Example sentences of "[conj] [pers pn] [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 According where you although it did n't actually come into practice .
2 It , it came or it or it would be one of the depressions that the town has suffered from many times during the last fifty or sixty years .
3 In an extended piece of discourse , a common procedure , known as anaphora , is for the identity of someone or something to be given once at the beginning , and thereafter referred to as she or he or it .
4 The person was older than me and he 's a bit higher up the rank than me and it 's all about it probably comes with experience he 's to stand for yourself really but it 's when you 're our age and a bit younger you do n't want to be seen to be rocking the boat if there 's something that 's going on that you do n't agree with but you 're asked to do something that you do n't want to do valid reasons you have n't got the time or it 's not really up to you to do it
5 Well I 'll tomorrow morning phone them up find out exactly what time , and register you rather than me if it 's you know if I ca n't get to it .
6 than me if it 's er fucking craftsmanship you 're on about .
7 That I and it are contemporary .
8 Thomas discussed the relationship between love and poetry much later in Feminine Influence on the Poet : ‘ The love-poem is not for the beloved , for it is not worthy , as it is the least thing that is given to her , and none knows this better than she unless it be the lover … .
9 The catapult is an Inside thing , requiring that you and it are one .
10 Mr was well aware because he 'd been told by the plaintiffs solicitors that the plaintiffs received terms for cover or to obtain interest on their costs , the plaintiffs solicitors wrote specifically to Mr enquiring was his offer in , in the sum of forty two thousand pounds , that 's er the possible agreed settlement figure for costs , er if it was inclusive or exclusive of interest erm there were some delay but er Mr wrote back in due course making clear that interest was n't included , I should also say that in Mr er proposed bill of costs he had disallowed interest for a fairly short period in respect of both the plaintiffs bill of costs and the defendants bill of costs and the plaintiffs solicitors do n't appear to have erm taken any point on that , but as I say it , the point as to interest was specifically raised by the plaintiffs solicitors letter and er I 'm quite satisfied on the correspondence that they when it came to the matter were seen , were desires of obtaining interest in respect of their costs .
11 Except that it if it involved waiting in this corridor for much longer , one of the security cameras might start to register her despite all diversionary moves , and she should therefore now take a break of at least six hours before coming back here .
12 Use a little star to indicate which is the asymmetric centre which kiral centre and all it means is that if you were to dra , if you had a a kiral molecule in other words , it had four different groups attached to it what it means is that it and it 's mirror image , this is the way you actually draw it and answer the questions you draw you draw it as if there was a mirror image .
13 You draw it to show that it has a mirror image so what you find in practice is that it and it 's mirror image are not superimposable .
14 Where the licensing board decides to hold a hearing as mentioned in subsection ( 4 ) above : ( a ) the clerk of the board shall serve on the holder of the licence , not less than 21 days before the hearing , a notice that the board proposes to hold a hearing , specifying the complaint and the grounds upon which suspension of the licence is sought ; ( b ) the clerk of the board shall give notice of the hearing to the complainer ; ( c ) any person or body mentioned in section 16(1) of this Act may , not less than 7 days before the hearing , lodge notice with the clerk of the board that he or it wishes to be heard in support of suspension of the licence specifying the grounds on which he or it seeks such suspension , an any such notice shall be intimated by such person to the holder of the licence ; ( d ) the board shall not order suspension of a licence without hearing the holder thereof unless after receiving due notice of the hearing the holder fails to appear .
15 ( 1 ) Each member of and each beneficial owner of a share in a recognised body shall submit to the Council , in such form as the Council may from time to time prescribe , a covenant under seal ( referred to in these Rules as a ‘ Compensation Fund covenant ’ ) that he or it will jointly and severally with the other members of and beneficial owners of any shares in the body reimburse the Society , when required to do so by the Council , in respect of any grant made out of the Compensation Fund under paragraph 6 of Schedule 2 to the Act where :
16 Rather them than us but it 's still a great film .
17 The early bipedal hominids were smaller than us so it is not surprising that they had smaller skulls , but there are no good grounds for supposing that men have gradually been evolving into creatures of greater and greater intelligence .
18 I mean even at the risk of probably er the other suppliers making a bit more than us if it means that .
19 Its tension caught the reader , there was an emotion in it , shared between him and them and it turned all his attention away from himself on to the subject matter he was speaking .
20 There had never been trouble between her and them and it 's unlikely Mr Johnson knew them .
21 Recently it occurred to my mother and me that it would be foolish to go riding alone without any sort of personal insurance for the rider .
22 I thought of Angela Brickell 's death and of the attacks on Harry and me and it seemed that all three had had one purpose , which was to keep things as they were .
23 I mean the product might might work for you and me and it might not it will work the same for them , even if we try our hardest .
24 If I if it was sat trying to make an appointment with you for example er and I do n't know too much about the product we 're just getting
25 I 've given you a I 've given you a warning if I and it wo n't be such a shock to your sa system if it erm if we come out with a the news .
26 Exactly , my cat , it mine when it was good and yours when it was being horrible .
27 Any way that was it and you st and you f forked them all round and you after it was er up you was put up to do the tramping round and round and you Every forkful you took it and saw that it was laid down and tramped it round like this , round and round and round and then the next one , till it was up .
28 what they and they if it 's a good course they should actually have some sort of estimate of this
29 We just worked as long as we liked and it and it was hard work of course it was , turning these socks like that , two , well it was hundred dozen pays , that 's two thousand four hundred .
30 And it and it actually cleared up , got better while I were on holiday .
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