Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [vb pp] be " in BNC.

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1 ( f ) when a purchaser is being sought for a holding , or aggregate holdings , of shares carrying 30 per cent or more of the voting rights of a company or when the board of a company is seeking potential offerors , and : ( i ) the company is the subject of rumour and speculation , or ( ii ) there is an untoward movement in its share price , or ( iii ) the number of potential purchasers or offerors approached is about to be increased to include more than a very restricted number of people .
2 Where a product is entirely integrated within the TNC or its captive suppliers ' networks , or where the intermediate components or materials used are of such a specialized nature that there are simply no available suppliers outside the existing TNC network , then backward linkages are literally forbidden by the logic of global production .
3 Answer guide : In the former case an invoice for the goods or services supplied has been received whereas in the latter no invoice has been received at the time the accounts are drawn up therefore an estimate of the amount owing for the goods or services provided is made .
4 The academic point that the proposed increase did not , in fact , make good the shortfall that beneficiaries suffered is left to one side .
5 In consequence , many Members who put their names down will have only ill-formed ideas about what they want and it frequently happens that Bills presented are ill-prepared or misconceived .
6 Japan is known to have a high subcontract content in many companies but the figures were not available ; the difference between Japanese and other productivity figures was , however , so great that conclusions drawn were not invalidated .
7 The vendor should insist that monies received are used to satisfy the oldest liabilities first .
8 The professions and impairments represented were as shown in Table 1 .
9 In the 1990 field season , the range of elements and anions determined was increased , in collaboration with BGS hydrogeochemists in Wallingford , with the inclusion of arsenic , chloride and nitrite , and a selection of minor and trace elements determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry .
10 Note that the quotas and privileges shown are minima .
11 Note that the quotas and privileges shown are minima .
12 The commands and functions used are explained , and followed by examples .
13 In any event , the vendor will be asked to warrant that all documents and responses supplied are true and accurate .
14 The acceptance of a contract which sets out detailed conditions of service , hours worked and parents met is unlikely to provide the flexibility that is required for schools to respond quickly , humanely and sympathetically to family needs .
15 The table of tank sizes and volumes supplied is not terribly clear , however a 3′ tank seems to be the largest this filter is recommended for .
16 The leaflets and organisations mentioned are just some of the sources of information and advice .
17 The leaflets and organisations mentioned are just some of the sources of information and advice .
18 Most of the brothers were all too well aware of him , but in his absence relaxed , gave thanks and forgot him ; and the novices and schoolboys evaded being in his proximity at all , so far as was possible .
19 Molar loss is the number of places in the mandible where a tooth should be present but is not ; and molars expected is the total number of teeth that should be present in the available sample of mandibles ( mostly this is 3 per mandible ) .
20 Examination results and awards made are recorded , and annual reports prepared for local education authorities .
21 Some of the scientific methods and problems encountered are exemplified below by specific case histories .
22 The words , thoughts and concepts uttered are part of the decor .
23 Although it was true in each case that the essential content was the same , the emphasis varied so much that the skills and concepts developed were essentially different .
24 The management climate within the organisation and the way in which grievances are heard and fears discussed are important .
25 But the role and powers proposed are less those of an ombudsman than of a commissar .
26 Details of the interviews and observations completed are given in Appendix 1 .
27 The establishment of a clear link between work done and resources obtained is absolutely crucial to the future of the NHS …
28 Saint Basil was so enchanted by this selfless action that he concluded his comments with the words ‘ If things seen are so lovely , what must things unseen be ? ’
29 Dishes and wines featured are available at time of going to press 9/89 .
30 One of the reasons why English is , perhaps , not a straightforwardly ‘ feminine ’ subject is that most of its teachers in higher education are men , and most of the authors and critics studied are also men .
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