Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] i [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 It is as though she was deliberately coaxed into that warm and shabby coffee bar by whatever saving force or spirit I can feel ever more strongly in this no longer quite so bleak habitation of mine .
2 I wo n't write a word more now , but go to my work , cool down , go out , and in the evening post this letter with proofs of my regret , though not recantation , and also proofs of some joy or success I may have this afternoon in fields now rejoicing in sunshine after rain , — to delight my own sweet little one , too tolerant , too childishly submissive , not by nature , which would be weak , but by love for me , which is strength .
3 If you need any other details or information I will be more than happy to supply them .
4 That said , versatility could be the Power Tool 's middle name , and in a serious rock player 's rack or studio I could see it being permanently in use .
5 On the few occasions when I had ventured a criticism , he always picked on some word or expression I used to prove his point , claiming that it was a subconscious betrayal of my true nature and my real thought .
6 The death threats he received in London do n't point to it , but if you have any other reason for believing that theory I must ask you to reveal it so that it can be properly investigated . ’
7 I thought that way I could bring them together .
8 ‘ But within half and hour I could not move at all and I went to hospital .
9 er and Chairman I must say that as to request from County Council at Molds and County Council at Harson , from the Ipswich Borough Council for their copies of the plans which you have not yet received , I have to decline the protocol it takes that this committee is the first to see the county surveyor 's proposals , and I ca n't give any other elected member within Suffolk prior treatment over that to be quite honest .
10 : , who on seeing Canova 's ‘ Paris ’ in Florence in 1813 , exaggerated the idea of the ‘ creative ’ and sexual role of the sculptor 's touch : ‘ The chisel is the last tool that comes to mind , for if statues could be made by caressing marble rather than by roughly cutting and chipping I would say that this one has been formed by wearing down the surrounding marble by dint of kisses and caresses ’ .
11 In fact , if I had the time and money I would pre-bait every morning and evening .
12 For rather than research coming up with unequivocal findings which can then influence and be integrated in a professional and neutral way into policy and practice I will try to demonstrate how political interests and values , in all their guises , influence and pervade the relationship in a variety of ways .
13 In there and Rhubarb I used to like that .
14 Lincoln had a ‘ dream start ’ , and although I was closing and closing I could n't make it .
15 They were not very young , and from the back-slapping and laughter I could see through the glass rear doors in fine form .
16 All I had to do was to gain confidence in that fact , and abracadabra I would become ‘ normal ’ .
17 ‘ I , Charles , Prince of Wales , ’ responded the Prince , ‘ do become your liege man of life and limb and of earthly worship , and faith and truth I will bear unto you to live and die against all manner of folks . ’
18 If you kill your mummy and daddy I 'll have to talk to you Peter !
19 And back I 'd run
20 ‘ Since you are Derek 's friends — or rather since you do n't care very much for his health and welfare I will not call you his friends but surely I ought to know your name ! ’
21 Day and night I can hear that wheel turning and the machines going .
22 In order to express charity and compassion I would have to travel far , since nobody near would have thanked me for it .
23 But I came home and feeling I could relate all I 'd
24 The memory of her excellent teaching coupled with a rare glimpse into ones own psyche through thought and movement I shall never forget .
25 All I know is that there are men here who have a courage and quality I 'll put my shirt on .
26 ‘ You would acquire knowledge of good and evil I should imagine , sir . ’
27 All this may seem like a put-off — but so many have died through lack of thought , facilities and impatience I can not give you the impression that they are going to be cheap and easy , quite the reverse !
28 ‘ Give me a child at seven , ’ he 'd mock , ‘ and I 'll fill its head with so much gibberish and superstition I 'll have it scared of its own shadow for the rest of its life . ’
29 I still think his essay , far from being ‘ a rather feeble piece of writing ’ , to be a powerful piece of advocacy ; and it contained some remarks about culture and religious observance for which in penetration and acuteness I can recall no exact parallel .
30 Karl Kraus ‘ whom I venerated more than anyone else in the world , without whose wrath and zeal I would n't have cared to live , whom I had never dared to approach . ’
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