Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] feel [art] " in BNC.

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1 It ended up where I felt the whole world was on my shoulders .
2 ‘ The place between the worlds , where you feel the edges of them grind and shatter .
3 But on second thoughts he said , ‘ Where we felt a chance existed of a pass if the questions ‘ fell out well ’ . ’
4 But where we feel the greatest pressure is in Cologne 's diminished capacity to launch major exhibitions .
5 Some relationships have already split up before girls realise that their periods have stopped or they feel a bit sick , and they discover they are well and truly pregnant .
6 The aim of the association is to acquire greater access to the countryside in areas where it feels the public is unreasonably excluded .
7 I do n't have to look too far back in there when we started this whole process , four or five years of throwing it all up in the air to say that I felt every pupil could comment in some way , something that they had enjoyed , something they felt they 'd been successful at , something they felt they found difficult , something that had pleased them , surely every child could comment on wo , if it 's just one of those things
8 And indeed , it was then that I felt a new resolve not to be daunted in respect to the one professional task I have entrusted myself with on this trip ; that is to say , regarding Miss Kenton and our present staffing problems , But that was this morning .
9 It is no criticism of them to say that I felt a bit of a nuisance .
10 It was so unlike her to slump that I felt a new alarm .
11 When I was asked to speak at my farewell party I said that I felt a Ghanaian could have done my job and that was one of the reasons I was leaving .
12 I have to admit that I felt a strange sense of elation as I hit him again , in fact I plumbed the depths of bad taste by yelling , ‘ Never one around when you want one , is there , Jack ? ’ as Armstrong bounced for the second time .
13 For it was then that I felt the first healthy flush of anticipation for the many interesting experiences I know these days ahead hold in store for me .
14 Chief Inspector Deacon Billingsley raised his right hand and victoriously , patronisingly and very gently , patted my cheek so that I felt the cold touch of his heavy gold rings .
15 When he came back , his face was so strained with worry that I felt the sting of another guilt , and I smiled properly ( having just finished with a not-too-terrible pain ) and put out my hand to him to show him I was better .
16 It was then that I felt the first cobweb — one sticky tendril , unbelievably strong , across my right eye and the bridge of my nose .
17 It was when I was gazing dully at the finger , the heel of my hand resting in an intercostal space , that I felt the faintest flutter from below .
18 One of the things I worry about considerably is that I feel a lot of well-meaning people bring pressure to bear on companies not to take decisions .
19 It 's just that there were so many people that I feel a bit tired . ’
20 It is in my body qua sensitive that sensations occur ; and the occurrence of a sensation in some part of my body qua sensitive is all that I mean when I say that I feel a sensation in some part of my body .
21 I 'm really pissed off that I feel a bit silly about Kathy , er no not Kathy , Jenny .
22 I just want someone to know that this — all this stuff — has been a burden and nothing but a burden from start to finish , and that I feel no twinge of regret at coming out of that place , and that I shall never go back into it , ever , so help me Frederica Potter .
23 There is something so fatally trivial about this movie in its elevation of appearance over substance , that I feel an irrational resistance to her as Claudia .
24 I will do , not that I feel the gavel-bashing toastmaster was in order by repeatedly calling for ‘ gentlemen ’ to cough up money for raffle tickets .
25 AN OUNCE of luck is always welcome in racing and I have to admit that I feel the most fortunate man around this morning having been asked to ride Docklands Express in the Grand National — a race I have never won .
26 Although she felt a little guilty about letting him do it Sally found she quite liked the feel of his fingers stroking her flesh and teasing her nipples but when he tried to put his hand up her skirt beneath her scratchy petticoats she tried to stop him .
27 It did not feel unreasonable to her , that she felt no sorrow .
28 Shafts of sunlight gleamed through the avenue of trees , warming the air so that she felt no need to wear the jacket she had brought with her as a precaution against the temperamental nature of Danish weather , holding it casually instead over one arm , perfectly comfortable in the same linen dress she had worn the previous evening .
29 As it stole towards him , Dr Neil made no move , did not move himself or it , when she put her own hand on his , but let it lie lax , so that she felt no threat from him .
30 Dr Neil — she could not think of him as Neil — was careful to hold her in such a way that she felt no restraint , although his own self-control was slowly beginning to slip .
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