Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [noun pl] over " in BNC.

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1 No protection exists for men over 65 or women over 60 or for persons over normal retiring age in a particular employment whether that age is more or less than the ages given above .
2 Lakes may take in water from many miles away that has percolated through the soil or through aquifers over decades .
3 Glass Reinforced Plastic otherwise known as GRP , or Glass Fibre , is available in solid rod , or as tubes over a broad range of sizes .
4 In normal or difficult market conditions , the agent is probably able to serve his client well by such introductions and contacts , particularly where the site will be sold by private treaty at a fixed price or by offers over a minimum sale figure .
5 Above this level , however , there is an Earnings Rule , which means that for earnings over a certain amount , a percentage will be deducted until you wo n't receive any pension at all .
6 The ending of the monopoly of solicitors over house sales conveyancing and of opticians over the sale of spectacles has already been noted .
7 Government decisions , national and international , negotiations with producers over prices and with unions over wages , etc. , depend increasingly on such measures .
8 This finding argues for alternative programmes and measures for application among countries and within countries over time .
9 Weick ( 1985 ) says that , because people persist in simplifying the world , they do not see the differentiations between organizations and within organizations over time .
10 Accreditation was not a concept that had gained currency in Britain at this time , and in developments over the next few years it was to receive a variety of interpretations in British further and higher education .
11 Anyone who has seen the martins and swallows in September , assembling on the telephone wires , twittering , making short flights singly and in groups over the open , stubbly fields , returning to form longer and even longer lines above the yellowing verges of the lanes — the hundreds of individual birds merging and blending , in a mounting excitement , into swarms , and these swarms coming loosely and untidily together to create a great , unorganized flock , thick at the centre and ragged at the edges , which breaks and re-forms continually like clouds or waves — until that moment when the greater part ( but not all ) of them know that the time has come : they are off and have begun once more that great southward flight which many will not survive ; anyone seeing this has seen at work the current that flows ( among creatures who think of themselves primarily as part of a group and only secondarily , if at all , as individuals ) to fuse them together and impel them into action without conscious thought or will : has seen at work the angel which drove the First Crusade into Antioch and drives the lemmings into the sea .
12 Glass reckons he saw 100 people individually and in groups over a four or five month period .
13 The effects of this can be seen both in the current major reviews of BBC funding and in discussions over the future of Channel Four .
14 The price of most commodities is determined by international economic developments and in markets over which most LDCs have no control .
15 We have also looked at some of the processes which have contributed to these shifts and at debates over their explanation .
16 From the age of about four onwards , and at intervals over the years , Shanti would ask , ‘ Did n't my mother love me ? ’
17 Attempts to co-operate with Hungary were clouded by the failure to agree on the future of the Danube hydro-electric system [ see p. 38161 ] , and by problems over the treatment of national minorities on their respective territories .
18 From this point onwards historians have tended to lose interest in the debates over classification , assuming that they were increasingly concerned not with the principle of how to determine relationships , but with disagreements over practical applications of the technique .
19 Measuring about 20 cm ( 8 in ) across , but with tentacles over 1 m ( 3¼ ft ) long , it is translucent light blue and difficult to see .
20 And yet the various integrationist movements , brash or hesitant , in the 1940s looked to Britain for leadership , and clung to the hope that Britain would be absorbed , not least because of concerns over security .
21 However , while preparing for its first congress , a split occurred because of disagreements over private ownership of the means of production and land .
22 The UK Ministry of Defence ( MOD ) announced on Sept. 19 , 1989 , that , because of disagreements over specifications and delays in expected delivery dates , the UK was withdrawing from the NATO Frigate Replacement for the 1990s ( NFR90 ) project .
23 The delay was partly because of disagreements over the allocation of contracts for the construction of 36,000 apartments for returning soldiers at a cost to Germany of DM7,800 million .
24 John may have spoken on the marriage bill on 22 April , however ; he would have been especially interested , because of difficulties over his intended marriage to his cousin , Eleanor Hanham , with whom he eloped in 1629 .
25 The meeting started 12 days late , apparently because of difficulties over housing delegates in the capital .
26 The Liberal Democratic Congress and the Confederation for an Independent Poland had pulled out of talks with Olszewski on the formation of a government because of differences over economic policy .
27 On March 26 the US State Department confirmed that it had in July 1991 denied a visa to Narong because of suspicions over his role in heroin trading .
28 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
29 District authorities in Devon banned the jump in the county because of fears over the type of crane to be used , said Mr Collier , who has been blind for 22 years .
30 The plenum had been delayed for several months , allegedly because of divisions over economic policy between the central and provincial authorities .
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