Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] show [art] " in BNC.

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1 Also this is the point at which RE really comes radically alive , where it shows the excitement and challenge of which it is capable .
2 And because I am in the public eye it is important that I fight back , that I show the world that the police are not infallible and that the rotten apples in the barrel must be exposed .
3 The court heard that she showed the picture to her father , Geoff .
4 And there always seems to be some shed which has been taken down somewhere , yielding very inflammable material , so we show no signs of running short .
5 Some dogs appear to find them irresistible , although they show no interest in garden stones at home .
6 Although they showed a monetary loss , Council agreed that the benefits outweighed these .
7 Although they showed a monetary loss , the number of members recruited was up on last year .
8 It is just that they show a very late timing of their sleep/wake rhythm with respect to normal time-cues .
9 Trade figures , despite the fact that they show a sustained increase in the volume of exports , tell a particularly sad story of relative decline for a once dominant trading nation .
10 SIR — Wang and colleagues ( May 22 , p 1306 ) give a full description of the advantages of keeping close blood glucose control in insulin-dependent diabetics , but I do not think that they show a fully balanced picture about the frequency of disadvantages that diabetics encounter .
11 We conclude that the CL100 gene and its mouse homologue represent a new subclass of mammalian PTPase in that they show no significant similarity to any human PTPase yet discovered other than the presence of the highly conserved active-site sequence .
12 Gettier argued that they show the tripartite account to be insufficient ; it is possible for someone not to know even when all the three clauses are satisfied .
13 The rule as now settled is that they are inadmissible in order to show what the committee thought its proposals meant , but admissible under the rule in Heydon 's case to the extent that they show the mischief against which the Act was directed .
14 Universality refers to the fact that totally different systems can exhibit the same route to chaos — the same not just in that they show the same broad features , but very closely the same including quantitative details .
15 The most damaging feature of the August figures , however , is that they showed no sign , after a year and a half of severe monetary tightening , that the worst was over .
16 It is not that they showed no mercy on the streets of Jericho .
17 He protested that they showed no love of the craft of film-making .
18 An experiment could be conducted by taking a largish group of electors , splitting them into two at random , telling half that the polls indicated one candidate would win and telling the other half that they showed a rival would win .
19 Remains of older persons present more of a problem , and when dealing with earlier populations , it is difficult to be sure that significant age-changes took place at the same time , and that they showed the same group variability , as in modem populations .
20 Although it showed an overall swing of seven per cent to Labour since the last election , in the key regions it was much bigger .
21 Similarly , resistance based on work groups is also usually informal , although it shows a degree of organisation in the sense of providing a collective response even if not a pre-planned one .
22 Although he showed no pain , Bernice could tell that his strength was seeping away .
23 ( It should come as little surprise that it showed a deficit , albeit of only £55,000 . )
24 The English discouraged the colony , the Spanish first watched it carefully to see that it showed no sign of succeeding and eventually in 1700 they captured it .
25 The decision to dismiss Yakovlev caused strong criticism in the liberal press , which warned that it showed an increasing reluctance to brook opposition on the part of the Russian leadership and could be interpreted as a sacrifice to conservative forces prior to the forthcoming Congress of People 's Deputies .
26 It 's the sort of fruitless post-mortem that bridge-players do but the point of the incident is that it showed the extent to which Hunt 's temper could affect his judgement , for in motor racing , as Nigel Mansell was to find out a decade later , to lose one 's cool harms only oneself .
27 Chubais claimed that the letter represented a coup inside the CPSU leadership by conservatives led by politburo member Yegor Ligachev ( who in recent weeks had made several public statements attacking the Democratic Platform ) , while Yury Afanasyev said that it showed the party to be " beyond redemption " .
28 If you believe our young fans the secret of the film 's success — it broke box office records in the US by grossing £25 million in its first five days — is that it shows a mere kid getting the better of two witless adults .
29 My final point is this : the saddest thing about the war is that it shows a gross lack of proportion .
30 Step 7 ( NOTE-THIS CAPTION IS ALSO WITHIN THE PIC ITSELF ) - The result of clicking on the new word count icon — you will notice that it shows a very polished and informative dialog box .
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