Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 At the time of Chamberlain 's appointment he had written to his mother : ‘ I am pretty certain that I shall be left where I am which is what I wanted , for the only promotion I should care about would be the Exchequer itself which would never be given to a minister of only two years ' experience .
2 I long for my canvas and easel where I am my own master and the world is my own . ’
3 I had n't bothered with landing lights and I was n't sure , any longer , where I was I only knew I had to keep climbing and that somewhere at the top was relief and safety .
4 They keep questioning me , always asking where I was what I did why I did it , did all of them where I was who I was with who am I trying to kid why do n't I just admit I did it well if I did n't do all these things , who did ?
5 I thought of Compton Mackenzie 's brave words at a Nomads ' Club dinner where I was his guest about the mystical experience of people loving their countrymen through loving their country and , by re-creating themselves , re-creating their nation .
6 ‘ I 've had a little help from Barry Humphries in this , and I hope I 've paid him due credit , thought he did start that nasty rumour that he was me or I was him .
7 I would sink down into a velvet void so entire and impenetrable that whether it was I or I was it , became moot .
8 And here surely is a hard riddle to read , that where she is I can not come , for here indeed she is , and here am I beside her .
9 I surrender even the question as to how I can be standing here in her virgin company , and still be told that where she is I may never come .
10 Where yo where you are I mean they 'll have nothing .
11 I do n't know whether the child was happy with Mrs Reed , but she stayed there ten years , until she went to Lowood school , where you were yourself .
12 When I knew for sure where you were I came to England alone .
13 Turning con , concepts and plans into practical working procedures and the attributes that these people have is , you know company workers , or you are one yourself , is that they have self-control , self-discipline , they 're realistic , common sense , but , there 's always a but side to these things is n't there ?
14 You succeed in what you set out to do , or you are someone who most often fails or falls short of your target .
15 In Masterson v. Holden it was held that the conduct was insulting because the magistrates might properly have taken the view that such objectionable conduct in a public street may well be regarded as insulting in that it suggests to a witness that he or she is somebody who would find such conduct in public acceptable himself or herself .
16 Sister Casualty handled them all magnificently , each patient differently , and yet each one as if he or she was her sole reason for taking up nursing .
17 And where we are they never guess ,
18 Where we were there was no snow at all but as soon as you started to get higher it was completely white .
19 We do what we 're told or we 're nothing .
20 Er we 've no great problems with our technical results , and where they are we sort them out quite amicably with the area people .
21 By keeping up-to-date-records of our objects and where they are we are trying our hardest to behave responsibly with what we have and what we know we have . ’
22 where they are there is that all er grass and there 's all stones and things like oh I du n no .
23 Well where they are you can only see a , one other van ca n't you ?
24 If they stayed where they were they were dead for certain .
25 They were quite happy where they were you see .
26 Except I ca n't , because I have to follow Marcus and where he is I will be .
27 So in any one point in time the movement is going to depend on identifying exactly where you are at the moment in terms of any of the cycles and where it is you want to get to in relation to , to a particular situation facing you .
28 I 've definitely got one cos I remember her sheet now as I was looking at it , but where it is I 'm buggered if I know .
29 Certainly it is well established that a man is not guilty of rape of a woman who is too drunk to consent even where it is he who has coaxed her to drink .
30 On one occasion , the RUC stopped a bus containing members of a Protestant apprentice boys band , 30 miles from the largely Catholic town where it was their intention to march .
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