Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] many years " in BNC.

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1 The two tram routes departed from opposite sides of the central loading island in the Square , where for many years there was an ornamental drinking fountain and later a stone shelter and underground toilets .
2 There were furious debates in respect of schemes for Oxford and Bath , but the biggest single reversal of policy concerned London , where for many years three ringways had been in mind .
3 Clearly it was not a popular revolution in the sense of an uprising by the masses , although popular discontent was widespread , legitimate and frequently manifest : those involved in the transfer of power did not seek to exploit this discontent for their own purposes , either before or for many years after 1868 .
4 I think , I think , that I think that the children and the pensioners and the sick people of Britain come a long way before income tax cuts next year , or for many years to come .
5 When the main waterproofing coating starts to wear away — very quickly or after many years depending on use and care , you can try to reproof it .
6 I should perhaps explain that for many years it had been a regulation in UK registered public transport aircraft that when flying below 15 000 feet hand operated microphones were prohibited .
7 According to Mosley , the interruptions showed the necessity for the fascists to have a defence force and demonstrated that for many years past there had been no freedom of speech in the country .
8 Family , friends and grandchildren must take the place of the employing organizations that for many years conferred identity , values and status .
9 There is also general recognition that for many years prisons have failed to meet these objectives .
10 The fact was that for many years she and her father had been living with a dangerous illusion ; and the illusion was that they were entirely virtuous in their endeavours , entirely on the angels ' side .
11 It is by no means an exaggeration to say that for many years worked conscientiously behind the scenes in the shadow of five successive transport managers who relied heavily on her efficient and accurate administration skills .
12 Welcoming the company 's plans , DBRW chairman Glyn Davies said that for many years the Development Board had sought to help the company to re-locate and expand while staying in Llanfyllin .
13 ‘ There is a better atmosphere now than for many years — fewer stoppages , better relationships .
14 If you ask what is the worst that might foreseeably happen , the answer at the start of 1991 is bleaker than for many years past .
15 The journals were seen to be in better health , both scientifically and economically , than for many years , and plans to take advantage of this situation , in promoting the journals to both authors and subscribers , were approved .
16 So , at end-1984 , therefore , the nuclear industry is looking more bullish than for many years , despite the fact that the environmentally committed Greens are strongly represented in state and federal parliaments .
17 Enjoying better health than for many years , he was able to become an active preacher .
18 There seems at present , however , a better prospect of completing the line than for many years .
19 Members of the Labour Party were paying more attention to the Communist Party than for many years , largely as a result of the unique impact of foreign affairs .
20 ‘ Pedestrians will be able to walk and shop in this part of the town in greater comfort and safety than for many years , ’ he said .
21 Although for many years retributivism was regarded ( at least in academic circles ) as outmoded and even atavistic , it has enjoyed a major revival in recent years , notably in the forms of the ‘ Justice Model ’ and ‘ law and order ideology ’ discussed later in this chapter .
22 Many argue that pensions represent a social contract between each generation and its children , whose terms are hard to alter except over many years .
23 For example , we all know that productivity growth in the UK has been inferior to West Germany 's over the post-war decades ; that product development has been behind that of Japan ; and that over many years the rates of growth of South Korea , Italy and East Germany were higher than the United Kingdom 's .
24 He was a scholar and for many years studied to learn the ways of dragons ; he was proud but not stupid , and he learned all that the books could teach him , and then he set off on a long journey and captured two baby dragons and brought them home as pets .
25 They are regarded as a valuable source of meat , and for many years also supplied a US market for oil from the pilot whale melon .
26 Many ministers , the most famous of whom were J. Guinness Rogers and A. M. Fairbairn , wrote in the leading monthlies , at least the Liberal ones , and for many years the Congregational minister of Union Chapel , Islington , Henry Allon , edited the much respected British Quarterly Review .
27 Barber was a member of the council of the Royal Institute of Chemistry ( 1960–63 ) and vice-president ( 1963–64 ) , chairman of the Essex Section ( 1967–68 ) , and for many years a member of other institute committees .
28 Sedgwick , born in Dent in 1785 and for many years Professor of Geology at Trinity College , Cambridge , and a friend of Wordsworth and Darwin , describes the galleries of Dent vividly and delightfully in his book , A Memorial To Cowgill Chapel 1868 : ‘ The galleries were places of mirth and glee and active happy industry for there might be heard the buzz of the spinning wheel and the hum and the songs of those who were carrying out the labours of the day . ’
29 There were several stations in Colombo and for many years the principal mode of transport within the city was the train .
30 He exhibits protecting and guarding qualities and for many years has been used as a Schutzhund sport dog .
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