Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 All the Scheme authors are practising teachers , teacher-trainers , or researchers with long experience of their subject and the classroom .
2 Brunel ( q.v. ) , though famous for his great works of stone and iron , was also one of the greatest exponents of engineering with timber , and he built many road and rail bridges , particularly in the West Country , using timber beams which could be replaced , when need be , without closing the roads or tracks for long periods .
3 To be of any practical use , an object made from a polymeric material must be able to retain its shape when subjected to even small tensions or compressions over long periods of time .
4 Burrowing bivalves , which are typically found in the soft bottoms of shallow seas today , dig themselves down into the sediment , where they escape the attention of many predators ( except birds with long bills ! ) .
5 Others were anxious that patients with long waits had received priority over those with clinically more urgent conditions .
6 In practice case management for people with long term mental illness has developed into a range of techniques that can be described along 12 different axes ( box 2 ) , which aim to ensure that patients with long term psychiatric disorders receive consistent and continuing services for as long as they are required and that services do not focus inappropriately on patients with less severe conditions .
7 Some , such as peat and chopped straw , were of less value than others with long fibres , such as cotton or cellulose waste .
8 Inside the large first court musicians blew on long , straight trumpets and negroes with long flutes added to the din which was very thrilling and appropriate .
9 ‘ The situation in the Far East , in Asia and the Ocean expanses adjoining it , where we are permanent inhabitants and seafarers of long standing , is to us of national , state interest . ’
10 We gathered in a long , low room surrounded by pictures of donkeys and men in long striped skirts like shepherds .
11 In the church where I was converted , the service began with a muffled announcement from the back , followed by a lengthy hymn during which thirty men and women in long blue dresses , white nightshirts and yellowing ruffs walked up and down the various corridors in the building singing at the top of their voices .
12 This wonderful ‘ White coast ’ has one of the best sunshine records in Europe , with mid-summer temperatures pushing the high 90 's and miles and miles of long golden sandy beaches fringed by the sparkling Mediterranean sea .
13 Now and again we came across the signs and secret symbols of the Templar Order : huge black crosses , thinly covered with whitewash , whilst the arms and escutcheons of long dead knights still hung high on the walls .
14 Young dolphins also play with toys such as feathers and stones in long and involved games .
15 The inquiries of Crown agents had revealed that some of the royal forests , such as Morfe , had become valueless as hunting-grounds through long neglect .
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