Example sentences of "[conj] [noun sg] [verb] were " in BNC.

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1 a minority , they were covered with felt rather than ash felt were they not ?
2 In 1900 , on the initiative of William II , it was made clear that military attachés were subordinate not to the head of the mission of which they were formally members but only to the kaiser himself .
3 For many , the drug was a catalyst , but the changes that acid produced were shaped by wider influences .
4 He evidently considered that all pottery of that period was intended to be reduced black or grey , and thought that black burnished were actually coated with bitumen .
5 Nor was Lotus a negligible factor : it had taken a severe dip in I975 , but anyone knowing Chapman had to know that Lotus declines were generally followed by Lotus ascensions ; with Andretti and Peterson driving against him , Hunt was starting the season in a star-studded field .
6 The partial recovery of the economy after 1983 was to show that some of it was misplaced , and that fears about national ungovernability and inability to adapt were ill-founded .
7 The central functions that Hewitt and Hare identified were partly concerned with human activity and partly involved the systems approach reviewed in the next chapter ( p. 140 ) .
8 It 's something that Niki plays down in his book , but I know from others who were in touch with him at the time , that the mental effort and courage required were tremendous .
9 Although comparisons of fixed doses of drugs have limitations , the doses of propranolol and nifedipine used were in the middle of their therapeutic ranges .
10 The instructions and scale used were identical to those used for Studies 2 and 3 .
11 Reporters from both The Sportsman and Golf Illustrated were present and comprehensive accounts appeared in both publications .
12 Yet I knew big Sunday dinners and family get-togethers were behind the closed doors .
13 The Heparin Aspirin Reperfusion Trial ( HART ) directly compared tPA plus early intravenous heparin with tPA and 80 mg aspirin by mouth ; coronary patency rates 7–24 h after therapy started were higher in the heparin than the aspirin group ( 82 vs 52% , p < 0.0001 ) .
14 The differences in history , theology and practices , combined with historic jealousies and denominational structures which prospered as membership grew were enormous stumbling blocks .
15 Such assets as Virgin had were almost meaningless : not the bricks and mortar so reassuring on the balance sheet , but the more nebulous assets of music and publishing copyrights tangible enough , perhaps , to people who understood the music business , and knew that at any given moment Virgin could raise millions if they so chose ; less comprehensible to a bank where customers were still greeted by frock-coated doormen .
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