Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [that] we " in BNC.

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1 You know phrases or terminology that we 're familiar with .
2 It may not be for a person 's death or betrayal that we are grieving .
3 It is thoroughly believable that every organ or apparatus that we actually see is the product of a smooth trajectory through animal space , a trajectory in which every intermediate stage assisted survival and reproduction .
4 An important feature of these interactions , which was to play a major part in the new interactionism , was that we use stereotypical ‘ labels ’ to make sense of other people , based on cues or knowledge that we have about them .
5 Erm and how we can speak to time and how we can control that time and make sure that even with interruptions which is what in a way what a meeting is about a discussion , that we 're able to stick to the time that we 've allocated for the particular meeting or presentation that we 've got .
6 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
7 It was n't till the news that night that we realised we had been filmed while doing these taxi service for people .
8 To define the different forms of theism and atheism is no easy task , and it requires from the start a degree of modesty and admission that we can not hope to cover everything !
9 It is crucial to our trade and investment that we continue to play a leading role in the Community .
10 The answer depends on the criteria of efficiency and equity that we developed in the last chapter .
11 So , giving reasons for our thoughts and actions does not perhaps have the solidity and universality that we might believe .
12 It is so often in illness and distress that we experience the concern and kindness of friends and family , and form closer relationships because of them .
13 Potentially more poignant and serious is the rhyme lef/gref , " desired , loved " / " grief " ; a linkage of glee , licence and distress that we find again shortly afterwards , with a different but phonetically similar word , " " leve " " , " leave " , " licence " , and the verb " " greve " " , " grieve " , where Wilekin takes the risk of declaring himself : ( " Now that I have won leave for me to cause myself grief would be wrong . " )
14 If we argue , nevertheless , that prestige models can still account for the trend to simplification and uniformity that we have revealed , we have to explain in this case why simplification should carry prestige .
15 In Britain , comments like those of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford were typical : ‘ I put it to the men who play cricket and football that we must now all be prepared to stand by our country and to suffer for our country . ’
16 This fabliau makes explicit a linkage between vagina and mouth that we find implied elsewhere amongst the fabliaux : e.g. in Le Chevalier qui fist parler les cons , " The knight who made the cunts talk " , or Berengier au lonc cul , " Berengier of the long arse " , where a woman disguised as a knight makes her recreant husband kiss what seems to him to be her exceptionally long arse .
17 ‘ The voice of George Sanders gave the character the right blend of conceit , disdain and intelligence that we were looking for . ’
18 Well , would anyone like to move and second that we accept Tracy 's report and
19 It was with a mixture of excitement and pity that we watched , as some of the escaping rabbits were shot .
20 Further to our meeting last Friday , I am writing to set out the advice and assistance that we are able to provide in connection with the intended sale of Older Business Limited .
21 Professor de Bono , there are well-established scales , particularly in the States , measuring long term stress and anxiety that we can use in rehabilitated patients to demonstrate that not only have the cardiologists given them years , but Doctor Bethell and his team have given them quality .
22 ‘ Life is full of suffering ’ , we might tell ourselves — and we see confirmation of our belief in every conversation with our problem-ridden friends , with every disaster-obsessed news report ( which we compulsively listen to ) , and with every fresh trauma and misfortune that we attract into our own lives .
23 In terms of the concentration of energy , it will occupy the smallest volume , and I do n't think it 's and accident that we use petrol .
24 No one who contemplates the brutal war that has racked Croatia over the last few months can do so without a deep feeling of sorrow and shame : sorrow that such devastation and misery should disfigure our continent in 1991 , and shame that we have been unable to do anything to halt the carnage and destruction .
25 Our clients also need the assurance and confidence that we have the ability to provide a service which consistently meets their requirements .
26 PLEASE could I thank all the people who supported the ‘ Save Eldorado Campaign ’ in Northern Ireland and stress that we are campaigning for the re-introduction of the programme .
27 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the reductions in personal taxation have played a major role in the revival of enterprise and the increase in risk taking , productivity and output that we have achieved in the past decade ?
28 Right then we , we 'll leave some of the physics and stuff that we 've been doing behind now and just spend one lecture looking at some chemistry which I know will be equally popular .
29 Erm I mean the one could very easily have have got er some form of dermatitis with all the you know various oils and stuff that we had to put our hands in .
30 they proved , you know , some things , certain rollers and stuff that we thought were useless , you know Paddy 's dancing partner ?
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