Example sentences of "[conj] [art] child [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Whatever the situation in which you find yourself living alone ; whether your husband or wife has left you or the children have left home ; whether your husband or wife or elderly parent has died or your flatmate has left ; whether you are starting college or a new job or have just decided to leave the family home , you must accept and make the very best of your new life .
2 Mothers caring for their children on their own may need to find outside employment , and the strain of the dual role may result in a chaotic lifestyle where the children get less attention , household chores remain undone and mealtimes and bedtimes become erratic .
3 My own feeling is that we at least need to start where the children feel most comfortable , and then to introduce elements which are better described as mythic rather than fantastic ; that is , to dramatise or create stories which contain imagery and symbolism which are likely to excite the children , and yet which they can relate to their own lives .
4 There is a version of this where the children have to move forward the same number of paces as the time called out by the shark .
5 Primaries 1 – 3 are located in the bright , south-westerly facing Greyfriars Building , where the children have their own classrooms , library and secluded outdoor play area .
6 She discusses marriage trends and how these have affected where the children live and who cares for them , the ethnic diversity of British life , and different cultural attitudes towards bringing up children .
7 Now he is being invited to learn along with the children in Science , to admit ignorance ( he the headmaster ! ) , to reward discovery learning when neither he nor the children know the answer .
8 Her husband left her for a job in the Arabian Gulf one year ago , and apart from regular maintenance , neither she nor the children have heard from him since .
9 ( b ) Attendance of child In proceedings under Parts IV and V of the Act the court may direct that the child attend any interim or final hearing ( s95(1) ) .
10 A supervision order may include a requirement that the child submit to medical treatment if : ( i ) it is satisfied on the evidence of a registered medical practitioner , that the child 's physical condition requires , or may be susceptible to treatment ; and ( ii ) that satisfactory arrangements have been , or can be made , for the treatment ; and ( iii ) that the child consents to the order , where he has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision ( para 5 ) .
11 A supervisor may direct that the child participate in educational or training activities .
12 Apart from the fact that the children go to school there .
13 I usually do this as little as possible so that the children stay in the game a long time .
14 Part of the problem is that the children become dependent on the parents to wake them and take no responsibility themselves .
15 Teachers find that the children become unteachable — those in the lower classes have to be fed sedatives to calm them down .
16 that they had n't but schools , particularly high schools and I said well we were very interested as part of the the programme here because it was community erm not geography , because she 's a geographer and she says the geography side of it 's fine she will use information that the children collect for her benefit , but she 'll also use us you know , to define the information but she
17 There are also differences in the schools that the children attend , in who recognizes whom as a neighbour , and in the use of village shops and other facilities .
18 The learning context demands that the children express prediction and uncertainties ; they must make and test guesses and share them with those they are working with .
19 A visit in small groups to a local shop might well be a worthwhile preliminary to the introduction of a class shop and may affect the use that the children make of it .
20 Viscount Althorp insisted , against his wife 's fierce objections , that the children return permanently to Park House and continue their education at Silfield school in King 's Lynn .
21 ‘ The truth of the matter is that the children remain in care after all the evidence has been considered by the children 's panel and the courts . ’
22 Some of the subjects like science and history have attempted to be positive in the curriculum content so that the children attain the targets for the subjects , but also become better educated in terms of quality issues .
23 Also , it is a good idea to nominate an adult to make sure that the children do not interfere with the entertainer 's props .
24 This ensures that the children do not forget their numbers .
25 The Staff in the Department play a full part in the extra-curricular life of the School , as it is important that the children do not see Learning Support as in any way different or apart from the mainstream of school life .
26 When the service is based on some project that the children have undertaken parents have an opportunity to appreciate their children 's work in context .
27 It may be a shrubbery with a well-trodden path that the children have made themselves or a hard-surfaced path winding between small trees .
28 For all of them it means that the children have somebody 's attention all day .
29 The intense experiences — first , the ones the poem describes or enacts , and , second , the ones that the children have had that the poem helps make comprehensible for them — these experiences can be prolonged , mentally and emotionally , as long as the children want .
30 ‘ Given the acrimony between the parents who both vie for the children 's affection and blacken each other 's characters and motives in the process , I am of the view that the children have become pawns in their game of hurt and ascendency .
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