Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I promise you that I will continue to listen and where I can I will do my best to respond to the wishes of the ideals of and the aspirations of this movement that I hold so dear .
2 Or I can I mean I intend to laser print
3 Or you could you could point to that directory called put first of all .
4 If they thought er well I 'd better go round just in case and she might need something or she might she might just want to talk or whatever you know .
5 And then Or we 'll we 'll say if we get a facilitator in , I do n't see why we should n't ask Graham .
6 And there are records of this everywhere are n't there you know sort of and and probably you know the the management thought er I do n't know if they thought this far really or we 'll we 'll show them that they ca n't that they ca n't stick together as a union and why should all the quarries stick together .
7 They may be planned deliberately to give the undergraduate a good general education , for example by sampling or balancing a number of types of knowledge , or they may he planned in terms of an applied , problem focus such as environmental control , or a broad theme such as modern urban society , or in terms of some concept of individual development .
8 Or it may he because ‘ more and more we find we have people who say they ‘ ca n't sing ’ .
9 The far world not the The unspiritual world that that we can You see the pride in the eye , that with that that that that can be can be another women or it can it can be cosmetics , it can be a dress to women or it could be another man .
10 Or he 'd he 'd have to have light on all the all night .
11 Well you could n't have anybody more careful than me could you ?
12 There 's nothing really though that I would I want to see other than American football .
13 erm but that 's the main point that I would I would try and get across .
14 Was there anything at all that I could it with ?
15 I did n't really feel that there was very much there that I could I could ask you about at this stage , okay ?
16 That she would you know throw him out so that she could just could n't tolerate him any more .
17 And I she told me that she can I come out and play Cherry and things like that , she 's so funny !
18 And yet , despising her , Luke could n't resist her any more than she could him — but she alone had love to justify the weakness .
19 Good cos we were a bit concerned , mother and I , that erm perhaps it might er , being such a large area , that you may it might be a bit cold you know
20 Also I mean that means that you might you know maybe Jan will say yeah okay as long as you you know .
21 Then within the team 's , in the Policy Team there were three Policy Development Officer 's , in the Neighbourhood Development Team there were two Development Officer 's and in the Community Development Team there are one , two , there are well there are normally six officer 's that you could I that you could identify , but there are other people that relate to them , but then it gets a bit complicated so were keep it at that .
22 Wh what , well , I , I would n't say just looking similar , I would say additionally looking , but , but in the , in the early days the erm , and I 'll be saying something about this in the , in the lectures , bu but just briefly , that you could you could say there were phases in psychoanalysis , the early days , before both of us were born you were here , the , the aim when the method was , the aim was to release the unconscious , bring it to the surface , and that was regarded as more or less enough .
23 but you 'd want to be able to know that you can I do n't know , I mean , I , I think , with , with the place I am now I just do n't know what to make of it really
24 Erm one problem I think is that you can you tend to look at letters I think sort of one or two letters together erm instead of trying to think of a whole word .
25 So this is that 's why these do n't have the dimples on them , whereas they should have done if they 'd You see so there 's al there 's incredibly subtle things that you can you can pick up .
26 You ca n't see it , sometimes the agents will put a stenching er material in it that you can you can smell it , mm , I can smell gas you know and it 's this stenching thing that you can smell , but very rarely can you see it .
27 So that you can you can see there 's a a some options here .
28 So that 's great but we started off with three there and we should have started off with E. So through imme a this this is intensely repetitive so that you can you 're building it up , you 're sort of doing it with numbers and then you 're doing it more
29 Europe ? well we could beat about the bush but there 's not a single rep on the road that ever gets out the office so got ta win it cos I actually saw I actually we I actually saw her go out and see a customer so she must she must be er
30 Er so you would you would need a very heavy rectification programme to sh to ensure , not just that you had enough cadres , but that the cadres were going in with , with the right attitudes .
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