Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [pron] work " in BNC.

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1 I think they 're old-fashioned , for older women , or women who work in the city , not for girls .
2 Union officials speak scornfully of the Tribune Company 's assumption that tactics which worked in Chicago would succeed in New York .
3 Pringle and Laverty also state that counsellors who work in primary care should concentrate on non-directive counselling .
4 For most people in Britain , the Medical Research Council 's study , published in February 1990 , revealing the strong possibility that fathers who worked in the Sellafield reprocessing plant in Cumbria had passed leukaemia to their children in their sperm , moved speculation out of the realms of the circumstantial into that of the confirmed .
5 In 1980 , he formed the Actors ' Choir , an organisation of actors and singers who work in TV , film and the theatre .
6 As far as we know , IBM is the only company which offers discount schemes for people with disabilities and charities which work with the disabled .
7 Central Council thanks all those Branches and individuals who worked so hard to ensure that the Association 's contribution to this Appeal was so substantial .
8 This book must be regarded as the definitive study of the chapel of which Vasari said ‘ All the most celebrated sculptors and painters who worked in that Chapel became excellent and illustrious ’ .
9 The women and girls who worked long hours , often by candlelight , to supplement the meagre incomes their menfolk earned as farm labourers , used wheat straw cut by hand by the local farmers , to prevent the stems being broken by machinery .
10 In this context it was the externality of British Afro-Caribbeans and Asians which was highlighted rather the racist institutions and processes which worked against blacks at all levels of society .
11 Central Council is indebted to the Honorary Wings Appeal Organisers , members and friends who worked so hard to achieve this huge success .
12 A majority of judges said in their response to the Green Papers that standards of conduct and competence might decline if lawyers who worked in partnerships and took instructions directly from clients ( most solicitors ) were allowed widespread access to the higher courts .
13 The fields were gradually covered with pitheads , foundries , factories and workshops and rows of wretched hovels for the men , women and children who worked in them : a sprawling , unplanned , industrial conurbation that was gloomy by day , fearsome by night .
14 Of 70 male young persons and children who worked at the mine , and whose ages ranged from 7 to 17 , only 8 or 11.5 per cent were able to write — only one of the eight being below 13 years old .
15 None of these figures takes account of the women and children who worked at the craft , but the broad trends are clear .
16 THE 10th anniversary of the restoration of the Ffestiniog Railway back to Blaenau will be celebrated by a barbecue on Saturday , May 30 for those members of stall and volunteers who worked on ‘ Project Blaenau ’ .
17 And gardeners who work the allotments … ’
18 We will always be grateful to the doctors and nurses who worked during the festive season , as well as all year round .
19 This sector also includes outworkers for manufacturing and repair operations , who sub-contract work to do in their own homes or small workshops such as shoe manufacturers ( Peattie 1982 ) ; beggars who are often more organised than they appear ( Ruiz-Perez 1979 ) ; prostitutes ; garbage pickers who can sell various types of waste paper , refuse and bottles ; the living-in domestic servants paid low wages and provided with board and lodging who , according to Lloyd , constitute a category which is included within the informal sector by default ( Lloyd 1982 ) , and others who work on some sort of irregular basis .
20 Like fishermen and others who work in cold conditions , they develop tolerance to cold in hands and faces , possibly a function of enhanced blood circulation in exposed areas of the body .
21 A new study by cancer researchers in Oxford has found a possible link between childhood leukaemia and fathers who work at nuclear sites .
22 However , the superintendents and foremen who worked on the factory floor , many having themselves been skilled machinists , sided with the operators and consequently nothing happened to change the balance of power .
23 None of the arguments , she thought , held up to any serious analysis ; at best they provoked people into thought about housework , at worst they antagonised large numbers of women and hostility in all men and women who worked in the labour movement in any way .
24 Many hitherto unpublished photographs accompany details of the parts played by the Royal Observer Corps , Civil Defence , Fire , Police and Ambulance services , plus the men and women who worked in the anti-aircraft emplacements , ATS , Balloon Command , and of course the RAF , who played a major role in photographing and bombing the manufacture and launch sites .
25 Women in second marriages are more likely to have had an affair than those in their first , and women who work full-time are , it seems , more prone to extra-curricular passions than either part-time workers or housewives .
26 For instance , among police officers ( below the rank of sergeant ) women earn 93 per cent of men 's hourly earnings , and women who work as registered and enrolled nurses and midwives earn 90 per cent of the hourly rates of men in this occupation .
27 But to my mind the boy could begin by showing more respect altogether to people like your father who have been listening to what the League says about the problems of the land and the bosses and the conditions of the men and women who work on it .
28 Who are the men and women you work next to every day ?
29 When professionals who work in mental health services talk of an ‘ integrated , comprehensive , seamless service ’ they mean a service where acute hospital beds , hostels , group homes , community teams and services for people in their own homes , are all managed as one service with one team of people who have total responsibility .
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