Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [prep] each " in BNC.

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1 Edinburgh was totally different from London ; a royal burgh , it was built according to some sort of plan : long narrow streets with timbered and stone houses on either side , some joined together , others separated by narrow runnels or alleyways which led to a small garden or croft behind each tenement .
2 In most adult insects , and in many of their larvae , the body-wall of a typical segment is divisible into four definite sclerotized regions : a dorsal region or tergum , a ventral region or sternum , and a lateral region or pleuron on each side of the body .
3 But Mr. de Lacy submits that both it and the previous cases which it applied are clearly distinguishable from the instant case because they all rested upon the critical circumstances that the lender or creditor in each case left it to the principal debtor to obtain , in such a way as he thought fit , the execution of the document .
4 Taking a random page from the writings of Karl Popper , one can see the structure of the discourse in skeleton form by taking the first phrase or sentence of each paragraph .
5 The colour we end up with is the ‘ debris ’ after the main contributors have absorbed all or part of each other .
6 But , more important , I believe that celebration of the other and devaluing of the self is one of the oldest , as it is one of the permanent ways by which human beings express love or admiration for each other .
7 At the same time , where a member has opted for a method known as settlement to market , all matching sale and purchase contracts are netted off and resulting gains and losses accounted for , leaving in the member 's account with LCH the following morning only a net long or short position in respect of each commodity or instrument for each delivery month .
8 In itself the dim complacency of gossip and cards at ‘ our club ’ would seem harmless , familiar , merely social ; but ‘ in itself ’ denatures The Possessed where groupings dissolve or collapse into each other , and where the ‘ merely ’ social has no place .
9 Institutions pay either PCAS or UCCA for each student they recruit through their handbooks , which have just gone to press .
10 The first part introduces the characters and shows how they set the action going because of their relationship or attitude to each other .
11 You drop into his or her office , or bump into each other in the hall .
12 Hanging equipment on hooks and pegs , where there is one hook or peg for each piece of equipment to be stored in this way — perhaps labelled with a picture symbol .
13 If people accept that they are governed not only by explicit rules laid down in past political decisions but by whatever other standards flow from the principles these decisions assume , then the set of recognized public standards can expand and contract organically , as people become more sophisticated in sensing and exploring what these principles require in new circumstances , without the need for detailed legislation or adjudication on each possible point of conflict .
14 The framework set for the business as a whole should usually consist of two sections Part 1 : general guidelines that apply to all sectors Part 2 : specific guidelines for each function or service within each sector .
15 A tongue-and-groove arrangement allows the plates to comb or mesh with each other , making a smooth surface for pedestrian 's feet , suitcases or prams .
16 Where normality for each group separately was found to be appropriate by using probability plots a two sample t test was used to compare the mean values of each variable of interest between the regulated and random groups .
17 The classical method of potency preparation requires the use of a fresh tube or vial at each dilution stage .
18 I could n't have trained Dawn if we had n't felt this closeness or warmth for each other , and you ca n't learn how to build such a relationship from books .
19 There may also be a reluctance among prosecutors to look beyond the individual driver , pilot , or captain in each case .
20 It does this , for example , by defining three broad levels of service support ( each with a corresponding type of service response ) : low ( individual care ) , medium ( care programme approach ) , and high ( care management ) , where access to each of these is determined by the results of specialist mental health needs assessment .
21 listen to the first word or phrase of each utterance , and say the whole utterance from memory ( i.e. producing with a cue/prompt ) .
22 The following are proportions of the total wind on the nose or tail with each 10° wind angle .
23 The sixth annual summit of the South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation ( SAARC ) , due to have been opened in Colombo , Sri Lanka , on Nov. 7 , was postponed indefinitely after King Jigme Singye Wangchuk of Bhutan , who faced unrest among ethnic Nepalis in southern Bhutan [ see p. 38534 ] , said on Nov. 1 that he would be unable to attend ; the Indian government insisted that SAARC 's constitution stipulated that summits required the attendance of heads of state or government from each member country .
24 if the sentences are too long to manage , first record the sentences phrase by phrase , i.e. : record the dialogue sentence by sentence with a pause long enough for you to mimic , then having LH repeat the sentence , i.e. : record the first phrase or word of each sentence with a pause long enough for you to produce the whole sentence ( i.e. with cue/prompt ) .
25 A gradual change or deterioration of each of the body 's systems which happens to everyone between childhood and old age .
26 Every fourth or possibly fifth generation , the youngest son or daughter of each house has to appear before the Panel of Judges — ’
27 IntelliDraw provides a range of distribute operations that will space objects evenly in an area either aligning them with the top , bottom or centre of each .
28 The problem for the draftsman of a partnership agreement who specifies the initial ratio and provides that in future years it shall be as agreed between the partners at the beginning or end of each year is that the equal sharing required under the Partnership Act in default of agreement will always benefit at least one of the partners .
29 One very influential form of the belief in the equal rights or worth of each person was found in utilitarianism , which in its democratic version attached equal weight to the happiness and suffering of each individual .
30 Armed with a decade of research results , Sweden and Norway proposed that the weight of sulphur falling in rain or dust on each square metre should be kept at less than half a gram ( 0.5 g/S/m² ; or 5 kg per hectare ) .
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