Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I did so , and seeing I was of no more use , I rushed inside to awaken my older brother and sister to show them what had happened .
2 He asked for them to be clearly marked , packed in damp moss and sent to Lord Cornbury 's by Oxford Chapel , ‘ where I am to be around generally any morning before ten if you ever have time to call ’ .
3 what 's going on at the moment and where I am with it
4 Too late in the day because all the hotels are full and I end up tramping round in the dark , lugging my pack and money ( cash , a great wad of hard currency ) , nervous of the hatchet-faced youths who watch me meandering round , concentrating so intently on making it look as though I know exactly where I 'm heading that I soon have no idea where I am on the mapless streets of Algiers .
5 Every other time I 've been in somebody 's flat like this I 've known where I am by the books . ’
6 At last , the visitor interrupts Paul 's conversation and comes to the point : ‘ You , I believe , have guessed where I 'm from . ’
7 Where I 'm from , I should n't have to worry about a black cop beating me upside the head when he 's with his white partner , you know , and that happens a lot . ’
8 where I 'm from ?
9 I saw some of the places that were to play an important part in the later dramas of my life : the great Clerecia church where I was to be sitting one momentous morning , and beside it the lovely Casa de las Conchas , its walls decorated with rows of carved scallop shells — seven rows adorn the upper storeys .
10 For reasons which are too complicated to bother with , I had left Scotland , where I was for Christmas , on December 30th to go to the Isle of Wight and spend that most braw , bricht , moonlicht and Caledonian of celebrations , Hogmanay in the Deep South .
11 Julian Charley , to Edward England , my publisher , and to St. John 's College , Nottingham , where I was at that time principal , and by whose Governors I had been given study leave in order to write the book .
12 I stayed right where I was on the floor telling myself I 'd be fine in just a few minutes .
13 That was very early on in my filming if anyone had asked me I would have said ‘ I 'm always on the move , you know I never sit down in a lesson , and I do n't sit down but where I was on the move was in a very limited space so just having the camera at the back on that table , just having it still showed me so much about what was going on in the room and how you use the time …
14 And if I carry on with this relationship I shall just end up where I was in New York , miserable , unhappy , alone .
15 Cunning — she could find out where I was from the town code .
16 He demanded twice , in an extremely hoarse voice , where I was from .
17 Anyway I said oh I said you 're not expecting me , said who I was and where I was from .
18 ‘ You could have found out where I was by asking your fianc . ’
19 I had somehow supposed her to sit in that room for ever , real only when Hugo or I were with her .
20 I 'd been having a bit of a go about putting your hand up but every time he put his hand up I 'm bending over somebody or I 'm in a different part of the room .
21 Reading for our , I mean er , I supply my own car , my church has recognised that whether I 'm probably if I pay the tax and the insurance erm and I just thirty two , thirty five that 's but when I 'm in business or I 'm in provinces and I 'm allowed to pay what , ten fifteen
22 ‘ If it was necessary to come to a decision on this aspect , I would have to say that , in my judgment , to go from the grandmother 's house where she is at the moment and leaving the job she has in Birkenhead with the Social Services Department , to Canada with no work and no money and living on charity and food banks , would be an intolerable situation for the child .
23 I 'll have her brought down here to Florence as soon as she can be moved but we 'll have to leave her where she is for the moment — in fact , put me through to Pontino again now , will you ?
24 Emily is in her first year at Perin 's School where she is in the netball team , and also plays flute and piano .
25 Next day my father went back to the war and my mother back to the boarding school where she was on teaching practice as a French assistante , and spoke to the future wives of doctors and civil servants : Je suis , tu es , il est , nous sommes .
26 She then went onto Yale Law School where she was on the board of the law review and met her husband .
27 Miss Rogers , twice Irish girls champion , got her nose in front at the eighth but was forced to concede the tenth where her second overshot the green into very thick rough and the twelfth where she was in a greenside bunker .
28 Mr Loveitt ignored Jess who remained where she was by the wall .
29 The moral to be drawn from this sad episode is : ‘ Do n't put your money into any business you can not understand , and where you are at the mercy of the advice given by others , however trustworthy . ’
30 Grand Prix , where you race all the other karts to the death choosing from a wealth of different tracks ; Time Trial , where you are on your own trying to beat the fastest time ; and Battle Mode , where you have to burst three balloons attached to your opponent 's kart before he bursts yours .
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