Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [art] people " in BNC.

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1 Probably the basic ideas of democracy — the idea of equal political rights for all ( or at least for all men ) , the idea of a government of the poor or of the people , the idea of turning the traditional social hierarchies upside down — have never been entirely lost sight of among the vast submerged majorities of history .
2 Like many managers Margaret seems unable to say ‘ no ’ to the paper work , to the phone calls that come unchecked at any time , or to the people popping into her office for advice , or sometimes just a friendly chat about a project or some personal matter .
3 I do n't mind presenting to people I do n't know or to the people I work with .
4 Is the researcher 's responsibility to the people he has studied , or to the people who will read the book ?
5 The United States ' Constitution includes the clause ( in the Tenth Amendment ) that ‘ The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution , nor prohibited by it to the States , are reserved to the States respectively , or to the people ’ .
6 If we consider only the superficial elements of these changes in society , and deal with the problem purely at the level at which the Bill deals with it , we shall not do justice to the House or to the people of this country .
7 Suffice it to say that amongst the people who were not contacted by this project within the first year are some of those seeing doctors on eight occasions .
8 They should seem eager , anxiously expectant , but they merely sat waiting , apparently more concerned with their private conversations than with the people they had come to hear .
9 In organising the exhibition we made every effort to ensure that the exhibition would not become ‘ political ’ — we borrowed neither from Tibet nor from the People 's Republic of China .
10 Apart , then , from those for whom the virtue of representative democracy is precisely that it restricts and restrains popular power , and even , as in Britain , involves the vesting of sovereignty in the representative institutions rather than in the people themselves the chief argument in defence of representative democracy has been an essentially pragmatic one : that it is the best that can be devised in the context of large societies where the citizens are too many and too scattered to be gathered together in one place .
11 These are not the kind of facts which can be found in the history books ; they are small matters which would be of no real importance except to the people concerned .
12 But consuming rhino horn will do you about as much good as chewing your finger nails ; however , trying to tell that to the people who consume rhino horn is like trying to tell Ian Botham to lose weight .
13 ‘ I must frankly admit the fact , ’ he remarked , ‘ that to the people of Northern Ireland it does not seem that the battle against terrorism is being won fast enough . ’
14 But already there were signs that the mood was changing , that to the people all uniforms were alike ; the Army was now being tarred with the same brush as the Tans , and its patrols — as his own men had recently learned — were no longer immune from IRA attacks .
15 Tell that to the people who live here on the coast in Santa Barbara .
16 The expression on the faces of some of the nomes said that they definitely agreed with this point of view , and that among the people who should n't be out on a night like this was themselves .
17 In an open letter on Sept. 7 to the Uzbek Supreme Soviet , Shakurulla Mirsaidov , who had formerly served as Uzbek Prime Minister and had been Vice-President until November 1991 , announced his resignation as Deputy Chair of the Uzbek Supreme Soviet and as a people 's deputy , because of " the replacement of democracy and openness by an authoritarian regime " ; increased repression of the opposition had been noted in Uzbekistan in preceding months [ see p. 39010 ] .
18 But they will be remembered for their profound creative insight and as the people who restored the mill as a vibrant life-force .
19 Two kinds of caution are needed about the nature of the evidence , and about the people who gave it .
20 The playhouse in the Harlow is about the people in Harlow and about the people that come in from outside of Harlow I 'm very conscious that we do serve a very wide community and I am pleased that people with other sounds come and support the theatre has been rightly said if they did n't come in to Harlow to support the theatre we would have major problems .
21 No one fully understands the workings of these interlocking systems and we may forgive ourselves for having a sensation of something slipping through our fingers when we try to grasp them — but one thing is certain : the choices we make about the order of the information in discourse reveal our own assumptions about the world and about the people we are trying to communicate with .
22 Were residential care facilities to evolve along these lines , life would be more fulfilling for mentally handicapped people and for the people who care for them .
23 Expert systems handle data , information and expertise ( knowledge + experience ) — a revolutionary step for computers and for the people who use them .
24 ‘ When I succeed I will do so for me , for my family and for the people of Britain . ’
25 WACC was able to make these activists familiar with the Latin American concept of ‘ comunicación popular ’ , which is essentially communication of , by and for the people to initiate socio-political change .
26 The start that has been made in Shrewsbury , however , is extremely encouraging for my constituency and for the people of Shropshire in general .
27 I recognise that it is , equally , a disappointment for the other yards which had tendered for the work , and for the people in those areas .
28 Well that 's basically and for the people who are just buying an odd box .
29 Erm , for those of you , and it seems to me that there 's not many people been upstairs and collected these things , but this er motion is covered by two G M B documents that are upstairs and for the people to catch with us .
30 Neues Deutschland , the GDR party daily , displayed a declaration by Erich Honecker , the country 's leader , that ‘ the existence of the Socialist German Democratic Republic is good fortune for our people , and for the peoples of Europe ’ .
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