless than others it is regretting the past . ’
28 Owing to the fact that some cells are more sensitive to these toxins than others it is possible for injections of the toxin in one site to result in lesions in a distant area to which the toxin has diffused , or been carried in the blood supply of the brain .
29 It is obvious from the discussion so far that it is much more pleasant to live in some places than in others , although this will depend to a certain degree on the particular individuals and groups we are considering .
30 But in order to achieve them you need to work out as precisely as possible what knowledge , concepts , skills and attitudes it is you want to develop .
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