Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] have [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd never accept a job where I had to wear a skirt .
2 Years later , I was doing a scene where I had to murder my husband — it was a very dramatic scene and it was in the pit at the Royal Shakespeare Company , so it was just this tiny little theatre , with everybody sitting very close to you , and you can see everybody , and you can hear everything .
3 At this point I had to fly and catch him up , so I flew to Khabarovsk in far east Siberia where I had to spend a night .
4 Then I was promoted to assistant cashier at the Wandsworth branch where I had to deal with the toll accounts to go to head office as well as the share accounts and the dividends .
5 ‘ Oh techniques of surveillance , when you 're sitting alone in a car you move into the passenger seat , make it look as if you 're waiting for the driver to come back … the trouble is , I never got a posting where I had to use it . ’
6 They dragged me to the Police Station where I had to make a detailed statement of everything that had happened the first time intercourse took place .
7 There is an unutterable sadness around Medina del Campo , where I had to change trains for Salamanca .
8 ‘ Just point me where I have to go .
9 Where I have to take issue with the LTA , however , is over its decision to increase prize money for 1992 by 20 per cent from $500,000 to $600,000 , which will be exactly double the minimum requirement from tournaments in the same category on the ATP Tour , for 1993 .
10 Mafe , 25 , who won world gold with the Great Britain 4x400m relay team , said : ‘ I 've reached the point in my life where I have to start earning money .
11 [ But ] I do n't want an agreement where I have to apply to court to get them out .
12 He will recall that dealing with NIE and trying to bring electricity to Rathlin was not one of the easiest tasks that he or I had to undertake .
13 And it got , in the end , actually , if I was , if I had to do something that was urgent or I had to go somewhere I used to have to say to her something like , you know , erm oh I better get on , I got a lot to do this morning , or I 'm goi I 've to be shopping and be back in time to cook Jim 's dinner or something like that cos he 's starting , oh I 've got ta have his dinner ready at twelve before he goes to work and if I really was pushed otherwise she would have come in every day .
14 She could n't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark 's daughter .
15 She was totally unsuited to anything where she had to organize herself .
16 Some of the more difficult cases turned up at her office , where she had to cope without professional help .
17 She is also a great letter-writer , a hangover no doubt from years at boarding school , where she had to write to both parents every week .
18 Rather like that game where you had to memorise so many objects on a tray .
19 I was brought up in a different era where you had to entertain yourself .
20 It began to feel like a night at the Marx Bros opera where you had to guess what Harpo was trying to say .
21 With chemistry , things like organic chemistry , where you had to know every reaction , you could n't work it out , you had to know everything that was going to happen — there was n't a lot of understanding involved , it was mainly slogging .
22 At teatime , there was honey , sour-milk scones and plum jam where you had to mind out for the stones .
23 Even where you have to answer set questions — as in an exam — a choice between alternatives usually has to be made ; and not only do you have to pick a particular question to answer , but you also have to decide exactly what it is that the question is asking you to do .
24 In this parched red rock desert , where you have to drink a gallon of water a day to prevent dehydration and heatstroke , a sight like this is pure euphoria .
25 That being so , are there circumstances where you have to draw the line ?
26 The only place where the charting section is weak is in the rotation of 3D graphs , where you have to use scroll bars .
27 To work with a company where you have to teach the basic idea of the movement is an interesting challenge . ’
28 You should check the rushes , bushes and tree branches , if any , behind you and establish just where you have to stand to cast without snagging when you lay the rod back .
29 They have this little peephole where you have to shove your cigarette so it sticks out on the other side for them to light it .
30 Things get much more complicated on later levels , though , where you have to keep moving around to nudge bubbles in the right direction to avoid them colliding and dropping all the grubs .
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