Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [vb past] become " in BNC.

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1 By the time Western economies suffered the severe shock of the quadrupling of oil prices in 1973 , and subsequent further increases in 1979 , the baby boom was already long over , although marriage continued to become more popular until 1972 .
2 For the next few years American audiences were shown aspects of their society that they could never have expected to have encountered at the movies and it must have struck at least some members of the public that film-going had become a more serious business .
3 One other respect in which Pascal is a modem thinker is in his view , which he shared with the Jansenists , that language had proven too strong for mystery , so that theology had become merely a branch of rhetoric .
4 Meanwhile , policy-orientated academics in the United States began to discuss ‘ Idealpolitik ’ on the grounds that idealism had become realistic ( Kober , 1990 ) .
5 By the 1970s , critics claimed that government had become ‘ overloaded ’ with responsibilities and popular expectations — such as maintaining full employment or delivering rising living standards .
6 But Labour 's early hopes that its leader 's superior campaigning skills would make all the difference evaporated in the realisation that electioneering had become a form of trench warfare .
7 He denounced the ‘ vainglorious erections … of … gorgeous edifices with … lofty and defiant spires ’ because they proved that Nonconformity had become ‘ tainted with the spirit of the world ’ .
8 With the emergence of abstract painting many felt that painting had become completely ‘ musicalized ’ .
9 The major consequence of sex was to make genetic recombination possible , once the ‘ old-fashioned ’ prokaryote methods of plasmid transfer and conjugation had become ineffective .
10 If Cad had become aware of him on that occasion , as she soon would , when she became their go-between , she would have taken his attachment as her due : she counted the giving of delight as nothing for she accomplished it without intending it .
11 ‘ But it 's beautiful ! ’ she said , and voice and accent had become wholly French for one moment .
12 ‘ We have lost a significant amount of information that could well have been valuable if money had become available in future to carry out further digs along the shore .
13 And for too long we 've been misled into believing that manufacturing and industry had become unimportant .
14 The Mandelbaums , who were not strict Orthodox Jews , had lived in Leeds for twenty or thirty years , and through wealth , charm and kindness had become part of a wider social circle than was usual .
15 In the drawing-room of the house that because of death and marriage had become his home Kate watched him while he , in turn , watched the coloured rectangle of the television screen .
16 However , the nineteenth-century antiquarian dean , Arthur Penrhyn Stanley , had her removed in 1877 and the subsequent examination showed that although both torso and head had become skeletal , the legs remained entire , enclosed within twelve layers of cerecloth , whilst the left arm and hand were quite perfect .
17 They had worked so hard as children in the fields that each field and tree had become a dear presence , especially the hedges .
18 Within groups — collections of individuals , with no special ties with each other , grew into closely-knit groups ; the group climate changed from being play-orientated to work orientated , and leadership tended to become more autocratic ; each group became more highly structured and put a much greater emphasis on loyalty and conformity .
19 By the time of the Report such social exploration and documentation had become firmly linked to public policy and administration , especially in terms of a " structure of feeling " which Raymond Williams has identified as " social conscience "
20 Following the economic downturn of 1899 there had been a brief decline in strike action and contact had become more difficult to sustain .
21 His frustration and anger had become angled towards the peculiar career situation of The Smiths , a position that had now grown into one of the most intriguing paradoxes in the history of rock .
22 They were finding it hard to make ends meet and life had become very miserable .
23 planned for three months ahead : she had become the living corporate identity of the company : her face , clothes , and style had become the visual embodiment of her business .
24 In the towns around the main prisons , above all Huntsville , a culture of loyalty to TDC and a commitment to integrity and consistency had become established .
25 In the end , even gentle Jane Taylor , author of ‘ Twinkle , twinkle little star … ’ was not exempted from the criticism of those for whom the sharp outlines of heaven and hell had become blurred , and who regarded Evangelicals and Nonconformists as purveyors of needless gloom .
26 In the 1970s the odds had lengthened against effective leadership from the White House ; there had been a succession of failed presidencies public confidence in political institutions had slumped disastrously and congress had become even more difficult to deal with .
27 By the early 1980s the line had been extended to a purpose-built platform alongside the museum building and line had become fully signalled , controlled by the former Liverpool Riverside Signalbox ( Now Steamport No. 1 ) .
28 ‘ You were telling me how important you and Dad had become .
29 Yet by 1696 , when we can test the voting behaviour through division lists , it appears that the struggle between Court and Country had become largely submerged within the conflict between Whigs and Tories .
30 She had her spirit of adventure and desire for romance and excitement fulfilled becoming less superficial and pretentious and a more mature person .
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