Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Just for a moment she let her hand linger on his sleeve , then slowly withdrew it , wondering if she was glad or sorry that he had given her such an insight into what made him the man he was today .
2 Sorry that Oliver had gone , or sorry that she would be alone ?
3 When she had made the rounds of the many churches in Lynne , she was ‘ urged in her soul to go and visit certain places for ghostly health ’ , and her husband , either from kindness , or afraid that she would get into trouble , accompanied her .
4 Okay erm what I 'd like you to do now is I 'd like you to tell me what you think are the important things about fractions and anything important or interesting that you 've learnt this afternoon .
5 Nevertheless there was a chance , perhaps , that a French government might have been so far-sighted or faint-hearted that it would have ordered a cease-fire , entered into serious negotiations , abandoned its insistence on membership of the French Union , accepted , at least by instalments , an independent , more or less communist state in a presumably close relationship with either the USSR or the Chinese Communist Party , or both , and been prepared to rely on Vietminh goodwill , such as it might be , for the preservation of whatever position they chose to accord France .
6 However full of features your software is — and Ami Pro 3.0 is a front runner in this respect — you are always likely to find something different or extra that you want .
7 Not knowing the decorative style of the new home is an important point to bear in mind when planning a picture of this sort , so it is always best to choose colours and frames that are attractive without being so dramatic or colourful that you considerably reduce their hanging potential .
8 Reddy acknowledges objections that rewarded gifting might delay the development of a cadaver transplant programme , but argues that as ‘ the medical , legal , economic , technological , and logistic infrastructure required to set up such a programme in India simply does not exist … is the payment of money to a willing , informed adult , who happens to be poor and needy , so unethical or immoral that it alone determines whether people should be allowed to live or die ? ’
9 He had often , in their earlier correspondence , spoken of a test or ideal that he wished to impose on himself as a rein on his passionate temperament and his over-eager response to physical beauty and joy .
10 She 'd reassure him over and over that she was fine , she was safe , there was nothing for him to worry about , and Ashdown would then ring Joe and pass along anything new or helpful that he 'd been able to pick out of the conversation .
11 He wants to draw us into the vortex of non-personhood that he has become , and the nothingness or non-being that he is becoming .
12 ‘ Unlikely that my mental cogs can turn or unlikely that I will see anything ? ’
13 But it is at scrum-half or stand-off that he eventually aims to establish himself .
14 Sally was unsure whether to be pleased that Louise was including her or annoyed that she had called her fat .
15 I was concentrating too hard to feel elated or amazed that I had actually trained this wild creature to come to me at will .
16 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
17 I suppose everyone had the feeling sometime or other that they 'd like to be free , walk out , wander over the earth .
18 And er I got roped into it one year because I had to stop in for something or other that I Course I had n't done but
19 Perhaps those who know the truth will be too lazy or too diffident or too poor to publish while whose who believe in error will be so rich , or well organized , or self-confident that they will control the presses and the television studios and dominate the ‘ free market in ideas ’ .
20 It 's more than possible that she cleans up here … ’
21 It looks more than possible that it will be on its wheels next year .
22 IT IS more than possible that I am missing a point , showing a lack of imagination , remaining in the Middle Ages and have my feet firmly stuck in the mud when I am under the impression they are just on the ground .
23 How do you find the actual , what do you f do you think of the actual flat itself , leaving out the problems that outside that you 've , in terms of crime you 've referred to , what do you think of the actual flat itself ?
24 Some of my friends have been frightened into no longer wanting to smoke , others have faced the facts but are reconciled to being fonder of smoking than they are afraid of cancer , but I myself yield to the temptation to smoke although convinced that I ought to abstain .
25 Although convinced that she had been drugged before the race at York , she had little chance of persuading three Jockey Club stewards that she had not been drunk , out of her depth , hysterical , and she did n't want Nick to know either .
26 I 'm surprised you should think it 's anything other than natural that he should want to bath her . ’
27 I had begun to feel that ill that I did n't care , but I was back riding out three lots three weeks after the op . ’
28 ‘ Should you find any of these intrepid little creatures in your child 's hair , it is more than likely that they are also in yours . ’
29 ‘ Now that the Conservatives have got in it is more than likely that we will get a base rate cut and so all investment rates will fall . ’
30 ‘ T is more than likely that we 've got a party of Matilda 's soldiers after us .
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