Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb -s] for " in BNC.

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1 The measure was termed the I-measure ( where I stands for intensity ) .
2 Alright , not use slang , show belief in the way he or she asks for recommendations
3 When you meet your potential accountant , ask him or her about who else he or she acts for .
4 NEUE MITTE is in the centre of the town of Oberhausen ( population 225,000 ) , which is itself in the state of North Rhine Westphalia , the largest of the German states both in population ( 17.5 million ) and economic power , where it accounts for over a quarter of Germany 's gross national product .
5 The grass is either permanent or it remains for several years as a long ley .
6 Either it accepts the EC 's ban on further planting , or it applies for quality wine status and agrees not to use hybrid vines .
7 ‘ Call me if he wakes or he asks for me . ’
8 Ingrid feels more influenced by painters like Sonya Delaunay and Picasso , and by the fragments of colours and textures that she collects for reference .
9 Firdaus is so stung by this that she looks for another job .
10 Our Agent advises that we indicate that £25,000 is the lowest acceptable offer and that she pays for the alteration .
11 ‘ It 's now a tradition that she comes for the last week of the campaign , ’ he says .
12 She displays more sympathy for this anti-Semitic Moses , for this religious man who is against Jews and against the Soviet system , than she does for Jews who are not religious .
13 ‘ Although Maureen seems to be kept busy driving after work and I think she looks better than she has for ages . ’
14 She needs to find someone or something to blame for the catastrophe that has overtaken her , so she looks for reasons , because she may not yet be ready to face up to the extremely anxiety-provoking fact that life itself is unpredictable and the world is an insecure place .
15 The London Industrial Strategy ( Greater London Council , 1985 ) highlights some of these problems , and although it argues for a positive role for local authorities , in the end it concludes that national help and assistance will be necessary in order to have any major impact .
16 Overall , Siemens AG was able to give little cheer to shareholders , and the shares were off 2.30 marks at 663.10 early yesterday after the company warned that it would be counted a success if 1992-93 profits were stable with last year — incoming orders in the first five months of this fiscal fell 2% , although it looks for a 4.7% rise for the full year ; group sales in the first five months rose 3% to the equivalent of about $18,500m .
17 Although he allows for many areas of uncertainty in the study of catharsis , Scheff nevertheless accepts the universality of the need to handle destructive emotions , and proposes that ritual , as a cathartic experience , be reinstated in the West as ‘ a dramatic form for coping with universal distress ’ ( 1979 : 114 ) .
18 The editor 's notes reveal his disillusionment with the increasing commercialisation of the game although he calls for ‘ changes which would provide a dynamic , viable circuit for the professional game in the 1990s and beyond ’ .
19 Our general topic of discussion is perceptual consciousness and the problem that it constitutes for physicalism .
20 In fact one of the great things about this walk is that it keeps for most of the time to the shoulder of the fells so that they fall away steep sided below you giving you clear views out and down .
21 Radio Clyde , the third bidder , would run INR1 on the same lines as Melody Radio , a London station that it operates for Hanson — ie , lots of the Carpenters and Frank Sinatra .
22 If your holiday plan is so tightly organised that it allows for no days off , and no travel delays , it 's time to think again .
23 The fourth merit of Johnson 's approach is that it allows for mobility of jobs between categories , although he does not attach as much significance as Hughes ( 1958 ) to the efforts of the ‘ professionals ’ themselves in this regard .
24 The particular focus which I find valuable is the concept of the ‘ life course ’ , which is different from the more orthodox conception of the ‘ life cycle ’ and ‘ family life cycle ’ , in that it allows for more variation and does not assume that family relationships go through a series of modifications which are totally predictable in advance .
25 The model of style proposed here is " pluralist " in that it allows for three distinct levels ( semantic , syntactic , graphological ) at which stylistic choices can be made .
26 The value of Black 's theory lies in the fact that it allows for a conception of metaphor as the interaction between two discourses , but like Goodman 's concept of imperial appropriation , it has overtones of subjugation .
27 Under fire from referees for his comments as a defence witness at Salisbury Crown Court last week , Kelly retorted : ‘ When someone is facing a prison sentence and all the immediate trauma that it involves for his family , I believe the sensitivities of referees should come second rather than first . ’
28 Some ministers perhaps keep it on because they feel that it caters for a section of the adult church with whom they are unwilling to compromise in the sermon .
29 Parents may send their children to any school that has room for them , provided that it caters for their age and aptitude .
30 Granted that ‘ Be aware ’ suffices for some choices of ends , it does not necessarily follow that it suffices for all .
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