Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be now " in BNC.

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1 You know nobody takes me seriously and it 'd be a disaster if I ran out of gas where I am now . ’
2 ‘ I was fogged in on board the Amerada Hess AHOOI where I am now working .
3 Yet he , the archer , might have gone back there to check again after all and if he had he would know I was alive , but he would never find me where I was now , deep in impenetrable shadow along a path he could n't follow in the dark .
4 Because we knew that the headmaster of the Scuola Medie Inferiori , where I was now in my last year , was not in a position to punish us if we did not appear for lessons on demonstration days , many of us took part only for a short time and then went home .
5 Of course , she would die very quickly if she were not to receive intensive and expensive round-the-clock treatment from the staff of the nursing home where she is now a patient .
6 Where she is now , in whose hands , whether she 's still alive , these are the questions you need to have answered before paying a ransom . ’
7 Ms Blaazer has spent 14 years with The Industrial Society , where she is now Senior Consultant .
8 ‘ Do you have any idea where she is now ?
9 He had absolutely no sense of the woman , least of all where she was now .
10 You will need to telephone the ‘ various local offices ( local to the place where you are going to live , not where you are now ) and make sure that a telephone will be laid on , the gas meter will be read , the electricity meter will be read and that all the services will be connected and functioning when you arrive on the day .
11 ‘ You mean you were sitting where you are now and you told the glass to topple over and it did ? ’
12 There is no lack of advice , much of it very useful , on how to analyse your situation , and of course there is no point in deciding where your business is going until you have actually decided with great clarity where you are now .
13 That where you are now ? ’
14 Then Posh Living where we are now — Dad got a pay rise and Mum got promotion .
15 But they 'll know -from the ship that attacked us — where we are now .
16 The Present Position — ‘ Where We Are Now
17 Where We Are Now — Able bodied Arts
18 Where we are now is
19 Where we are now ahm there are all ahm either very young or very old .
20 Rough Trade , for instance , had to dip into the piggy bank to move into the American market , where they 're now said to be pulling out .
21 Thus the most influential sociologists researching on later life in the last thirty years have been first and foremost concerned with documenting poverty and need among the old , rather than looking at their present lives as a whole , or how they reached where they are now .
22 That 's where my first house was , where they are now .
23 Highly poisonous metals dumped in Britain 's rivers are seriously polluting the North Sea and coastal waters where they are now entering the food chain , according to the largest-ever survey conducted in UK waters .
24 13 1775 & that Body is vastly improv 'd the longer it is kept & the little remains of fat shine a little more thro' & it is now very much the colour of Indian Copper , i.e. it is very near the colour of finished work 'd mahogany & is really a beautiful mass , the Legs are now perfectly dry and from the Beginning to the end there is nothing of putrefaction .
25 He was later taken to hospital , where he 's now under police guard .
26 A workman observed : ‘ Maxwell wo n't be playing that where he is now will he ? ’
27 In a long , frank interview with me this week at Guy 's Hospital , where he is now the head of Forensic Medicine , Dr West stuck to his original view .
28 You put him where he is now .
29 ‘ I said it would be pretty dreadful where he is now , how will he cope there ? ’
30 Still , I do n't suppose that 's worrying him where he is now .
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