Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 And she had opened my locked drawer where I keep my private papers , but I 'm not going to mention that .
2 ‘ On Lee Beach there 's a safe anchorage where I keep my old fishing boat , ’ said her host .
3 Where I mean our , invariably our in involvement is much greater than the Q S.
4 ’ ‘ cept ‘ rithmetic , ’ I replied with bravado , ‘ where I beat her silly . ’
5 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
6 What I like about them and where I think their strengths are is that they do put science , the physical sciences , in that bracket of activity which is fun , excitement and leisure and enjoyment and that it moves away from the notion that it 's something you do on a wet Friday afternoon at school .
7 Where I spend my time people do n't bother . ’
8 I go to the pub a bit , but I have n't got the money , or I see my boyfriend , or I keep my mam company . "
9 And no funny stuff or I blow your buddy 's balls off , ’ Sam says to Mark .
10 I lie in the meadow , or I kiss your child
11 I go to the pub a bit , but I have n't got the money , or I see my boyfriend , or I keep my mam company . "
12 When you live alone , where you keep your money and how you can reach it , is exceptionally important , because you do not have a live-in partner to borrow from if you have not been able to go to the bank .
13 A full house survey , where you brief your building surveyor individually rather than relying on the shorter though cheaper housebuyer 's report , can be an expensive matter .
14 A Dungeons and Dragons theme where you guard your wizard from attack whilst attempting to destroy other wizards on the board .
15 There 's an ‘ honesty ’ bar where you get your drinks yourself , and observation lounge which looks out over the lovely sweep of Broadford Bay .
16 This , this dimension is about er where you prefer to focus your attention and where you get your psychological energy from .
17 You take your bad horses where you take your good ones . ’
18 If school is becoming a place that you do not enjoy , where you doubt your competence , and whose value you are questioning — then find an alternative activity that you enjoy , value and are good at .
19 What I am discussing here is the kind of recall which is part of studying , linking names to faces , remembering items on a shopping list or where you put your spectacles .
20 If posture and where you put your body meant anything ( and she had heard sociologists say it did ) , Steve had a strong desire not to be seen .
21 Gloves shoes where you put your .
22 It 's , it 's beautifully shown in the Catholic Mass when erm they say well it 's , through my fault , through my fault , through my most grievous fault and where you strike your own breast .
23 Such conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries and copies of the Conditions which apply to your holiday/flight/sailing are available for inspection at the travel agent where you book your holiday or any of our offices .
24 These Conditions are often the subject of international agreements between countries , and copies of the Conditions which apply to your air or sea travel are available for inspection at the travel agent where you book your holiday , or at Horizon Holiday 's office .
25 ‘ This is a bloody business here , not a bloody knocking shop where you pick your own hours … ’
26 Where you have your main account depends very much on where you are most of the time .
27 Now that 's a real nuisance with a working dog because it does n't matter where you have your beasts gathered or which direction you want to drive your sheep , a rabbit is always likely to pop up and Meg would be off like a shot .
28 So where you have your potage erm meat , vegetables such as they are , and sweet .
29 Under PEPs where you select your own investments , it is possible to keep the plan in cash without time limit until you decide to invest into equities .
30 A much smaller increase in premium where you loose your no claims bonus following an accident than with most other insurers .
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