Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] all [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Lastly , it should be said that the most common practice , because of the uncertainties surrounding the reasonableness of general exclusion clauses , is to include two general exclusion clauses covering liability for any breach of contract ( however caused and whatever its seriousness ) , one excluding liability for economic loss in respect of such breaches , and the other limiting liability by reference to a fixed amount for any one breach and/or for all breaches under the contract .
2 Other methods include sending letters to all employees and holding meetings for groups of employees or for all employees .
3 From this it can be seen that no one method is suitable for all learning/ teaching situations or for all individuals .
4 The Belfast contrast between clear and dark [ l ] , however , is not characteristic of all Irish English or of all Ulster English .
5 If " malice " is proved against a sole defendant or against all defendants it may aggravate the hurt and hence the final award .
6 Its very opening out of public space , to be seen for example in Munich , Prague , or above all Rome , is strikingly modern in comparison with the traditional and labyrinthine Gothic street plans .
7 These certainly were not in the box when it arrived in England and I fear were purloined from you either at Perth or Sydney , the tin box where in all probability you intended to put them not being opened at the Docks .
8 As the numbers were so small the table also gives our results amalgamated with those obtained in Oxford : in these two large teaching hospitals the perinatal death rate in cases in which vaginal delivery is planned ( 2.9/1000 ) is no different from that in elective caesarean section is carried out ( 2.3/1000 ) or in all cases ( 2.7/1000 ) .
9 One possible response is to deny that the purported differences apply to all women , or to all situations .
10 Many respondents simply answered ‘ yes ’ to this question , making it difficult to know whether they were referring to sole practitioners or to all practices .
11 His hearty voice was soon familiar to and popular with many thousands of listeners up and down the west coast and he invariably ended his broadcasts with a special Good-Night wish to a different section of the community each evening , such as to June brides , to lighthouse keepers ‘ out there in the dark ’ , or to all dentists who might be ‘ looking down in the mouth ’ .
12 Where resort sports or other facilities are advertised , they may not necessarily be available in all resorts in the vicinity of all properties featured or at all times of the season .
13 The Salvationists associated together ‘ for a purpose which can not be said to be otherwise than lawful and laudable , or at all events can not be called unlawful ’ .
14 Many women of a previous generation , in which sex and reproduction were seen as inevitably linked , believed that sex stopped — or at all events should stop — with the " change of life " .
15 would be unwise for us in analysing our 1983 data to treat the unemployed in the same way as in 1972 without at least considering whether this might not seriously distort our results ; more specifically , it would seem important to examine what effect it would have on he 1983 mobility [ results ] if unemployment , or at all events long-term unemployment , were itself regarded as a mobility ‘ status ’ or outcome .
16 ‘ To identify issues vital to national development which can be woven into the fabric of curriculum materials for different subjects at particular levels or at all levels using the spiral approach .
17 It emerges that one of the foci around which these criticisms gather is that schools do not reliably , nor for all pupils , inculcate the habits and attitudes of ‘ good learning ’ .
18 No firm decisions have been reached at JAA level on the method of cost recovery , but the principle is that for all JAA activities the ( CAA ) policy is to achieve full cost recovery .
19 She pointed out that the programmes of study , which have statutory force , now say that for all stages reading materials should ‘ include works written in English from other cultures ’ .
20 Consequently , if a feasible solution ( x 1 , … , x n ) dominates ( y 1 , … , y n ) in the sense that for all k and V for at least one k .
21 It was therefore decided that for all group awards a separate certificate would be issued in addition to this achievement being recorded on the RET .
22 One of them is that for all Enzo Ferrari 's mythomania — and God knows he loves the pomp and circumstance of his legend and exploits it in his dealings with the outside world — the Ingegnere knows his stuff and can be perfectly straight when he wants to .
23 I feel it is our duty to try to get — I will not say on our side but to work with us — the section of Labour which is national and imperialistic ( Applause ) We have got to get on our side if we can , the section of Labour which recognises that for all classes , employers and employed , production is the one thing to be aimed at ( Applause ) , and that anything which is detrimental to that is detrimental to anybody .
24 Now , I leave entirely on one side the question why on earth the present ratio between profits and incomes generally is so supremely right that for all time it ought to be preserved , or at any rate allowed only to diminish , regardless of anything else that happens , such as the growth of savings and accumulation of capital .
25 Note that for all point groups without degeneracy all first overtones are totally symmetric .
26 They 're saying that after all IBM Corp has been through , hiring a guy from RJR Nabisco Corp really takes the biscuit , and Reuter sums up the new round of IBM woes succinctly : the headline on Tuesday night read 24MAR93 USA : IBM TUMBLES ON MAINFRAME CONCERN , GERSTNER .
27 He decided that after all England was n't what she seemed .
28 ‘ He says that of all people who would know how to use best this money , it 's you . ’
29 One authority on nation-wide local party activity in this period states that of all provinces Samara was the most troubled by wrangles inside the party in 1921 .
30 Being no fools , the clan noticed that of all men there Duart himself seemed least joyful .
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