Example sentences of "[conj] [noun pl] have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Similar views on such teaching have also been expressed in the USA , where researchers have voiced concern about the preponderance of what they call ‘ frontal teaching ’ .
2 However , an exception provides that recognition will not expire solely because the death of a shareholder or shareholders has left the recognised body with no shareholder able to exercise such voting rights .
3 It is not surprising that single lines of trees or hedges have proved ineffective — these simply do not provide enough material to scatter or absorb much sound .
4 Before 1939 Swire & Sons had tinkered with the idea of ‘ going into air ’ .
5 For the last eight years , Messrs. Wright & Sons have had the contract for the maintenance and working of the North and South Staffordshire Railways . ’
6 They tell of women murdered by Iraqi soldiers , because husbands or sons had joined the rebellion ; of heavy shelling of residential areas ; of summary executions of anybody suspected of aiding the rebels ; of bodies left lying in the streets .
7 It has almost always been the case that some group or groups have controlled and exploited other groups .
8 It is apparent that even where investigations have commenced within physical geography they have often proceeded to become intertwined with other disciplines .
9 However , as most life assurance companies have undivided funds , the application of the usual part disposal rules to calculate the deemed gain has the effect , where values have risen , of reducing the subsequent base cost of the chargeable element of the holding .
10 A more likely suggestion would be that it is evidence of the estate workers continuing to live on the site and work the land long after the owners , managers or bailiffs had departed .
11 The application of natural justice to preliminary hearings or investigations has tended to produce polarised arguments : the public body arguing that procedural rules have no place in the context of such hearings or investigations , and the individual asserting that they should apply in their full vigour .
12 An important influence over this change has come from the US , where shareholders have stepped up the pressure to conform to good community practice .
13 The campaign of Benson & Hedges has evolved remarkably over the past dozen years and has now reached a point at which the motifs chosen to dissemble the product are themselves classic symbols of dissembling — pretty fans for the summer months in 1988 , attractive fishing lures for the autumn .
14 Much less satisfactory , however , is the harsh rule that holds a writer responsible for unintentional defamation , where readers have jumped to a conclusion which was never intended .
15 We found the most significant factor affecting the health of purchasing authorities was the outcome of subregional weighted capitation , in which inertia was overcome only where districts had gained or lost significantly under the formula .
16 Meanwhile , the number of students having the advantage of higher education at universities or polytechnics has risen from 780,000 to 1,060,000 .
17 Her holy obstinacy , her sulky refusal to bend her stubborn head to emperors , fathers , lovers , or dragons had proved strong enough to conquer even the need to kill .
18 ‘ We 've had a few jobs recently where husbands have given their wives surprise parties in the stables or somewhere .
19 If the crops have been destroyed by the storm or animals have got loose , it will affect every group .
20 I felt that on this particular piece it did struggle through the heartwood at times , especially on the figure 's right-hand side as this was extremely hard in places , with dense interlocking grain where a branch or branches had formed .
21 In the ensuing retaliatory offensive , the first in southern Croatia , jet fighters and gunboats attacked the industrial Adriatic port of Ploce on Sept. 15 , where Croatians had seized thousands of weapons from a naval base , and bombed the rail link between inland Croatia and the coast .
22 Failing this , if a consumer buyer is effectively denied the protection of the implied terms because the instructions or labels have shrunk the central obligations , recourse will have to be made to the common law rules on incorporation and the general controls of reasonableness found in ss2 and 3 of UCTA 1977. ( f ) Manufacturers ' guarantees In Lambert v Lewis [ 1980 ] 2 WLR 289 , the Court of Appeal declined to hold that statements , made in advertising literature , constituted a collateral warranty on the basis that they were not " intended " to create contractual liability ( this decision was reversed on other grounds in the House of Lords [ 1982 ] AC 225 ) .
23 However , the proportion of marriages involving widows or widowers has decreased steadily over the past 150 years ( for an elaboration of all these trends , see Haskey , 1987a ) .
24 Accommodating the exiled Kuwaitis has given a boost to the depressed property market , especially in the Eastern Province , where rents have tripled in the past year .
25 Where visitors have contributed to the injuries they have sustained due to the defendant 's breach of duty under the OLA 1957 , then the damages to which they are entitled may be reduced .
26 The Bill also replaces the idea of voluntary care — where parents have asked to have children taken into care because of specific problems — with the duty of local authorities to provide care and accommodation for any child who needs it .
27 Only Anthea 's insistence had brought him to her room , where matters had taken their own turn .
28 a body corporate which has more than 20 members ( or is the subsidiary of a holding company which has more than 20 members ) and it , or any of its holding companies or subsidiaries has called up share capital or net assets of not less than 500,000
29 ‘ Maybe I should go where Barbs has gone , ’ said Scarlet .
30 Even where communities have got together to build a school themselves , under an agreement with the government , they have sometimes had to wait years before the government sends teachers to staff it .
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