Example sentences of "[conj] [art] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The content of the output produced is the result of the skill and effort of the person using the computer and the skill and effort of the person who wrote the computer program and/or the person who produced any database used .
2 For the groups that eschew unconventional behaviour — and there may be tactical as well as principled reasons for doing so — the focus and target of pressure is likely to be the people who make the laws and policies and/or the people who implement them .
3 A little awkward piece of one or t' other I think her .
4 It was very mean of me , I know , after the sweet beginning of your letter & the pleasure I had from it , to be very angry at the end .
5 In such cases there might be different sorts of motivation , such as the prestige which accrued from the production of a large coinage in the state 's name or the profit which came to the state from the minting fee .
6 And I 'm not sure , I ca n't remember which , I do n't know whether she started on the bottom or the bottom I 've a feeling she may be did n't start on the bottom actually
7 Now it is not my intention here to criticise any particular type of food or the individual who wishes to consume it .
8 The object can be the norms which structure society , or the norms which structure a part of society .
9 We are all party to exploitation , whether through the food we eat , the products we buy , or the taxes we pay .
10 The rest of the population has little idea of the advances that are being made or the excitement they are generating .
11 The argument is certainly persuasive for efficient farming areas , and , according to farm unions in Germany , some farmers there have decided to do just that by not completing the IACS forms and not seeking the subsidies or the controls which are the price of the subsidies .
12 He bashed away at it with the A.S.M. solidly from eleven fifteen , when he arrived at the theatre , until half past two , without any break for lunch or the drink he desperately craved .
13 Do not use a social setting for suddenly coming out with all the reservations you may have or the frustrations you may feel at not having been consulted properly .
14 Rule-following is the typical mode of action by which the structure of the content of the rule is reproduced in the actions of the people , though we may have to explain their aims or the acts they intend , in other ways .
15 Wealth went on a circular tour , and royal taxation was either wasted or enriched a class of profiteers , either the war captains or the purveyors who operated between the Exchequer and the army .
16 This stage is intended mainly to ease the initial awkwardness , the interviewer does not really want your detailed impressions of the weather or the route you took to get to the interview .
17 Why not take poison later instead of during the meal or the reading itself ? ’
18 Yet if he , just a man , could not find it in his heart to condemn his brother or the boy who had used his brother 's weaknesses to lure him to his death , how could this God of love of his childhood destroy so savagely and so arbitrarily ?
19 or the boy who ran from his mother 's farm
20 The exact location of the third , million-pound Raid Gauloises is still a secret , although Fusil did say at the finale party in Costa Rica , ‘ It will be in Africa , not the Sahara Desert or the Africa you see on safaris .
21 How could the child he loved most have failed to inherit either his instincts or the opinions he had with such difficulty acquired ?
22 From the mere fact of wanting more or less or not at all or the contrary I can derive no imperative for choosing between my wants .
23 Padded to the eyebrows and looking like the Michelin Man , he would make his tentative way to the crease , usually at number 11 , and woe-betide the visiting fielder who held on to a catch put up by him or the bowler who failed to stifle an lbw appeal at birth .
24 Such an idea is unlikely to commend itself to Israel ( for strategic reasons ) , or Lebanon , Syria or the refugees themselves .
25 If the brothers in Shrewsbury have found the rogues or the fools who mislaid the saint in the first place , then there is no contention between any of us .
26 If the right hon. Member for Aylesbury ( Sir T. Raison ) inquires of the trustees and directors of either the national or the Tate he will be told in no uncertain terms that it is extremely unsatisfactory that they can not acquire the sort of painting that they need to keep their collections fresh and up to date .
27 " Yes , I 'm sure you are , " Katherine said slowly , something about the expression in her son 's eyes or the way her daughter lifted her paper a little higher to hide her face , making her suspicious .
28 After each flight we were picked up on little points , such as our positioning or the way we were holding the glove : too high or too low , the wrong angle .
29 It is important to appreciate its complexity for we might then be less likely to generalise its demands , or the way we decide between them , on the basis of the ( by now familiar ) too narrow diet of examples .
30 So if that database for example is there is no constraint within the way we use our system or the way we develop our system or indeed the way our system will develop in the future and the way capabilities will develop in the future .
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