Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [subord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the creditor had , before the commencement of the bankruptcy , issued execution against the debtor 's goods or attached a debt due to him , that creditor is not entitled to retain the benefit of his execution or attachment unless the execution or attachment had been completed before the commencement of the bankruptcy ( s 346(1) ) .
2 Eventually some girls may have hunted , but without the same enthusiasm or hysteria as the boys .
3 An appeal to the House of Lords from a decision of the Court of Appeal can be made by the prosecution or defence if the Court of Appeal certifies that its decision raises a point of law of general public importance and leave to appeal is granted by that court or the House of Lords .
4 Or afternoon as the case may be .
5 A National Consumer Council opinion poll this year found 98 per cent thought it important that consumers should have a legal right to demand a replacement or refund if a product can not be repaired reasonably quickly .
6 There is no cover for fees incurred in the preparation of a claim , e.g. Policyholder 's Assessors fees or fees incurred in the investigation as to the cause of destruction or damage unless the investigatory work would have been necessary to rebuild or repair the building .
7 Section 2(1) of the UCTA forbids exclusion or restriction of the liability for personal injury , but s 2(2) permits the exclusion or restriction of liability for other loss or damage if the clause satisfies the requirement of reasonableness .
8 such other qualifications or experience as the Board or Fellows may from time to time deem appropriate .
9 Financial assistance may be conditional upon repayment in full or part unless the recipient is in receipt of income support or family credit under the social security scheme .
10 ‘ of a qualified driver ’ The supervisor must be a ‘ qualified driver ’ as defined in regulation 9(6) of the Motor Vehicles ( Driving Licences ) Regulations 1987 , namely , a person who holds a full licence authorising him to drive as a full licence holder a motor vehicle of the same class or description as the vehicle being driven by the holder of the provisional licence .
11 However , well-designed jobs will not give workers experience of meaningfulness or responsibility if the so-called moderating factors are not present .
12 Madeira wine is relatively expensive and should not be used in basic cooking to give richness or tenderness where a cheaper red or white wine would suffice .
13 Special care must always be taken during the climb away if single-strand wire is being used , because there is no sudden jerk or noise if a kink breaks early on the launch .
14 call a doctor or ambulance if the user is unconscious .
15 For every Western aid worker , there are at least five Somali aid workers who , like Hawa the nurse , put themselves at greater risk , work longer hours for little or no money , and provide a body of local people who may be able to continue their work in health care or administration after the fighting is over .
16 Thus , the dairymen who farmed the lush meadows of the Dove Valley geared their husbandry to a different system from that followed by the sheep-and-corn farmers on the Lincolnshire Wolds , and the range of opportunities for earning a living and for gaining some measure of independence from a lord or squire was much greater for a cottager living on the edge of a moor , forest or marsh than the scope available to his counterpart in one of the nucleated , corn-growing villages of the Midland Plain .
17 Van Gelder was right , there were no signs of bruising or blood where the engineer had been gashed on the head .
18 Thus , even if the relative prices of the two legs are unchanged , the spread trader will record a gain or loss when the level of futures prices changes .
19 Indeed in the middle of the twentieth century it can be said that the majority of the world 's population lives under systems of government where the government itself and particularly the executive government are of more importance and are treated with more respect or fear than the Constitution .
20 It was reported on March 25 that seven government officials from the Taegu environment office had been charged with negligence or forgery after the Doosan Electro-Materials Corp. had released hundreds of tonnes of toxic waste into the Naktog River , the source of drinking water for millions of people .
21 loss of or damage to equipment contents or personal effects by burglary housebreaking or theft while the Caravan or private car by which it is being drawn is left unattended without being closed and locked
22 The second misunderstanding arose from the fact that the suffragettes were not averse to the use o force or violence when the occasion demanded it .
23 It 's just that two people asked if we could just print the form relating to what is in the master job file and it on the same colour paper or card as the erm , job files .
24 Where no defence to claim or counterclaim has been served in the High Court , the defendant or plaintiff must , within 14 days of the receipt of the notice of hearing , deliver at the court office a defence together with a copy for the plaintiff or defendant as the case may be .
25 In principle , therefore , the legal interest should pass from transferor or transferee when the company is given notice of it , and that date , rather than the later date of actual registration , should be the relevant one in determining its priority over earlier unnotified transfers .
26 It seems rather grandiose to label a talk with a colleague in the same office or department as an ‘ interview ’ , but in some ways it could be considered to be one , especially if our colleague is an expert in the field in which we ourselves have become interested .
27 Tell him that you have decided to wage unrestricted war ; that , from this moment on , he is fair game ; that you may attack him without warning at any time ; that he will be at risk whenever he is in or near the school or club where the bullying takes place .
28 But it was also true that Great Britain could only view events in Europe with detachment or indifference if the balance of power there remained undisturbed .
29 Venetian blinds are better suited to a study or workroom where a simple , practical treatment is needed , and where they can be easily dusted over .
30 Bruce Walker , former manager of general publishing at Chapman & Hall before the company concentrated entirely on scientific books , and latter sales manager with Associated Book Publishers , died peacefully at the age of 83 at his home in Rutland on 30th November , following a long and valiant battle against lung cancer .
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