Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] for the " in BNC.

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1 The latter two Acts will be referred to as necessary in this and the following chapters , and , needless to say , no legal adviser should be without copies of these Acts , as well as a standard reference work on the subject , when drafting conditions or contracts for the supply of goods and services .
2 The clay soils of many farms north of the Downs , for example , do not lend themselves to intensive arable farming , and few farms here ( or , for that matter , fields ) are far from woodlands so that they are not wholly dependent on such features as patches of scrub or hedges for the presence of many common farmland species .
3 These were £712 from A. Walden for the former and £76 from C. H. Cox & Sons for the latter .
4 The , the group usually has a leader or symbols which represent its aspirations like the statue of the Virgin Mary or , or Golden Churches or something to which act as representatives or icons for the aspirations , the ideals of the individual 's ego and every member of the group shares those , that leader or those icons or those ideals and consequently the group is unified by a kind of sentry petal flow of individual narcissistic libido towards the centre , towards the leader and that makes them more identifiable with each other .
5 Those responsible for initial teacher training can not hope to find time or personnel for the additional input which would be required .
6 No target price or plans for the proceeds were given .
7 As I have said , the courts can now look at white papers and official reports for the purpose of finding the ‘ mischief ’ sought to be corrected , although not at draft clauses or proposals for the remedying of such mischief .
8 ( a ) Examples of additional enquiries ( 1 ) Is the seller aware of any development or proposals for the development or use of property in the neighbourhood which might adversely affect the property or the amenities of persons living in it ? ( 2 ) Has the property to the seller 's knowledge been affected at any time by structural , building or drainage defects , flooding , dry rot , timber infestation or rising damp ? ( 3 ) Please confirm that any damage caused to decorations by the removal of fixtures and fittings will be made good by the seller before completion .
9 More complicated was the situation at Queen 's , where designs for the front quad were prepared by Hawksmoor , but the scheme executed by Townesend ( 1710–21 ) appears to have been almost entirely the joint work of himself and Clarke ; while for the new building at Magdalen , the original design by Edward Holdsworth [ q.v. ] was revised by Townesend in 1731 under Clarke 's direction .
10 Fats contain more than twice the amount of calories as carbohydrates or proteins for the same weight .
11 It is therefore the one example found in the UK which follows Ansoff 's recommendation that organisations should maintain separate units to monitor the environment for ‘ weak signals of threats or opportunities for the organization to consider ’ [ Ansoff ( 1975 ) ] .
12 Management accounts , trade secrets of the business , plans or opportunities for the future can not be released without the approval of the vendor .
13 Justifying the coup of President Alberto Keinya Fujimori as necessary for the political and economic regeneration of the country , de la Puente offered no agenda or guidelines for the National Dialogue as such , but stated that " working commissions " would be established to address six main issues , none of which were delineated .
14 Follow the photograph or your own set of Snakes & Ladders for the exact layout of the different coloured squares .
15 Additional proposals include setting up an emergency fund to save buildings or sites for the nation and another for historic gardens ( two proposals which have met with approval ) , and cutting back on conservation grants , principally repair grants made to local authorities , amounting to £9.5 million annually , half of which has been on a pound-for-pound basis .
16 Prizes or donations for the Raffle would be greatly appreciated .
17 These were not popular and as most women wore trousers or dungarees for the war work , hand knitted long socks or ankle socks were more comfortable and convenient .
18 It is unwise to blame people or countries for the origins of the virus .
19 Permission was given for " making of such engine or Engine Buildings or Buildings for the better & more effectual discovery , working and conveying on of such mines and veins …
20 Miraculously cured of back pains just before he had joined the NSC , he had joined a charismatic Episcopal congregation , in which he kept the church manners of a Catholic ; and where appeals for the contras were concerned he could take either voice , as necessary .
21 Solitaire boards are normally circular and have 33 circular depressions or sockets for the playing pieces ( marbles ) arranged on six lines in a cross configuration .
22 In 1990 , 6079 residents were enumerated in 241 establishments , including 21 NHS hospitals , 160 homes for elderly people ( 46 run by the social services departments , 105 private residential , and nine run by voluntary agencies ) , 32 private nursing homes , and four hospitals or hostels for the mentally or physically handicapped ( table I ) .
23 He is , of course , entitled to deny that regularity in nature establishes or counts for the existence of a god .
24 And in some cases they take a form sufficiently extreme that investigators have been led to speak of separate languages or varieties for the two sexes .
25 It may be thought that a body like the National Trust with a well-defined statutory purpose to preserve places of natural beauty or historic interest in perpetuity for the benefit of the nation , is not affected by changing public opinion or fears for the global environment .
26 Video-recording can make use of tape , film or discs for the actual storage of the recorded material .
27 Underlying this whole approach is the fact that no account has been taken of Disabled people 's ow understandings of Disability or priorities for the arts .
28 This is to inform you all that me and my Companions have Unanamously agreed and likewise made Oath to Each other that if There is not a speedy Altaration made for the Good of the poore that you have corn thinking to make your fortunes of shall have it burnt to the Ground whether it Be in Stacks or Barns for the fire that took place Last Week was but the begining of your Troble , we know every Stack of Corn about this Country , and Every Barn that hath Corn concealed in it for the Purpos of starving the Poore But we are Determind if thare is to Be Starvation it shall be a General thing not a parcial one for both Gentle and Simple shall Starve if any Do .
29 Wearing old-fashioned clothes which help them to imagine what it was like to live in the past , they help with simple tasks like carrying in water or logs for the fire , or helping to measure out and mix the ingredients for oatcakes or Welsh cakes which are then cooked on a griddle on the open fire .
30 In Birmingham , local residents are struggling to stop , or at least change the nature of the giant new retail redevelopment , designed by Chapman Taylor & Partners for the developers London & Edinburgh Trust , which is planned to replace the infamous early Sixties Bull Ring .
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