Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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31 They can carry on a normal life like going to school or work and having fun with their family and friends , but they will be infectious to other people for the rest of their lives .
32 Whether it means buying an alarm clock , making packed lunches the night before or ironing while watching television , method and routine , knowing what you have to do and finding the best way to do it will overcome most problems .
33 But remember it was Mrs Thatcher , who when she was arguing against the er European Monetary System , said you ca n't buck the markets , and ultimately that is true , or at least more precisely , you can only buck them at a cost , you can only buck it by buying or selling pounds , which messes up your money supply , or raising or lowering your interest rates at a time when you might not be wanting to do so .
34 In between they had us swimming , playing football or rugby or running for miles along the beach and on the cliff tops towards Filey .
35 Where mass communication is concerned , models become ever more complex , each adapting as it must to the particular situation or circumstance and reflecting the complexity of the situation .
36 The methods of testing varies from kit to kit , but most consist of taking a sample of water and adding a few drops of the special reagent or tablet and giving it a shake .
37 How about stretching one over your partner 's nipples or clitoris and sucking through a bubble of rubber ?
38 His speeches were hardened a little , but he was n't much good at abuse or jokes or stridency or sneering .
39 The two activities of using the toilet or commode and getting out of bed were responsible for 49% of all accidents .
40 Article 27 of the interim Constitution provided the NPKA , and the interim Prime Minister , with summary powers to " do what is necessary to deal with " those undermining national peace or security or threatening the monarchy , national economy or administration , public order or morality , national resources or public health .
41 In answer to charge 4 that he had treated Royan without taking a proper history or examination or consulting his general practitioner , Dr Mumby said he took the clinical history in the form of a questionnaire which patients filled out in advance but he rarely examined patients because they had usually been examined many times elsewhere and because taking a history by questionnaire was an established technique of clinical ecology .
42 Try to keep still and avoid knocking the table or microphone or shuffling your chair or papers .
43 If she is found healthy , regulations dictate that she must perform some useful service , which a prison spokeswoman , Miss Janet Jacobson , described as working in the grounds , or cleaning and tidying rooms as a maid .
44 Government can hand over the production of a good to the private sector while still financing it , as with refuse collection or cleaning and maintaining public sector buildings .
45 Many have survived days , weeks or even months lacking regular food or safe accommodation , often by begging or shoplifting and sleeping in squats , derelict buildings , on the streets or under bridges in cardboard boxes .
46 Use the pattern of statement and supporting reasons or evidence when writing .
47 Advertising is essentially democratic , knowing no bounds of class or colour and crossing all frontiers . ’
48 Polar seas , dominated by seasonal sea ice , are ecologically poor in winter and very much richer in summer , especially around their fringes and where disturbance or upwelling enhance nutrient supplies .
49 The Full Moon in Taurus on the 10th is also likely to coincide with some kind of friction or discord when discussing intensely personal issues .
50 As for Chemical Dependency , stopping the use of the addictive substance or behaviour and leaving behind all relationships and special associations with the substance or environment of the addiction .
51 The progress during the first year of recovery will vary from one person to another but for most people this first year in any Fellowship is spent mainly in compliance : doing what is suggested by people more experienced in the Anonymous Fellowships , attending meetings , contributing to them and giving practical service in them , progressively working the 12 Steps with the guidance of a sponsor and generally learning to use the various suggested techniques of staying away from one 's primary addictive substance or behaviour and learning to deal with stressful situations in a more appropriate manner than previously .
52 Stopping the use of the addictive substance or behaviour and seeking the help of the appropriate Anonymous Fellowship , most commonly Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous .
53 There is intense perceived pain in contemplating giving up the mood-altering substance or behaviour and making further major changes in these " pictures " of reality .
54 The near vicinity offers excursions to the legendary Bran Castle for a haunting encounter with Count Dracula 's past , or dining and dancing in the nearby mediaeval town of Brasov .
55 On the same page appeared a sharp rebuke to Ken Brown , an idiosyncratic professional golfer , who had committed the unforgivable sin of refusing to give interviews to the press or television and making good his escape from a crowd of journalists by vaulting over a barrier .
56 They used to call it drawing or clipping and scalloping you see .
57 Apart from all else the concentration required to hear mentally an orchestral passage while seated in a bus or train or standing in the Underground can not fail to be beneficial .
58 Most of the above rules show stress tending to go on syllables containing a long vowel or diphthong and/or ending with more than one consonant .
59 In later years the dry dock was under the control of Marr & Co. but following the building of the new bridge at Bernard Street , only small vessels and yachts could pass under the bridge and reach the dock .
60 If he hears a form / gene / , is he to render this in the orthography as gon na ( which for some readers may have a peculiarly American association ) or gointuh or going to ?
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